
  • 网络Hugo Boss;BOSS;bols
  1. 加入波士咖啡滤入杯子里。

    Add Bols Coffee and strain into glass .

  2. 在这个例子中,我们使用的草莓酱和波士草莓调制草莓玛格丽特。

    In this example , we use strawberry puree and Bols Strawberry to make a Strawberry Margarita .

  3. 爱德华•波士在波士顿大学开设的广告课程就采用了Lore,据他表示,Lore使得教学更具互动性,将教学的范围扩展到课堂之外,激发学生互相学习,而不是跟着只老师学习。

    Lore , says Edward Boches , who uses it for his advertising classes at Boston University , makes teaching more interactive , extends it beyond the classroom and stimulates students to learn from each other rather than just the professor .

  4. 爱德华•波士在波士顿大学开设的广告课程就采用了Lore,据他表示,Lore使得教学更具互动性,将教学的范围扩展到课堂之外,激发学生互相学习,而不是跟着只老师学习。“

    Lore , says Edward Boches , who uses it for his advertising classes at Boston University , makes teaching " more interactive , extends it beyond the classroom and stimulates students to learn from each other rather than just the professor . "

  5. 波士还增加了声音处理技术,改进了高低声部的音质同时模拟了周边环境。

    Bose also crammed in sound-processing technology that improves both bass and treble and simulates surround sound .

  6. 在盛满冰块的鸡尾酒杯里分层波士蓝橙,卡鲁瓦和百利甜。

    Layer equal quantities of BOLS Blue , Kahlua and Baileys in a martini glass poured over ice .

  7. 先到入卡鲁瓦,其次使波士蓝橙,最后是百利甜。

    First pour the Kahlua in the glass followed by the Blue BOLS then add the Baileys last .

  8. 一定要在使用波士金箭利口之前摇合,这样的子弹酒更像是一颗金色的子弹。

    Sidenote-make sure to shake Bols Gold up before pouring so that you get gold flakes in drink .

  9. 欧洲人可能会嘲笑中国游客对贝多芬,波尔多红酒,雨果.波士毫无区分的虚妄的追求。

    Europeans may sneer at Chinese tourists who pursue Beethoven , Bordeaux and Hugo Boss with the same undiscriminating avidity .

  10. 这款耳机在网上和波士销售点均有销售,价格是349美元,它比之前的几款更加先进。

    The headphones , available for $ 349 online and at Bose stores , are much improved over earlier versions .

  11. 中国多年来要求公务员减少招人眼球的奢侈品消费的运动影响了保乐利加、胡戈·波士和宝马品牌的销量。

    China 's multi-year campaign to reduce conspicuous consumption of luxury goods by public officials has hurt sales of Pernod Ricard , Hugo Boss and BMW .