
  • 网络Cloud;Cloud Service;Service Cloud
  1. 所以对我来说,Windows也是云服务的一个重要部分。

    So to me Windows is very much part of the cloud .

  2. 这样,XML网关为客户端连接到云服务提供一条通道。

    By doing so , XML Gateways provide the client-side on-ramp to cloud services .

  3. SOA是否适用于云服务模型?

    Does SOA Apply to Cloud service models ?

  4. 图1中,集群A和集群B实际是一样的,分布在两个数据中心或云服务供应商那里。

    In Figure 1 , Cluster A and Cluster B are exactly the same and distributed across two data centers or cloud providers .

  5. 这意味着不能简单地将云服务导入到SOA治理注册器中。

    This means that it is not straightforward to import the services into an SOA governance registry .

  6. 实际上,日志是写到Amazon云服务上的。

    Logs are actually written to the Amazon cloud service .

  7. WindowsAzure是微软用于构建可扩展应用的云服务平台。

    Windows Azure is a Cloud-PAAS offering from Microsoft for building scalable applications .

  8. 而且,集成这些产品允许您使用TivoliServiceAutomationManagerWeb界面统一管理您的云服务。

    Further , integrating the offerings allows you to unify management of your cloud services using the Tivoli Service Automation Manager web interface .

  9. 云服务SLA标准尚不存在。

    The cloud service SLA standard does not exist .

  10. 云服务用户希望IaaS能支持面向服务体系架构(SOA)。

    Cloud service customers expect an IaaS to support services-oriented architectures ( SOA ) .

  11. SimpleCloudAPI的设计目的是为多个云服务和多个云供应商提供一个单一、简单、可互操作的API。

    The Simple Cloud API is designed to provide a single , simple , interoperable API for multiple cloud services and multiple cloud providers .

  12. 阿里巴巴在提交给SEC的文件中称,其云服务每分钟可以处理360万次计算请求。

    The Alibaba S.E.C. filing says its cloud does 3.6 million computing transactions a minute .

  13. 另外还有云服务,它为互操作性和外部应用程序编程接口(API),例如Web服务,提供了内部机制。

    Cloud services have also emerged , which provide internal mechanisms for interoperability as well as external application program interfaces ( APIs ), such as Web services .

  14. 不管提供的是哪种类型的服务:Web服务、云服务和网络接入服务,所有的SLA关乎的都是服务保证。

    All SLAs are about service guarantees regardless of the type of service provided : Web services , cloud services , and network access services .

  15. Azure是一款“云服务操作系统”。具体来说,它是一个提供完整的基于云的开发、宿主和管理服务的独立平台。

    Single platform providing complete cloud-based development , hosting , and management services .

  16. CastIron包含对XSLT的内置支持,以支持XML转换;它通过其Web服务支持在各种云服务供应商之间提供集成。

    Cast Iron includes built-in support for XSLT to support XML transformations , and it provides integration between various cloud services providers through its support for Web services .

  17. SimpleCloudAPI是多个供应商共同努力创建的单一API,能够与来自多个供应商的云服务一起使用(请参见参考资料)。

    The Simple Cloud API is an effort by multiple cloud vendors to create a single API that works with cloud services from multiple providers ( see Resources ) .

  18. 目前已有IBM、Google、Amazon及微软等业界的几个巨头公司可以提供云服务了。

    At present , some giant industry companies can offer the cloud services , such as IBM , Google , Amazon , Microsoft and so on .

  19. 我说的是像VeevaSystems这样的公司,它为医疗保健行业提供基于云服务的销售工具,并在去年秋季成功进行了首次公开募股(IPO)。

    I 'm talking about firms like Veeva Systems , which makes a cloud-based sales tool for the health care industry , and which successfully launched an IPO in the fall .

  20. CALIS数字图书馆云服务平台模型

    The Model of CALIS ' Cloud Service Platform for Distributed Digital Libraries

  21. 其他供应商易受攻击,但是我们并不知道任何其他的供应商利用SOAP来访问他们的云服务。

    " Other vendors are vulnerable , but we do not know of any other vendors using SOAP for accessing their cloud services ," he concluded .

  22. 外国云服务供应商根据兑换率对数据转让收费额为1元每GB。

    Foreign cloud service providers charge as little as R1 per GB ( depending on the exchange rate ) for data transfer .

  23. 报告识别出了两大类客户,一类是Web托管客户,另一类是IaaS云服务的较早使用者。

    The report identifies two broad customer types , the first being web hosting customers and the second are early adopters of Cloud IaaS services .

  24. 尽管其规模不能与Amazon与Google的基础设施相提并论,但此项目还是为学生研究云服务提供了一个很好的环境。

    Although not comparable in size to Amazon and Google 's infrastructure , this research cloud provides an environment in which students can research cloud services .

  25. 云服务提供者可以位于组织内部控制的数据中心,也可以由组织外部的一个电信行业成员(比如IBM®)托管。

    The cloud service provider may be either internal within an organization-controlled data center or hosted externally by a member of the telecommunication industry ( such as IBM ®) .

  26. 本文着眼于一个新业务mashup云服务,它能帮助您自动化日常的业务操作。

    This article looks at a new business mashup cloud service that can help you automate common day-to-day business activities .

  27. 云服务用户期望拥有开放式的云计算接口,而OpenGridForum(OGF)通过发布云接口标准满足了他们的期望。

    Cloud service customers expect open cloud computing interfaces . Open Grid Forum ( OGF ) has met their expectations by publishing a cloud interface standard .

  28. 这个业务mashup云服务目前作为一种技术预览在LotusLive™Labs内的Composer名下可用。

    This business mashup cloud service is currently available as a technology preview in LotusLive ™ Labs under the name Composer .

  29. Akshell是一种云服务,它使用服务端的JavaScript和在线的IDE帮助开发者进行快速应用程序开发。

    Akshell is a Cloud Service that helps developers do Rapid Application Development using server-side JavaScript and an online IDE .

  30. 无论构成该服务的云服务或软件组件是什么类型的,您都可以使用TivoliServiceAutomationManager来标准化和自动化将环境交付到云环境的过程。

    Regardless of which type of cloud service or software components constitute the service , you can use Tivoli Service Automation Manager to standardize and automate the delivery of the environment to your cloud .