
  • 网络Broadband Services;broadband business;broad band service
  1. 随着宽带业务的迅速发展,传统IP技术和路由协议已经不能满足用户对网络可靠性的需要。

    With the rapid development of broadband business , traditional IP technique and route protocol can not meet the needs for network reliability .

  2. 角色的改变,3G通信和IPTV等宽带业务的迅速增长,需要运营商的城域网传输能力越来越强、方式越来越灵活。

    Role change , 3G communications and IPTV , the rapid growth of the broadband business , need operators man transmission capacity is more and more strong , way more and more flexible .

  3. 各家电信公司那时正努力通过宽带业务赢利。

    Telcos were struggling to make money from broadband services .

  4. GoogleFiber提供的宽带业务速度是互联网用户习惯速度的100倍。

    Google Fiber delivers broadband service at 100 times what Internet users are accustomed to .

  5. 持续的增长来自IP语音、宽带业务、IP服务和3G服务。

    Growth will continue to come from VoIP , Broadband , IP Services and3G Services .

  6. ATM网络中的宽带业务类型及其传输技术

    The Types of Broadband Services and the Technology of Transport on ATM Network

  7. 基于SDH的宽带业务传送平台在电力通信网中的应用

    The application of Ethernet over SDH technology in power communication network

  8. ATM网络为开展宽带业务提供了极好的平台。

    ATM network provides the best platform on which new broadband services are developed .

  9. 基于ATM宽带业务的ADSL接入研究

    A Study of ADSL Based on ATM Broadband Services

  10. 随着Internet(因特网)主机数的增长以及宽带业务带来的主机业务流量的增加,互联网上业务量以指数形式增加。

    The traffic of internet is growing exponentially with the increase in the host number of internet and the increase of the host traffic resulting from broadband services .

  11. 中国铁通葫芦岛公司城域网的建设将极大的促进当地IP宽带业务的发展,满足人们不断增加的网络需求。

    China Railway Construction MAN Huludao company will greatly promote local development of IP broadband services to meet the people growing network demands .

  12. STM交换与ATM交换对宽带业务阻塞概率的对比分析

    Comparative Analysis of Broadband Service Blocking Probability Between STM Switch and ATM Switch

  13. 基于HFC网的宽带业务接入及其解决方案

    Broadband service access and its solution based on HFC network

  14. HFC(HybridFiberCoax)为多媒体和宽带业务提供了一种宽带接入方式。

    HFC ( Hybrid Fiber Coax ) provides a kind of broadband access way for multimedia and broadband services .

  15. Internet的发展和宽带业务的增长,使企业、政府利用Internet这个公用平台不受区域限制地建立自己的私有网络成为可能。

    The rapid expansion of Internet and broadband businesses has made possible the use of Internet , which is open and public , to build VPN for enterprises and government .

  16. 无线ATM能通过标准的ATM网络应用接口,为多种移动终端提供综合宽带业务的传输和交换。

    Wireless ATM is intended to provide integrated broadband services to a variety of mobile terminals via a standard ATM network API .

  17. 用户的不断增加,导致网络规模的不断扩大,但是用户的满意程度却没有随之提高,而网络上的拥塞、延迟等问题都给IP宽带业务的增长带来了不小的阻碍。

    Continuous increase of customers lead to large scale expansion of network without improving the satisfaction degree . Network Congestion and network delay hinder service increasing of IP services .

  18. 基于xDSL的ATM个人宽带业务

    ATM Personal Broadband Services Over xDSL

  19. 传统IP网络的SPF路由机制在保证宽带业务的带宽需求和负载均衡方面遇到了困难。

    The SPF routing mechanism in traditional IP network meets some difficulties when guaranteeing the bandwidth constraint of high-bandwidth traffic and providing load balancing .

  20. 为了使无线个人通信具有较大的系统容量并能灵活处理多种宽带业务,在未来的个人通信中采用ATM传输与交换是一种必然趋势。

    In order to supply more capacity and support various wide-band services , it is a compulsory trend to use ATM in wireless personal communication in the future .

  21. 本论文首先从陕西联通宽带业务发展的需求及现有网络存在问题出发,指出了宽带IP城域网络优化扩容的背景,并分析了当前现状及发展策略。

    To begin with , the demand of Shaanxi Unicom broadband operation and the problems of present network were introduced as the background information for the optimization and expansion of Broadband IP Metropolitan Area Network .

  22. 随着以流媒体应用服务为主动力之一的互联网技术和宽带业务的快速发展,在IP网络上传输丰富多彩的影视节目成为可能。

    Along with the multimedia streaming service as one of an impulsive force , Internet technology and broadband services has developed rapidly , to transmit a variety of audio and video in the IP network become possible .

  23. Ethernetpassiveopticalnetwork(EPON)是一种新型的光纤接入网技术,采用点到多点结构、利用无源光纤传输,在以太网上提供多种宽带业务。

    Ethernet Passive Optical Network ( EPON ) is a new kind of optical access network , which employs point to multipoint connection structure , is transferred by passive fiber optic and provides many broadband services on Ethernet .

  24. 宽带业务呈现出强劲的发展动力,用户对IPTV、视频监控、智能家居等多样化业务表示出强烈的兴趣。

    Broadband services , showing a strong impetus to the development , users expressed a strong interest in IPTV , video surveillance , smart home and other diversified business .

  25. 随着计算机通信网络飞速发展,作为计算机主流的外设部件互连(PCI)局部总线将在光纤通信接口,高速数据的多媒体综合宽带业务中发挥重大作用。

    With the fast development of telecommunication networks , a dominant PCI bus in a computer will play an important role in optic-fiber communication access and multimedia integrated broadband services with high data transports .

  26. POC业务是伴随着3G网络建设的日益临近而随之产生的一种基于无线蜂窝移动通信网的宽带业务。

    With the approaching of 3G networking , a kind of business of broadband based on mobile communication network POC ( Push to Talk over Cellular ) has appeared .

  27. 除此以外,第二章还详细介绍了现时最受广大用户欢迎的、承载在电信运营商EPON设备上的语音业务、宽带业务、CATV业务。

    In addition , The second chapter details the most welcomed by the majority of users , carrying voice services on the telecom operators EPON devices , broadband service , CATV operations .

  28. 随着光纤通信和宽带业务的飞速发展,OTDM系统逐渐成为世界范围的研究热点。

    With the development of fiber-optic communication system and bandwidth services , OTDM system has been the focus of research in the world .

  29. 随着全业务环境下的网络建设,数据、多媒体、无线、专线、宽带业务等各类业务将得到快速发展,而各种网络的业务电路呈现宽带化、工P化及电路的多样化。

    With the network construction of full-service environment , data , multimedia , wireless , private line , broadband services and other kinds of services will get rapid development , And the circuit service of the networks presents the trends of broadband 、 IP-based and the diversity of circuit .

  30. 随着3G网络、WLAN和集团数据网络对流媒体业务和高速宽带业务需求的增加,商丘本地现有的SDH传输网络容量已不能满足新增业务承载的需求。

    As the 3G network , WLAN and group data network convection media business and high-speed broadband business increased demand , shang qiu local existing SDH network capacity cannot meet the needs of the new business and bearing .