- 网络sub-grid;Subgrid;Subgridding

By diagnostic analysis of the relative potential vorticity equation for moist air it is found that the advection term and the baroclinic term and the subgrid scale mass flux convergence term are principal terms effecting the local change of potential vorticity .
Numerical experiment results by using % p - σ % regional climate model show that the parameterization scheme of subgrid topographic slope and orientation can improve the simulation of 500 hPa geopotential height and especially the summer rainfall over East Asia . Numerical experiment was presented .
The friction depletion and sub - grid scale effect are the first energy source at total stage .
Then we propose the method of second gridding searching to get best kernel parameters . Using this method , we get best parameters of poly kernel function , RBF kernel function and Sigmoid kernel function .
It was found that the contribution of the sub grid scale precipitation to the total by KU scheme is higher than that by its three counterparts , and has an unreasonable trend of increasing with the model resolution , which is opposite from GR , KF and BM schemes .
This kind of circulation directly influences the sub-grid surface fluxes .
In a model where the sub-grid scale parameterization is specified this energy appears as external .
Parameterization of Subgrid Topographic Slope and Orientation in Numerical Model and Its Effect on Regional Climate Simulation
The latent heat parameterization based on bulk transfer scheme has the same characteristics about the heterogeneity influence .
Sub-grid surface heterogeneity , especially that in large-scale atmospheric model , has important impact on calculation of surface fluxes .
We present a mesh convergence test of the 3-D finite difference method for computing the electromagnetic response of a buried conductivity anomaly .
For parameterization of the sensible heat , the positively correlation between surface temperature and bulk transfer coefficient lead to a positive additional sub-scale flux .
One of the primary reason that caused the grid-scale flux deviation between model results and reality is the nonhomogeneous distribution of the land surface meteorology parameters .
To improve the parameterization of land surface processes , a preliminary analysis of the impact of subgrid land surface heterogeneity on model results is carried out .
Results show that sub-grid distribution of cloud condensate has obvious effect on downwelling shortwave radiation and out-going longwave radiation , with different sensitive domains from each other .
Supposing that the level of free convection is equal to the cloud bottom level , we considered the pulling effects of simulated sub-grid scale precipitation , which is under clouds .
Under the consideration of surface friction , diabatic forced subgrid-scale mixing , the horizontal momentum equation and surface temperature equation are integrated in a temperature field at specified synoptic-scale height .
A calculation method of subgrid scale runoff ratio over the heterogeneous surface is derived using the distribution theory of probability statistics on the basis of physics mechanism of water balance over land surface .
It is also observed that a certain amount of kinetic energy is transported upwards from middle and lower layers to the upper troposphere by resolvable scale vertical motion and downwards by sub-grid processes .
The paper makes use of character barycenter and wavelet to extract character feature , two-grid method to optimize parameters , and multiclass classification to recognize characters , which obtains excellent results in the practice .
The kinetic energy generation induced by divergence wind and the subgrid scale effect is the main kinetic energy source for both cases , meanwhile the non - divergence wind cause negative kinetic energy generation .
Simulation results showed that refined meshes reduced turbulent contributions of subgrid scales ( SGS ), sensitivity of simulation results to SGS parameters decreased , and features of the whole boundary layer were explicitly resolved better .
The results show that the generation term is , for the time-area mean , a dominant source ; The divergence of horizontal energy flux and sub-grid processes act as major sinks in the total energy balance .
It is found that the distributions of subgrid-scale condensational heating rates of 4 runs are similar in the vertical heating peak feature ( at the middle level of the troposphere ), but are different in the heating thickness and strength ;
In this paper , we calculated heat and momentum budgets over the Sooth China Sea during a period from July to September 1981 , analyzed the kinetic characteristics during active disturbance period , discussed heat and momentum redistribution of large scale field by the sub-grid disturbances .
A new simplified algorithm based on Quadric Error Matrix using Local Center of Gravity Measure of vertex was introduced .
A small model , in which the mesh was refined , was used to precisely simulate excavation of the underground powerhouse .
This paper raises a set of security policy , builds homologous security architectural model , and analyses the model detailedly from a angle of grid computational process , solves some problems such as single - on , identity mapping , etc.
Mesh Simplification with Distance - Weighted Quadric Error Metric
A modified and simplified algorithm based on the QEM algorithm is proposed .