
  • 网络objective analysis;RAWINS
  1. Windows下二维气象绘图软件&客观分析诊断图形系统

    Two-dimensional Plot Software for Meteorology on Windows ── Objective Analysis and Graphic System

  2. 逐次订正客观分析的双CPU并行运行试验

    Test of Dual CPU parallel computing for objective analysis with the successive correction

  3. 基于客观分析的重庆雾的BP神经元网络预报模型研究

    Study on fog prediction model in Chongqing by the use of BP neural network based on objective analysis

  4. 在对IP网络QoS管理现状进行客观分析的基础上,提出了新一代IP网络的QoS管理体系结构。

    Based on analysis of present QoS management on IP network , a new generation QoS architecture is presented .

  5. 本文对我国加入WTO后,高等教育所面临的挑战与机遇进行了客观分析,并提出了积极的应对措施。

    This paper analyzes the chances and challenges of higher education after China 's entry into the WTO and makes some suggestions on the countermeasures .

  6. 经过对IP网络和家庭网络服务体系的客观分析,提出了基于策略的IP家庭网络QoS保证架构。

    Through analyzing the QoS architecture of IP networks and home network objectively , the paper proposes a policy based QoS architecture of IP home network .

  7. 在对IP网络服务质量管理需求及现有监测系统进行客观分析的基础上,提出了一种多业务IP网络中的SLS监测系统。

    Based on the analysis of the requirement for IP QoS management and current monitoring systems , an SLS monitoring system in multi-service IP network is presented .

  8. 通过客观分析跨国公司RD本土化的现状和所产生的正负效应,提出相应的政策建议。

    By objectively anglicizing the present situation and the positive and negative effect of the RD localization , the paper offers some helpful policy suggests .

  9. 本文应用美国NMC全球客观分析格点资料分析了全球扰动动能(PKE)的气候特征,结果表明,纬向平均的PKE分布与纬向平均的u风分量分布有密切的关系。

    In this paper the global distribution of the perturbation kinetic energy ( PKE ) is analysed using the NMC grid point data set .

  10. 文章首先采用与市场导向观念相呼应的TOWS检验,客观分析中国本土超市的外部、内部竞争环境,强调本土超市在了解自身优势和劣势之前,应认真审视其所面临的市场威胁与机会。

    Firstly , native supermarkets ' external and internal competition environment has been examined with TOWS analysis that consists with the market-oriented conception .

  11. 介绍肥西500kV线路保护信息系统的组成,并对各主要的通信接口进行了编程设计,对这套系统存在的问题也进行了客观分析。

    It is concerned the composition of a transmission line relay protection information access system in Feixi 500 kV substation .

  12. 在客观分析评价我国现行建设项目环境影响评价(EIA)作用、局限性的基础上,论述了推行可持续发展影响评价的必要性、内涵及意义。

    It is presented in this paper the necessity , the connotation and the significance of sustainable development impact assessment on the basis of objective analysis of the function and the limitation of construction project EIA in force in our country .

  13. 本文首先用NCEP客观分析资料,对0509号台风麦莎的活动过程进行了分析,发现副高是此次台风移动路径的直接影响系统。

    An analysis of the action process of No. 0509 typhoon " Matsa " is made with NCEP objective analysis data in this work firstly . It is revealed that the subtropical high is the direct influencing system of No.

  14. 本文将最优插值客观分析质量控制技术(OIQC),应用于雷达反演VAD廓线资料中速度模糊的质量控制。

    The application of the Optimal Interpolation Quality Control ( OIQC ) method to the Radar velocity-azimuth display ( VAD ) data quality control which is presented in this paper .

  15. 集合预报系统中客观分析方案的并行化实现

    Parallel implementation of the objective analysis scheme in ensemble prediction system

  16. 中国甘蔗气候类型和特点的客观分析

    Analysis of Climatic Types and Characteristics for Sugarcane Planting in China

  17. 热带风场与气压场的客观分析

    Objective Analysis of Wind and Pressure Fields in the Tropics

  18. 应用样条插值方法对湿度场进行客观分析的尝试

    An experiment on the objective analysis of humidity field using spline interpolation

  19. 主题是数据归类的标准,每个主题对应一个客观分析领域。

    Every subject corresponds to one field to be analysed .

  20. 区域增强数值预报系统中的客观分析

    The objective analysis scheme for enhanced regional numerical prediction system

  21. 客观分析学生意见,提高教学质量

    Objectively analyzing the opinions of students , improving teaching quality

  22. 海洋气象中的客观分析方法海洋电磁法

    The Objective Analysis Method in the Processing of Marine and Meteorological Data

  23. 一种分段设计的天气图客观分析方法

    A method for weather map objective analysis designing in segment

  24. 这项工作提出了用于海洋资料的一个客观分析方法。

    A technique for the objective analysis of oceanic data has been developed .

  25. 重点就现行电力法的作用进行了客观分析。

    Especially , it is important to analysis the effect of the law .

  26. 国家气象中心和欧洲中期预报中心的中期数值预报业务系统客观分析的对比

    Comparison between NMC SMA and ECMWF operational objective analysis

  27. 5对临床资料缺乏重视和客观分析。

    The neglect and lack analysis of clinical data .

  28. 几种水汽场客观分析方法的对比试验

    Comparison experiments on objective analysis methods of vapor fields

  29. 首先:我们应该一切从实际出发,客观分析错误和失败的原因。

    First : We should be realistic and objective analysis errors and fails .

  30. 传统语言学将语言看成是可供客观分析的固定体系。

    Traditional linguistics always treats language as a fixed system subject to objective analysis .