
  • 网络Bottega;bottega veneta;Veneta
  1. AgenceFrance-Presse/GettyImages一位模特在展示薇欧奈的时装。让人眼前一亮的设计包括托马斯・梅耶(TomasMaier)对比强烈的宝缇嘉(BottegaVeneta)系列以及华伦天奴(Valentino)的波普艺术(PopArt)系列斗篷和印花公主裙。

    Standout collections included the sharp contrasts of Tomas Maier 's Bottega Veneta and Valentino 's Pop Art capes and floral princess gowns .

  2. 如果你更喜欢较为苗条的款型,那不妨多看看那些芭蕾裤,类似宝缇嘉(BottegaVeneta)品牌推出的那些款式。

    If a slimmer interpretation is more your style , look for more ballerina-esque pairs like those by Bottega Veneta .

  3. 宝缇嘉(BottegaVeneta)最高档的包包,是一款名为Edoardo的烟熏软鳄鱼皮罗马包,售价2.96万美元,当然,该款包包同样由鳄鱼皮制作而成。

    Bottega Veneta 's most upscale bag , a $ 29600 Edoardo Soft Crocodile Fume Roma Bag , is of course made of crocodile leather as well .

  4. 埃迪・波尔格(EddieBorgo)(内嵌橡胶)、宝缇嘉(BottegaVeneta)(模仿该品牌标志性编织皮革的交叉阴影图案)、还有佩昂(化石海象象牙)都是很好的例子。

    See : Eddie Borgo ( inlaid rubber ) , Bottega Veneta ( a crosshatch motif that mimics the brand 's signature woven leather ) and Ms. Pean ( fossilized walrus ivory ) .

  5. 克丽丝·詹娜是卡戴珊姐妹们的妈妈,克丽丝与金在维也纳的时候有人偷走了她的名牌宝缇嘉包包,以及她在巴黎买的配套香奈儿手包与高跟鞋。

    Kris and Kim are in Vienna and someone stole Kris 's Bottega bag and her Chanel clutch with the matching pumps that she bought in Paris .

  6. 奢侈品消费者既要表现自己对体制游刃有余的掌控,同时又要保持低调,因此万宝龙的六角星标识和宝缇嘉标志性的编织皮革颇受欢迎,二者都是低调的奢华。

    Luxury buyers want to demonstrate mastery of the system while remaining understated , hence the appeal of Mont Blanc 's six-point logo or Bottega Veneta 's signature cross weave & both conspicuously discreet .