
  • 网络Bosideng;BSDGY
  1. 世界品牌,民族骄傲。(波司登)

    The world brand , the national pride . ( Bosideng )

  2. 重视广告时代,追赶外资对手&访波司登股份有限公司企划部部长嵇万青

    Pay Attention to Ad Age , Chase after the Foreign Rival

  3. 可波司登从1975年成立以来就一直在发掘中国国内需求。

    But Bosideng has been tapping Chinese demand since it was founded in 1975 .

  4. 波司登其实并不是真的在努力向英国人卖东西。

    It is not really trying to sell anything to anyone in the UK .

  5. 事实上,这正是波司登计划精心打造伦敦店铺的原因所在。

    Which is why Bosideng is going to make its London store look very good indeed .

  6. 波司登自然与人性的整合

    A combination of nature and humanity

  7. 波司登羽绒服已成功进入日本、美国、加拿大、俄罗斯、瑞士等国家市场。

    Its products have entered into the markets of Japan , America , Canada , Russia and Swiss .

  8. 波司登希望,五年后海外门店能够贡献大约5%的集团总收入。

    The company hopes that in five years time overseas stores will contribute around 5 per cent of group revenues .

  9. 波司登此举与其说是为了吸引英国顾客,还不如说是反映了英国时装界日益增长的国际吸引力。

    The exercise is less about attracting British shoppers than reflecting the growing international appeal of the British fashion scene .

  10. 我们依托波司登服饰有限公司的强大优势,配合推进波司登品牌商务男装系列化发展战略,写下服饰美丽的篇章。

    Those costumes we rely on the great advantage Limited , with advancing Those brand mens business development strategy Series , Dress wrote beautiful chapters .

  11. 波司登还计划利用该物业地理位置优越、人流多的优点,透过外墙广告进行品牌形象的推广。

    The group also plans to promote its brand image through wall mounted advertisements by making use of the prime location and high pedestrian flow nearby .

  12. 波司登全力打造国际化品牌,已与美国杜邦、日本伊藤忠等强强联合,共同开拓国际市场;

    In the process of creating world famous brands , Bosideng has cooperated power-to-power with America Du Pont , Japan Isuchu for purpose of mutually exploiting international market ;

  13. 波司登目前计划与一家意大利大公司合作,明年在意大利开设门店,而且它很快就会收购纽约第五大道的一家店铺。

    It is now planning to open in Italy next year in partnership with a large Italian company , and is close to buying a store on Fifth Avenue in New York .

  14. 银行家们现在关注的是数以百计较小型企业的上市。与波司登一样,它们都是民营企业,总部所在地通常距离北京和上海等大城市相当遥远。

    Bankers are now focused on listing hundreds of smaller companies that are , like Bosideng , privately owned and often based in regions far removed from cities such as Beijing and Shanghai .