
  1. 岭南客家先民首次南迁地在偃师。

    Lingnan hakka ancient immigrated to the first in some .

  2. 赣南是客家先民的主要聚集地、中转站和客家民系的主要孕育地。

    Gannan is the main area for hakka people , where hakka tradition is well kept .

  3. 赣南是“客家先民”南迁的第一站。

    Gannan was the first station in the south for the " Early Hakka Settlers " .

  4. 客家先民自迁徙到梅州山区后,特别重视传统文化教育。

    Since the migration of the ancestors of Hakka to Meizhou , they put special emphasis on cultural education .

  5. 随着客家先民的南迁,这一命名方式被传播到了闽粤赣边的畲族地区。

    With migration of the ancient Hakkas , this way of naming was spread to the areas inhabited by She nationality .

  6. 近代以来,客家先民对促进中外经济、文化的交流,也发挥了重大作用。

    In modern times , the Hakka ancestors in promoting Sino-foreign economic and cultural exchanges , has also played a major role .

  7. 赣南闽西边区是唐末五代接受北来客家先民的第一站;

    The south of Jiangxi and the west of Fujian were the first station of the north hakkas in late Tang dynasty .

  8. 它具有丰富的历史文化方面的价值,为我们了解客家先民打开了一扇窗户。

    It possesses abundant value on history and culture , and it opens a window for us to know the ancestor of Hakka .

  9. 论南海王国古越人与闽粤赣边区客家先民的历史关系&兼论畲族与客家关系

    The Historical Relationship between the Ancient Yue People of Nanhai Kingdom and the Ancesters of the Hakkas in the Bordered Area of Fujian , Guangdong and Jiangxi

  10. 随着客家先民的南迁,自然也随身带去了中原文化、中原方言、中原民歌,如当时已流行的民歌《诗经》、《汉乐府》。

    With the south migration , they naturally took with the culture , dialect , folk songs of the central plains of China , with the examples of The Book of Songs and Han Verse for Music which were very popular at that time .

  11. 客家文化源远流长,客家先民吸收了各种文化的精华,并形成了在语言、民俗、精神特质等方面有显著特点的客家文化。

    Hakkas culture goes back to ancient times , Hakkas ancients assimilate the cream of the different culture and form Hakkas culture that has remarkable characteristics in the aspects of the language , folk custom , spirit characteristic and so on .