
  1. 此外,中国还被迫发起对越自卫反击战。

    In addition , China was forced to initiate self-defense counterattack against Vietnam .

  2. 1979年,在对越自卫反击战的战场上首次使用了青蒿素类抗疟药物。

    In1979 , artemisinin-based antimalarial drugs were first used in the battlefield in the Sino-Vietnamese War ( the Third Indo-China War ) .

  3. 20世纪70年代中后期,中越边境陷入领土纠纷的危机并最终导致中国发动对越自卫反击战,中越两国友好关系因此破裂。

    During the middle and later of the 1970s , China and Vietnam was trapped into the territorial disputes in the border of Sino-Vietnam and then caused the counterattack in self-defense on China-Vietnam border finally .