
duì zhì
  • confrontation;standoff;confront each other;be at a stalemate;stand facing each other;stand opposite each other
对峙 [duì zhì]
  • [stand facing each other;confront each other]∶相对耸立

  • 山峡越来越狭,前面两山对峙,看去连一扇大门那么宽也没有,而门外完全是白雾。--刘白羽《长江三峡》

对峙[duì zhì]
  1. 两山对峙。

    The two mountains stand facing each other .

  2. 主体与主导的分离或背离,使澳门成为一个多元文化共存、相望、对峙和制约的特殊空间。

    Separation and deviation of mainstay and leading make Macao to become a special space where multicomponent parts coexist , gaze at each other , stand facing each other , and interact .

  3. 敌对两军在战场上严阵对峙。

    The two opposing armies faced each other across the battlefield .

  4. 1,500多名警察和士兵列队与他们对峙。

    More than 1,500 police and troops are ranged against them .

  5. 对峙双方都只是在瞄准射击无辜的旁观者。

    Both groups on either side are just picking off innocent bystanders

  6. 去年夏天他避开了与联合国核查人员的对峙。

    He had ducked the confrontation with United Nations inspectors last summer .

  7. 她发现持续的对峙让人精疲力竭。

    She finds the continual confrontation very wearing

  8. 两军对峙。

    The two armies are locked in a face-off .

  9. 两军正在对峙。

    The two armies are facing out .

  10. 战斗形成对峙局面。

    The fight resulted in a stalemate .

  11. 日本与中国的对峙主要围绕东中国海(EastChinaSea,中国称东海)上的一系列小岛展开。

    Japan 's standoff with China centers around a chain of East China Sea Islands .

  12. 在1960年时,约翰f肯尼迪和理查德尼克松第一次在电视上播的总统辩论中对峙。

    In 1960 , John F. Kennedy and Richard M. Nixon faced off in the first presidential debate shown on TV .

  13. 这些指控标志着苹果与报告联名作者之公众与环境研究中心(instituteofpublic&environmentalaffairs)主任马军之间的对峙升级。

    The accusations escalate a stand-off between apple and Ma Jun , director of the Institute of Public & Environmental Affairs , a co-author of the report .

  14. 两支热带季风在100-120°E之间热带地区对峙,有利于引发热带季风涌入中国大陆并发生暴雨。

    The confrontation of two tropical monsoon in the tropics between 100 ° E and 120 ° E is favourable for them into Chinese continent and generate heavy rainfall there .

  15. 从油菜的根际土壤中分离得到一种细菌,在LB,PDA平板对峙试验中对油菜菌核病菌产生明显的抑制作用。

    A bacterium isolated from rapeseed rhizosphere was found to be effective in suppression Sclerotinia sclerotiorum on LB and PDA agar plates .

  16. 在定义了攻击场景中的两大参与者&攻击Agent和防御Agent的基础上,扩展传统对象Petri网并在其节点域和变迁域上引入粗糙集理论,定义了网络攻防对峙模型。

    After defining the inner structure of attack agent and defense agent , the dissertation extends traditional object Petri Net and introduce rough set theory into node domain and transition domain , then propose the network attack-defense confrontation model .

  17. 枯草芽孢杆菌F-1和F-2与尖孢镰刀菌的对峙实验中,F-1没有抑菌作用,而F-2表现出强抑菌效果。

    Effects of Bacillus subtilis F-1 and F-2 on inhibiting the growth of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp .

  18. 星期天,美国南卡来罗纳州议会外平静无事。之前主张白人至上的组织三K党的部分成员星期六在州议会外集会,抗议南卡取下内战纪念碑悬挂的邦联旗帜,他们与在附近示威的非洲裔美国人发生对峙。

    All is calm outside the southern U.S. South Carolina statehouse Sunday , a day after scuffles broke out when the white supremacy group Ku Klux Klan protesting the removal of the Confederate flag came face-to-face with African-American activists demonstrating nearby .

  19. 你正在浏览这本书的事实申明你已经对MVC模式有了必然的崇奉,但我们认为对峙尽可能宽广的视角老是有益处的。

    The fact that you are reading this book suggests that you already have a certain commitment to the MVC pattern , but we think it is always helpful to maintain the widest possible perspective .

  20. 用玻璃纸对峙法观察到4种木霉(S-327,BT-12,BT-95,T-594)和寡雄腐霉(P。

    The hyphal interaction between Trichoderma spp. ( S-327 , BT-12 , BT-95 , T-594 ), Pythium oligandrum ( P.

  21. 通过对常见11种病原真菌的平板对峙培养,结果表明,ST-87-14菌株具有较广的抑菌谱。

    Strain ST-87-14 showed significant and broad inhibition against 11 fungal phytopathogen .

  22. 自1966年Lazarus提出认知因素在应对过程中的重要作用的观点以来,应对理论便形成了特质-结构论与情境-过程论的对峙。

    Since Lazarus emphasized cognitive factors in coping processes in 1966 , it is two important antithetical coping theories with characteristics-oriented and process-oriented that have come into existence .

  23. 两者在对峙培养60h时,生长速率比达到3.68,且在其发酵液中测定出较高的β-1,3-葡聚糖酶和几丁质酶的活性。

    The ratio of growth speed was 3.68 in confronting each other after 60h , and the activities of chitinase and β - 1,3-glucanase were detected in the ferment filtrate .

  24. 根据卡特的讲述,3K党成员之所以前来,是因为他们听说非裔美国人被邀请来化装舞会。妮尔的父亲A.C.李(A.C.Lee)和他们展开对峙,而后3K党成员离开。

    According to an account given by Mr. Capote 's cousin , Klan members came because they heard African-American guests had been invited to the costume party , and left after Nelle 's father , A. C. Lee , confronted them .

  25. 稀释平板法分离出疑似生防菌(真菌、细菌、放线菌),用对峙培养法筛选优势生防菌,经形态学及分子生物学鉴定为解淀粉芽孢杆菌(Bacillusamyloliquefaciens)。

    The suspected biocontrol microbes ( fungi , bacteria , actinomycetes ) were isolated by dilution plate method . The best biocontrol microbes were screened by confrontation culture and were identified as Bacillus amyloliquefaciens with morphological and molecular biology methods . 2 .

  26. 这片争议海域蕴藏着丰富的油气资源,同时还包括斯卡伯勒浅滩(ScarboroughShoal,中国称黄岩岛)等渔区,菲律宾船只和中国船只曾于2012年在该区域进行了近两个月的对峙。

    The contested waters include areas potentially rich in oil and gas , as well as rich fishing waters such as Scarborough Shoal , where Philippine and Chinese vessels were locked in a standoff for nearly two months in 2012 .

  27. 尽管一再遭到威胁,但据3名目击者称,昨日下午仍有约1000名反对派成员聚集在德黑兰市中心的haft-etir广场,与更大规模的安全部队对峙,一架直升机在上空盘旋。

    But in spite of repeated threats , about 1000 opposition members gathered at haft-e TIR square in central Tehran yesterday afternoon , facing an even larger security force and a helicopter hovering above , according to three witnesses .

  28. 结果表明:石英玻璃的脱羟是二级对峙反应,正方向是放热反应,活化能为153kJ·mol-1,逆反应活化能为306kJ·mol-1;

    The results show that the process of dehydroxylation belong to a second order opposite reaction , the positive direction is an exothermic reaction with an activation energy of 153 kJ · mol - 1 , and the activation energy of negative direction is 306 kJ · mol - 1 ;

  29. 科技和道德的并存、对峙与互补

    Coexistence , Confrontation and Complementary of Technology , Science and Morality

  30. 两种理欲观的对峙&王夫之批判李贽的根源剖析

    The Confrontation Between Two Theories about Heavenly Principle and Human Desire