
  • 网络the Fuchun River
富春江 [fù chūn jiāng]
  • [Fuchun River] 中国浙江省中部河流

  1. 富春江流域水环境容量研究

    Studies on Water Environmental Capacity of Fuchun River MAGIC LOTION BECOMING RICH

  2. 这里是富春江上的一个小峡湾。

    Here 's a little bend along the Fuchun River .

  3. 富春江船闸扩建改造工程总体布置方案

    General layout for reconstruction project of Fuchun River lock

  4. 中国十大文化生态旅游目的地潇洒桐庐,富春江畔的山水福地。

    Tonglu , the Landscape and fortune area at the bank of Fuchun River .

  5. 大规模采砂后富春江富阳河段河床演变分析

    Fluvial Process of Fuyang Reach of Fuchun River after Exploiting Sand in A Large Scale

  6. 这个县位于富春江畔。

    The county lies alongthe Fuchun river .

  7. 杭州拥有两个国家级风景名胜区:西湖和富春江。

    Hangzhou has two national scenic regions : the West Lake and the Fuchun River .

  8. 富春江水电站边坡位移监测及资料分析

    Displacement Monitoring and Data Analysis of the Side Slope of Hydropower Station on Fuchun River

  9. 就是集山水、诗画、历史长廊于一身的建德富春江。

    It 's a comprehensive gallery of landscape , poetry and history-the Fuchun River near Jiande .

  10. 来自大鳙山的婺水经金华(婺州)流进富春江。

    Wu water from Dayong Mountain flew through Jin Hua ( Wu State ) into Fuchun River .

  11. 建立富春江、新安江库区生态补偿机制的必要性及几点建议

    Necessity of establishing ecological compensation mechanism in Fuchun River and Xin'an River reservoir areas and some suggestions

  12. 介绍了富春江水力发电厂泄洪闸门计算机监控系统的设计、调试和运行情况,指出了该系统发挥的功能和作用。

    The situation of leak in floodgate of Lushi water project is introduced , cause and the urgency of it is analyzed .

  13. 本文以工程为例,介绍富春江大桥工程地质勘察条件、方法及桥基处理试验。

    This paper introduced the conditions and methods of the engineering geological investigation for Fuchunjiang Bridge and treatment method of the bridge foundation .

  14. 在船闸的大坝上,大家又得知一条最新消息:富春江船闸扩建改造工程有望在2010年年底正式开工。

    On the dam of lock , we knew another latest new that probably , the Fuchunjiang Lock will formally start building at the end of2010 .

  15. 黄缘闭壳龟的历史分布最佳的估计是在长江东部和富春江流域。

    The best estimate of the historical distribution of C.flavomarginata is along the eastern Yangtze River and its associated tributaries as well as the Fuchun drainage .

  16. 经富春江水电厂实际调度运行实践的检验,效果明显,可供同类型电厂参考。

    The operation practice of the Fuchunjiang Hydropower Plant shows the validity of the strategies , which can be used as reference by similar power plants .

  17. 同时采集太湖“引江济太”工程长江调水口&望虞河口水样、千岛湖水样及千岛湖下游河流型水库富春江段水样进行分析。

    The EHPs from Wangyu River , a large water channel connected Lake Taihu with Yangtze River , and from Lake Qiandao and Fuchun River were also studied .

  18. 杭州东方文化园位于钱塘江、富春江、浦阳江三江交汇处的萧山区义桥镇杨岐山南麓。

    Hangzhou Orient Culture Park is located on the south side of the Yangqi Hill , which lying at the joint of Qiantang River , Fuchun River and Puyang River in Yiqiao town of Xiaoshan district .

  19. 本研究以杭州富春江化工有限公司循环经济建设和富阳市高桥工业功能区循环经济建设为例,进行了杭州市循环经济示范研究。

    The article used the examples of circular economical construction in Chemical Corporation of Hangzhou Fuchun River and Industry function Park of Fuyang Gaoqiao to carry out the exemplary research of the circular economy of Hangzhou .

  20. 赵章光魔水造富富春江流域水环境容量研究

    Studies on Water Environmental Capacity of Fuchun River