
  • 网络ray;Skate;Manta
  1. 他们试图把鱼叉刺进鳐鱼体内,以防它猛摆那蜇人的尾巴报复。

    They tried to get the harpoon into the ray before the sting tail came lashing over to retaliate

  2. 自1970年以来,鲨鱼和鳐鱼的捕捉量增加了两倍,这将许多物种推向了灭绝的边缘。

    Since 1970 , shark and ray catches have tripled , pushing many species to the brink1 of extinction2 .

  3. 那些船上有许多鲭鱼,还有几条鳐鱼。

    Boats had plenty of mackerel and a few skate .

  4. 科学家们说,过度捕捞鲨鱼和鳐鱼危害整个海洋生态系统的健康,同时危及世界上一些最贫穷国家的粮食安全。

    The scientists say overfishing of sharks and rays jeopardises the health of entire ocean ecosystems3 , as well as food security for some of the world 's poorest countries .

  5. 基于GIS的近岸海域水环境时空分析夏季北美近海岸水域中最多的鳐鱼;体长21英寸。

    Study on Spatio-Temporal Analysis of the Near Shore Waters Based on GIS ; most plentiful skate in North American inshore waters in summer ; to 2l inches .

  6. 鲨鱼是现在一般由鲨鱼和鳐鱼的皮肤。

    Shagreen is now commonly made of the skins of sharks and rays .

  7. 他擅长烹饪鳐鱼。

    He is good at cooking skate .

  8. 她最感兴趣的是鳐鱼王国和它们在水中优雅的动作。

    She was most fascinated with the Manta Ray Kingdom and their graceful movements in the water .

  9. 鲻鱼、螃蟹、鳐鱼和其它小鱼成群聚集在阿拉巴马州的码头外;

    Mullets , crabs , rays and small fish congregate by the thousands off an Alabama pier .

  10. 他们锁定了一只幼年小龙虾,发现它跟鳕鱼和鳐鱼一样,是会利用一切的天生捕食者。

    They tethered a juvenile lobster , figuring that its natural predators , such as cod and skate , would take advantage .

  11. 以自然界的鳐鱼为模板的“空中鳐鱼”是一种由远程遥控的氦气气囊和羽翼振动产生驱动力组成的混合体。

    Air_ray , modelled on the manta ray , is a remote-controlled hybrid construction consisting of a helium-filled ballonet and a beating wing drive .

  12. (供船只停泊的)近岸水域,近岸锚地夏季北美近海岸水域中最多的鳐鱼;体长21英寸。

    Stretch of water near the shore where ships may be anchored most plentiful skate in North American inshore waters in summer ; to 2l inches .

  13. 它是一种鳐鱼的尸体,经过特别的处理和干燥后,变成了这种怪异的样子,还有人说它是美人鱼的标本。

    Jenny Haniver is the carcass of a ray or a skate which has been modified and subsequently dried , resulting in a grotesque preserved specimen .

  14. “水下鳐鱼”的形状和运动的方式让它可广泛用于海洋学领域而不破坏自然环境。

    Thanks to its shape and its means of locomotion , the Aqua_ray can be used in wide ranging areas of oceanography without disrupting the natural environment .

  15. “水下鳐鱼”是一种远程控制的水力驱动鱼,它的形状和运动都以鳐鱼为模板。

    Aqua_ray is a remote-controlled fish driven by water hydraulics , the shape and movements of which have been based on the model of a manta ray .

  16. 它轻便的设计借助氦气的浮力让它可以在广阔的空中“遨游”,这种方法与水中的鳐鱼相似。

    Its lightweight design enables it to " swim " in the sea of air using the lift from the helium in a similar way to the manta ray in water .

  17. 鳐鱼跳出水面以躲避捕食者、生宝宝或者摆脱寄生虫,但他们不会攻击人类。

    " Rays jump to escape a predator , give birth and shake off parasites ," said Lynn Gear , supervisor of fishes and reptiles at Theater of the Sea in Islamorada .

  18. 由于“水下鳐鱼”能够任意移动,可以作为一水压滑翔机或者振翅驱动,节约了大量能源。

    As the Aqua_ray can be manoeuvred extremely well , and can be operated both as a hydrostatic glider and with an active wing beat , substantial energy savings can be achieved .

  19. 我的脚后跟从没出过毛病,除了有一次在游水时踩着了一条海鳐鱼,被它扎了一下,小腿麻痹了,痛得真受不了。

    I never had anything wrong with my heel except the time the sting ray stung it when I stepped on him when swimming and paralyzed the lower leg and made the unbearable pain .

  20. 同时,通过对鳐鱼稳定自主游动时鱼体表面和附近流场的压力分布的研究,初步分析了鳐鱼的运动机理。在此基础上,本文对鳐鱼的胸鳍波动频率进行了深入研究。

    At the same time , we have analyzed the movement mechanism of rays preliminarily through the research of pressure distribution when the bionic robot-ray reaches stability self-propulsion swimming . Then , we start to study the frequency of pectoral fins deeply .

  21. 接下来本文以刚体动力学理论为基础,提出了仿鳐鱼水下推进器的动力学方程,并针对该方程中的相关参数提出了相应的算法,获得了完整的动力学模型。

    Then based on the rigid body dynamics theory , we put forward the dynamic equation of the biological characters of rays . According to the related parameters in the equation we put forward corresponding algorithm and finally gain the complete dynamic model .
