
  • 网络hakka folk song;Hakka mountain song
  1. 客家山歌是我国著名的民歌之一,它独特的艺术风格要求在演唱中要有独特的技巧。

    The Hakka folk song is one of the well-known folk songs in China , and its unique artistic style requires some special skills in its singing .

  2. 粤东北城市客家山歌的实录报告与思考

    Report and Thinking on Hakka Folk Song in Some Cities in the Northeast of Guangdong

  3. 中原文化与土著文化在梅州的整合研究&以梅州客家山歌的形成为例

    Cultural Integration Study of Zhongyuan Culture and Original Culture in Meizhou

  4. 赣南客家山歌女性意识的历史文化渊源

    The Feminine Consciousness of Hakka folk songs in Gannan Area

  5. 客家山歌中的花儿

    The " Hua Er ( flower )" in mountain folk songs of Hakka

  6. 客家山歌的语言学研究

    Linguistics ' Study on the Folk Song of Hakka

  7. 客家山歌是客家文化的一个典型代表。

    The folk song of Hakka is a typical example of Hakka 's culture .

  8. 浅析客家山歌的叙事方式

    Analysis on Narrative Manner of the Hakka Ballad

  9. 广东客家山歌是中国民间艺苑中一支独具异彩的奇葩。

    Hakka Folk Songs in Guangdong is an artistic miracle of folk arts in China .

  10. 梅县客家山歌的历史和现状调查研究

    The Research for the Historical Evolution and Contemporary Development of Hakka Folk Songs in Meixian

  11. 搜集、记录和研究客家山歌是他田野作业的最初尝试。

    Collecting , recording and studying Hakka folk songs were his primary attempt in the fieldwork .

  12. 本期节目将带你进入客家山歌的世界,领略精彩的岭南风情。

    This program will take you into a world Hakka folk , enjoy exciting Lingnan Customs .

  13. 第五章是浏阳客家山歌的传承与现状分析。

    The last chapter analyzes the Liu yang Hakka folk song inheritance and the present situation .

  14. 当下广东客家山歌夕阳正红,但是后继者亟待培养。

    Now Guangdong Hakka 's Folk Song is ancient and energetic , and successors are needed urgently .

  15. 本文对客家山歌作语言学角度的研究,分别从语音、用词、用字、修辞几个角度进行。

    This paper make a Linguistics study on it from its phonetic , words , character and rhetoric .

  16. 客家山歌的语言学研究诗歌中意象跳跃的语言学认识&兼论李白诗歌中意象跳跃的特点

    Linguistics ' Study on the Folk Song of Hakka A Point of Linguistics on The Image Jumping in Poem

  17. 赣南客家山歌中所呈现出的星星点点的女性自觉意识最初应渊源于魏晋南北朝时期的文化精神。

    The feminine consciousness in Hakka folk songs in Gannan area originate from the culture in Wei and Jing Dynasty .

  18. 本片的主人翁陈叔他是一个著名的客家山歌作曲家,而他写得最多就是情歌。

    From the masters he is a well-known Hakka Uncle Chen song composer , and he was written up love songs .

  19. 正文分为五章:第一章梳理和分析浏阳客家山歌的人文背景。

    The main text is divides into five chapters . The first chapter analyzes the humanistic background of Liu yang Hakka folk song .

  20. 近代社会转型时期,客家山歌也经历了由传统获得现代性的变迁过程。

    In the period of social transition in modern times , Hakka Folk Songs had gone through the change from traditionalism to modernity .

  21. 客家山歌是中国历史悠久的传统音乐,而且是一种具有浓郁地方特色、即兴作曲的短歌。

    Hakka song is a long history of traditional Chinese music , but also with a strong local characteristics and composition of jazz compositions .

  22. 文章叙述了赣南客家山歌在生活中尤其是革命战争中的作用与特色。

    This paper discusses about the functions and characteristics of Hakka folk songs for thier life in Gannan area , especially during the revolutionary war .

  23. 客家山歌中的花儿青海花儿曲令风格与多民族文化关系浅议

    The " Hua Er ( flower )" in mountain folk songs of Hakka The Relation between the Style of Huar Tune in Qinghai and Multinational Culture

  24. 客家山歌较集中的传播区主要有粤东北的梅州、兴宁、蕉岭、五华、大埔;

    The following areas are the chief places where Hakka songs are concentrated : Meizhou , Xingning , Jiaoling , Wuhua and Dabu in northeast Guangdong Province ;

  25. 更有大量客家山歌仅有四度3个音,但丝毫未影响旋律进行和情感的表达。

    A large number of Hakka songs only employ three notes , but this in no way hampers the expression of the melodies and the feelings of the songs .

  26. 本文对广东传统客家山歌的歌词表现手法、旋律特征以及演唱特点的进行探究,分析其独特的艺术特色。

    This paper studies the ways of word expression , melody features and singing styles of traditional Hakka Folk Songs in Guangdong , and also analyzes its unique art characters .

  27. 研究表明,客家山歌的语言有很大的存古性,它保留了较多的古代汉语面貌。

    The study shows there are many ancient Chinese compositions in the language of the folk song of Hakka , the reason of which is the Hakka came from Central Plains .

  28. 第四章主要从歌词结构变化、创作手法、衬词形态三方面阐述浏阳客家山歌歌词的艺术性。

    I study the Liu yang Hakka folk song lyrics artistry from the lyrics structural change , the creation technique , the lining word shape three aspects in the fourth chapter .

  29. 因此,梅州客家山歌的艺术风格、修辞方法、章法结构都留有十五国风以及迁徙途经的江南吴音印迹。来自草原深处的天籁之音&内蒙古民族歌舞剧院蒙古族青年合唱团

    The paper thinks that there are many marks of fifteen nations ' folk songs and Jiangnan 's songs of Wu in folk songs Hakka folk songs of Meizhou , just as artistic style , the rhetoric and structure of these songs . SONGS FROM THE GRASSLAND

  30. 传统客家情歌,是客家山歌的重要组成部分,它以质朴的感情,高超的语言艺术,在我国民歌中独树一帜。

    The traditional Hakka love song is an important part of Hakka folk song .