
sù zhǔ
  • host;host of parasite;parasitifer
宿主 [sù zhǔ]
  • [host of parasite] 寄主

  • 中间宿主

宿主[sù zhǔ]
  1. 他们将目标对准了病毒的宿主,也就是我们人类。

    They targeted the host , in this case us - humans .

  2. 发布在《细胞·宿主与微生物》期刊上的一系列实验结果显示,该球状体给病毒带来了很大的优势。

    Experiments , published in the journal Cell Host and Microbe , showed the spheres gave the viruses huge advantages .

  3. 病毒并不是真正的活的,它们需要通过劫持宿主机体中的一些部分来进行自我复制。

    Viruses are not truly alive - they need to hijack3 parts of a host organism in order to replicate4 .

  4. 这份120页的报告称,病毒最有可能来自动物,可能是蝙蝠或穿山甲,经由未知中间宿主传播给人类。

    The 120-page report said the virus most probably jumped from an animal , potentially a bat or pangolin , to an unknown intermediate animal host and then to humans .

  5. 面向对象数据库的C宿主语言接口实现技术

    The implementation of a C host language interface for an object-oriented database system

  6. 同时,该解释器提供了良好的应用程序接口,不仅可以为嵌入式Web浏览器提供脚本支持,也可以为其他需要脚本支持的宿主环境提供支持。

    Also , the interpreter provides the host environment with a set of well-defined APIs .

  7. DNA微阵列技术在细菌感染后宿主反应研究中的应用

    Studying the Host Response to Infection of Pathogenic Bacteria by DNA Microarray

  8. 动物3种DNA病毒在宿主细胞内形态发生比较

    Comparison of the Morphogenesis of 3 Species of Animal DNA Viruses in Host Cells

  9. 促进病毒基因表达,抑制宿主mRNA加工和转运。

    Enhancing virus gene expression and inhibiting cellular mRNA processing and nucleocytoplasmic export .

  10. 慢性移植物抗宿主病时的T淋巴细胞受体Vβ基因表达

    Expression of T-cell receptor V β gene in the patients with graft vs host disease

  11. 应用Southern印迹杂交法检测转移基因在宿主细胞中的整合

    Using Southern Blot Analysis to Determine the Integration of Transduced Genes in the Genomic DNA of Host Cells

  12. 提示猫也是幽门螺杆菌的动物宿主,其与人类HP感染之间的关系尚待进一步阐明。

    It suggests that cat is one of the natural hosts of HP .

  13. A(84)的敏感性与胭脂碱Ti质粒及宿主的关系

    A_ ( 84 ) sensitivity determined by both nopaline type Ti plasmid and its host cell

  14. NK细胞在异基因造血干细胞移植中对移植物抗白血病效应及移植物抗宿主病作用的影响

    Effects of NK cells on the GVHD and GVL in Allo-HSCT

  15. Zn,Ca含量升高,发生消化系癌相对危险度降低.结论对消化系癌患者适量补Zn,调节和改善宿主抗肿瘤免疫力;

    CONCLUSION Suitable Zn supplementation for digestive system cancer patients can enhance cell mediated immunity against neoplasms .

  16. 乙型肝炎病毒(HepatitisBvirus,HBV)的生活周期可以分成以下几个阶段:病毒黏附宿主细胞;

    The life cycle of hepatitis B virus can be divided into several steps : attachment of the virus to the hospital cells ;

  17. IL-10在急性移植物抗宿主病、移植物排斥中的作用

    Role of IL-10 in acute graft - versus-host disease and graft rejection

  18. 结论:提示SA可影响宿主红细胞膜的离子转运及膜的功能。

    CONCLUSION : SA affected the ion transfer of host erythrocyte membrane and membrane function .

  19. 异基因骨髓移植中供者TNFα-308(G/A)基因型与受者急性移植物抗宿主病的关系

    The relationship between donor TNF α - 308 ( G / A ) genotype and recipient acute GVHD in allo-BMT

  20. 自然条件下HFRS宿主动物在窝内的感染特征

    The Infections features of HFRS Reserviors in Lairs on Natural Conditions

  21. IL-2及TNF的序贯应用对恶性肿瘤和宿主蛋白质代谢的影响

    Effects of Interleukin-2 and Its Sequential Treatment with Tumor Necrosis Factor on Protein Metabolism of the Tumor and Host

  22. 研究HIV病毒蛋白与宿主的相互作用是阐明HIV病毒感染机制、探讨新的抗病毒方法的基础。

    Studying the interaction of viral proteins with host cells is important for understanding HIV infection mechanism and searching new potential anti-HIV strategy .

  23. 自体混合HLA半相合异基因骨髓移植后的移植物抗宿主病

    Graft-versus-host Disease in Patients of Malignant Blood Diseases Treated by Autologous Mixed with HLA Haploidentical Matched Allogeneic Marrow Transplantation

  24. 而HIV阴性宿主中,口腔念珠菌病致病菌毒性显著高于寄生菌(P<0.01)。

    However , in the HIV-negative group , the virulence of the pathogen was significantly higher than the commensals ( P < 0.01 ) .

  25. 东北地区不同宿主NDV分离株的系统发育进化分析

    Epidemiological and phylogenetic analysis of NDV isolated in northeast China

  26. Azure是一款“云服务操作系统”。具体来说,它是一个提供完整的基于云的开发、宿主和管理服务的独立平台。

    Single platform providing complete cloud-based development , hosting , and management services .

  27. 为了实现这一目的,我们在这篇文章中的例子里提供了一种“宿主”技术&ApacheAxis提供者。

    In order to demonstrate this , we provide a " hosting " technology in the samples that accompany this article & an Apache Axis provider .

  28. 用环胞菌素A、霉酚酸酯、鼠抗人CD25单克隆抗体作为移植物抗宿主病(GVHD)预防方案;

    Cyclosporine , mycophenolate mofetil and anti CD25 antibody were used for GVHD prevention .

  29. 膜融合使病毒蛋白及病毒RNA基因组释放到宿主细胞内而感染宿主。

    The membrane fusion process leads to the release of viral proteins and the RNA genome into the host cell , initiating an infection cycle .

  30. 将该重组质粒转入asd基因缺失的减毒伤寒沙门氏菌X4072,构成了一个不带抗药性基因的载体-宿主平衡致死系统。

    In the system , the plasmid was stable and had no drug resistance gene .