
xuān ɡào shī zōnɡ
  • declaration of disappearance
  1. 宣告失踪与宣告死亡制度,是现代民法不可或缺的重要法律制度。

    The system of declaration of disappearance and declaration of death is an indivisible part of modern Civil Code .

  2. 主要就宣告失踪与宣告死亡制度的完善进行了展望。

    It mainly makes an outlook of the improvement of the system of the Declaration of disappearance and death .

  3. 第三节宣告失踪、宣告死亡案件

    Section 3 Cases Concerning the Declaration of a Person as Missing or Dead

  4. 死亡或者被宣告失踪的;

    Where the doctor dies or is declared as missing ;

  5. 第三节宣告失踪和宣告死亡

    Section 3 Declarations of Missing Persons and Death

  6. 宣告失踪人员死亡问题会议

    Conference on Declaration of Death of Missing Persons

  7. 首先是对宣告失踪制度的完善。

    First of all , this thesis issues how to improve the declared missing system .

  8. 宣告失踪和宣告死亡

    Declarations of Missing Persons and Death

  9. (二)对下落不明或者宣告失踪的人提起的有关身份关系的诉讼;

    Those concerning the personal status of persons whose whereabouts are unknown or who have been declared as missing ;

  10. 一方被宣告失踪,另一方提出离婚诉讼.,应准予离婚。

    Divorce shall be granted if one party is declared to be missing and the other party thereby files an action for divorce .

  11. 其次阐述我国宣告失踪制度,从宣告失踪制度的法律渊源和宣告失踪制度评析入手。

    Secondly , this thesis introduces the declared missing system in our country . It is begun from the legal derivation and analysis of declared missing system .

  12. 债务人死亡,或者依法被宣告失踪、死亡,其财产或者遗产不足清偿的;

    The debtor is deceased or is declared missing or dead according to law and his property or bequest is not enough to pay off the debt ;

  13. 文章指出应当有效地发挥宣告失踪与宣告死亡制度的应有作用,合理平衡失踪人的利益与其利害关系人的利益。

    It points out that the role of the system should be effectively played . The interests of the disappearance people and the stakeholders should be reasonably balanced .

  14. 最近,出现了一个不同寻常的约一流的朝鲜官员正在执行的大量报告,在神秘的交通事故死亡或者被宣告失踪。

    Recently , there has been an unusually large number of reports about top-ranking North Korean officials being executed , killed in mysterious traffic accidents or declared missing .

  15. 宣告失踪的公告期间为三个月,宣告死亡的公告期间为一年。

    The period of the public notice for declaring a person as missing shall be three months , and that for declaring a person as dead shall be one year .

  16. 人民法院受理宣告失踪、宣告死亡案件后,应当发出寻找下落不明人的公告。

    The people 's court , having accepted a case of pronouncing the death or disappearance of a person , shall issue a public notice to look for the person .

  17. 而宣告失踪和宣告的制度就是民法中特别设立的,为处理因失踪人下落不明引起社会经济秩序不稳定的一种制度。

    The declared missing and declared dead system is particularly established in civil law intending to deal with the unstable situation of social and economic order due to this state .

  18. 被宣告失踪、宣告死亡的公民重新出现,经本人或者利害关系人申请,人民法院应当作出新判决,撤销原判决。

    Where a person who has been pronounced dead or missing reappears and he himself or an interested party applies , the people 's court shall render a new judgment and reverse the previous judgment .

  19. 其次说明宣告失踪和宣告死亡作为一项法律制度确立在民法中是在近代民法时期;从法国、日本、英国法三个典型国家的继受和发展进行阐述。

    Secondly , this thesis states that the declared missing and declared dead system is established as a legal system in civil law in modern times by introducing the successors and development of three typical countries such as France , Japan and UK .

  20. 在这几层犹太人下面躺着的,是巴勒斯坦裔公民.公民下落不明满二年,利害关系人申请宣告其失踪的,向下落不明人住所地基层人民法院提出。

    Beneath all these layers of Jews come the Palestinian citizens . an interested party shall apply for the pronouncement of the death of a person , who has disappeared for two years , at the basic people 's court at the place of final residence of the missing person .

  21. 职工因意外事故下落不明,有关人员可以向人民法院申请宣告该职工失踪或死亡。

    The worker misses because of contingency , concerned personnel can apply for declare to this worker is missing or die to people court .

  22. 第二十条公民下落不明满二年的,利害关系人可以向人民法院申请宣告他为失踪人。

    Article 20 If a citizen 's whereabouts have been unknown for two years , an interested person may apply to a people 's court for a declaration of the citizen as missing .

  23. 劳动者死亡,或者被人民法院宣告死亡或者宣告失踪的;

    The worker is deceased , or is dead or missing as announced by the people 's court ;