
  • 网络Objective reporting;Objective Report
  1. 西方客观报道理论的基本内涵及实践意义

    The intention and significance of Western theory of objective reporting

  2. 这可不是客观报道,对吧

    Not exactly objective reporting , is it ?

  3. 与客观报道相比,对其时效性要求应有所宽容。

    Its timeliness is not so important as its objective reporting .

  4. 对于引发犯罪事件的客观报道。

    A dispassionate account of events lading up to the crime .

  5. 发表评论意见在客观报道的背后加入主观意见。

    To present an opinion in the guise of an objective report .

  6. 某些新闻机构因为不客观报道而著名。

    Certain news organizations have reputation for not presenting the news GetWord (" objectively "); .

  7. 客观报道源于西方新闻界,影响了世界新闻界。

    Objective report is originated from the western press and it has influenced world pres circles .

  8. 其实质是一种与客观报道相对应的理性报道方式;

    In essence , it is a rational way of reporting news as opposed to objective reporting .

  9. 复制了上面的网址结果是:我们并不反对媒体本身,我们只反对媒体的不客观报道。

    We are not against the western media , but against the lies and fabricated stories in the media .

  10. 在新闻写作理论中,关于消息的文体特征,一般都概括为:客观报道,用事实说话。

    The style characteristic of the information in the theory of the news writing is objectively reporting and speaking with the fact .

  11. 道德和新闻在此剧烈碰撞。新闻以客观报道事实为生命,同时也以惩恶扬善为己任。

    The fact reporting is the life of the media while the good applauding and evil deploring is also the task of the media .

  12. 在此,我谨向各位朋友为真实客观报道中国所作的积极努力表示衷心的感谢!

    I wish to avail myself of this opportunity to sincerely thank all friends for your efforts in covering China in a truthful and objective manner .

  13. 在客观性原则指导下树立起客观报道的操作要求和方法是使中国新闻业更加科学规范的必然要求。

    Setting up the operation requirements and methods for objective news reporting under the guide of objective principle is necessary to make Chinese journalism more scientific and normal .

  14. 恰当地使用主动语态,主要以陈述事实为主,目的是对经济事件商务信息的客观报道。

    Active voice is most of time applied to state the fact , the proper using of it can make objective reports to economic events and business news .

  15. 目前国内学者对新闻客观性的研究局囿于其作为一种理念、规范及其指导下的客观报道方式的平面研究,对我国新闻客观性历史发展过程的研究则少而单薄。

    But domestic scholars regard it as a concept and norms under the guidance of objective reports . They pay little attention on historical development of news objectivity .

  16. 而快速反应和客观报道的背后,是日本媒体针对地震灾害形成的有特色的实用的报道机制和灾难报道的理念。

    The rapid reaction and objective reporting was based on Japanese media information of the earthquake disaster and distinctive use of reporting mechanisms and the concept of disaster coverage .

  17. 在中外历史长河中,屡屡发生的政治绞杀新闻事件不断向人们警示新闻对政治的依附性以及客观报道、新闻专业主义的有条件性。

    In the worldwide history , many events in which political forces gagged news reports demonstrate that journalism is attached to politics , and objective reporting and professionalism journalism are limited .

  18. 西方的客观报道理论既是一种重要的新闻理论,又是一种重要的新闻写作理论,在世界新闻传播史上占有重要地位。

    The Western theory of objective reporting is not only an important journalistic theory , but also an important theory on news writing and holds a significant position in the history of news dissemination .

  19. 调查性报道滥觞于19世纪末20世纪初的美国。20世纪60年代,它开始勃兴于整个西方国家。目前,它和解释性报道、客观报道一同构成了西方国家新闻报道的主流。

    Firstly raise in U.S.A between 19th and 20th century and , blossomed in the whole West since 60s of 20th , investigative reporting accompanied with interpretive reporting and objective reporting have developed to the mainstream of news reporting in Western countries .

  20. 他希望他们能客观地报道中国的情况。

    He hoped they would write objectively about China .

  21. 客观的报道、叙述、评估等。

    An objective report , account , assessment , etc.

  22. 英文报纸客观新闻报道的人际意义研究

    Interpersonal Meaning in English Newspaper Hard News

  23. 这是一篇客观的报道。

    It is an objective report .

  24. 媒体客观地报道了专家观点,携带者和普通公众的声音。

    Media reported the opinions from experts , voice from HBV carriers and the general public objectively .

  25. 三位美国记者在不同的历史时期,分别以自己的作品,真实、客观地报道了这一伟大事件。

    Three American reporters have truthfully and objectively reported this great issue respectively in their own works in different historical periods .

  26. 但也包括媒体带有偏见而非全面客观的报道。

    but so , too , can things like the media reporting things by exception , rather than what 's normal .

  27. 在对环境问题的媒体报道中,西方媒体因为其报道自由而一直被认为能够客观的报道真实情况。

    The western medias are regarded to have unlimited freedom to report anything , so that a reporter could reflect the real world .

  28. 这篇客观的报道称组织对福布斯新闻账户的入侵在错误的发表奥巴马总统的信息后被跟踪的,T称。

    Harmless posts announcing the group 's hacking of the Fox News account were followed by the false posts about Obama , according to Think .

  29. 论文强调了批判性阅读在英语学习和教学中的重要性并提出了中国应采取什么措施以促使西方媒体能更公正客观地报道中非关系。

    This study emphasizes the significance of critical reading and teaching of English language , and proposes measures that China should take to make the western media have more objective attitude towards China-Africa relation .

  30. 可怜英国广播公司(BBC)还试图对英国全民公投决定是否退欧这样的政治话题进行客观中立的报道。

    Pity the BBC 's attempts to deliver objective and neutral coverage of a politicised issue such as the British referendum on leaving the EU .