
  • 网络Digital Government;Digtial-Government
  1. 美国数字政府透视

    See through American Digital Government

  2. 数字政府着重于现代社会背景下提高政府的效率,但它不能自我张显政府的公正价值。

    Digital government puts great emphasis on the efficiency under the modern social background , but it can 't demonstrate the fair value of government .

  3. 在我国已经加入WTO的大背景下,政府为提高机关工作效率,打造数字政府而兴起了一股建设电子政务的热潮。

    Since China enters WTO , it is hot to build E-Government for raising work efficiency .

  4. 数字政府平台核心&公文管理系统框架设计

    The Core of Digitized Government Platform & Archives Management System Frame Design

  5. 预算数字表明政府借款将要大幅增加。

    The budgetary arithmetic suggests that government borrowing is set to surge

  6. 一份来自健康部门的报告认为,南非现在起码有6百万人是HIV携带者。这个数字比政府机构在5月份作的评估的携带者人数还要多出150万。

    A report from the department of health suggested that over6m ( out of a population of40m ) are HIV-positive & 1.5m more than another government agency had estimated in May .

  7. 论数字时代政府决策信息的选择

    On the Choice of Information for Government Decision-making in Digital Era

  8. 数字资源政府采购评审专家的素质探讨

    The Appraises Expert 's Qualities in Digital Resources Government Procurement

  9. 最近的失业数字给政府的政策带来不良反响。

    The latest unemployment figures reflect badly on the government 's policies .

  10. 最新的失业统计数字表明政府的政策行不通。

    The latest unemployment figures go to show that government policy isn 't working .

  11. 一公布最新的犯罪数字,政府就会再次受到批评。

    The government will come under fire again when the latest crime figures are released .

  12. 在本章的最后,本文对城市管理的新趋向&数字城市政府管理模式进行了论述。

    At the end of this chapter , it discuss the tending of the urban management - - The digital urban management mode .

  13. 这些集团在引用原始财政数字说明政府更加关注技术而不是关注其人民时显得非常具有煽动性,因为这些数字表面上看确实如此。

    These groups are very vocal in quoting raw financial numbers that on the surface do seem to make it appear that the government cares more about technology than its people .

  14. 数字经济与政府规制数字经济时代:银行追求的是利润还是速度&本刊记者赵小兵采访EDS大中华及韩国总经理伍壮明

    Banks Pursue the Profit or Speed in Digital Times FIGURE

  15. 如果这一数字在韩国政府公布第二季度gdp时得到证实,将是2003年第四季度以来韩国经济的最快增速。

    If confirmed when Seoul reports GDP data for the second quarter , that would mark the fastest quarterly growth since the fourth quarter of 2003 .

  16. 他引证庞大的失业数字以证明政府制定政策的失误。

    He cited the high unemployment figures as evidence of the failure of government policy .

  17. 这个数字并不包括政府以优惠条款批地兴建租住屋群及居屋屋苑的土地价值。

    This figure excludes the value of land provided by the government for rental estates and Home Ownership Courts on concessionary terms .

  18. 该数字是圣普政府希望通过此次会议获得外来援助的一半。

    The figure represents around half of the external aid the Sao Tome government expected to garner as a result of the meeting .

  19. 人权组织和目击者称,至少157人死亡。该数字与军方政府提供的数字存在争议。

    Human rights groups and witnesses say at least one hundred fifty-seven people were killed , a number disputed by the military government .

  20. 联合国的报告说,在2008年,空袭要对552名平民丧生负责。这个数字占亲政府军队所造成伤亡总数的60%。

    The U.N. report says airstrikes were responsible for 552 civilian deaths in 2008 - more than 60 percent of the total caused by pro-government forces .

  21. 数字城市为政府管理提供强有力的技术支持,将重塑城市政府的管理权能,驱动城市政府管理模式的再造,引发行政理念的重大转变。

    Digital city will provide powerful technology support to government administration , will reinvent municipal government in administration role and model and will change the whole administration idea .

  22. 这些数字给奥巴马政府带来一个艰巨的挑战,并对美元构成明显威胁,因为外国人手中握着大量美元储备。

    Such figures pose a daunting challenge for the Obama administration and a conspicuous threat to the dollar , since there is a huge overhang of dollar reserves in foreign hands .

  23. 而跨越数字鸿沟需要政府、学校、企业和社会各阶层参与,同时也需要加强国际间的交流与合作。

    Leaping over the " digital gap " needs the participation of the government , schools , enterprises and all social circles , and also needs strengthening the international exchange and cooperation .

  24. 我国的电子政务建设还处于初级阶段,亟需解决网络安全、信息孤岛、电子政务的标准化、数字鸿沟和政府行政流程再造等问题。

    The construction of electronic government affairs in our country is still in initial stage . Should have to solve the problems of network security , the isolated information island , the electronic government affairs standardization , the digital gap and the government administration flow make and so on .

  25. 新的数字使人们对政府所声称的已经对军事目标实行了外科手术式打击产生了怀疑。

    The new figures cast doubt on the government 's claim to have achieved a surgical strike against military targets .

  26. 从数字园区、数字政府到数字海淀

    A Course from Digital Park , Digital Government to Digital Haidian

  27. 数字治理对城市政府善治的影响研究

    Studies of Digital Governance Influence on Good Governance of Municipal Government

  28. 落实这些数字的正确对政府实现救助计划至关重要。

    Getting this number correct is critical to the government 's hopes for the plan .

  29. 在推广数字电视方面,政府想要在2015之前结束模拟电视广播。

    In the push for digital TV , the government intends to end analogue TV broadcasts by2015 .

  30. 课程从了解数字鸿沟、电子政府、公众参与地理信息系统和邻里信息系统开始。

    Subject begins with an overview of the digital divide , e-government , public participation GIS , and neighborhood information systems .