
  1. 那表示我喜欢实地勘查。

    It means that I like being out on the scene .

  2. 郭锡恩:通常当我们开始一个项目时,首先我们会去当地实地勘查,了解那个地方的历史。

    A : Oftentimes when we do a project , first we will scout out an area and we will understand the history of an area .

  3. 通过实地勘查、理论分析得出,硬水结垢的问题导致热量传递不足,最后影响了整个设备的正常运行。

    We , through perambulation and theoretical analysis , found it is questions that the hard water formed the scale that caused heat to transmit insufficiently , influenced the normal running of the whole apparatus finally .

  4. 通过对塌陷湖的实地勘查,运用水均衡原理,计算出该湖可供开采的水资源,认为该塌陷湖可作为淮北市供水后备水源地之一。

    By exploration on the spot at the collapse lake , applied the principle of water balance , calculated the minable water resources in lake , and considered the lake to be one of reserved water place in Huaibei city .

  5. 通过对37个具有代表性的中低产水稻土障碍性剖面的实地勘查、119个样品的理化分析结果,以及参考有关的图件资料,运用野外考察及室内分析的方法进行制图。

    The mapping was based on the survey of 37 representative obstacle profiles of middle and low productive paddy soils , the physico-chemical analytical results of 119 samples , the map material of reference , and the method of field survey with laboratory analysis .