
dǎo dàn jī dì
  • missile base
导弹基地 [dǎo dàn jī dì]
  • [missile base] 担负核反击作战、战备建设、战备训练等任务或用来进行导弹实验的基地

  1. 导弹基地在阳德,平壤向东50英里。

    Missile base is at yangdok , 50 miles east of pyongyang .

  2. 导弹基地使人们第一次体会到核恐惧。

    The missile base brought the fear of nuclear weapons closer to home .

  3. 十月间,他开始谈到进攻性的导弹基地了。

    In October he began to talk about offensive missile bases .

  4. 如果我们对导弹基地进行精确打击。

    If we execute the surgical strike at the missile site .

  5. 我们可以掌握他们的导弹基地和核武器研究设施。

    We would make the missile sites and the nuclear research facilities .

  6. 这或许是比之在导弹基地设置纠察队更有效的一种抗议。

    It was probably a more valid protest than picketing missile bases .

  7. 他们觉得他们可以破坏导弹基地?

    They think they can sabotage the missile site ?

  8. 他因在导弹基地从事间谍活动而被捕。

    He was arrested for spying on missile sites .

  9. 导弹基地、发射场、发射台等。

    Missile bases , sites , launching pads , etc.

  10. 用核武摧毁他们陆上的导弹基地。

    We prepare to take out their land-based missiles with a nuclear strike .

  11. 让我们找到导弹基地然后炸掉它。

    Let 's just go find that missile site and blow its Ass up .

  12. 更远,但是离导弹基地近了。

    It 's more remote , but it 's closer to the missile site .

  13. 庄园、导弹基地与艺术馆

    Demesne , Missile Base And Gallery

  14. 如果他们失败了,我们会进行对导弹基地的全面攻击。

    If they fail , we 'll proceed with a surgical strike on the missile site .

  15. 对导弹基地的全景航拍;显微镜下展示全景的污点。

    A panoptic aerial photograph of the missile base ; a panoptic stain used in microscopy .

  16. 空空如也的导弹基地被当地一位商人买了下来,此人决定用这个仓库养蘑菇。

    The empty place was bought by one local business man who decided touse it for growing mushrooms .

  17. 这里本是个苏联导弹基地,现在被用来进行菇类养殖。

    Once these hangars were used to accomodate a Soviet missile base , today they serve for growing mushrooms .

  18. 私营情报机构分析人员首次公开了有关北韩一个导弹基地的情况。

    Private sector intelligence analysts have made public for the first time an apparent missile base in North Korea .

  19. 近日美军导弹基地前发射人员披露,外星人曾渗透到英、美核导弹基地,使基地的武器系统瘫痪。

    Aliens have landed , infiltrated British nuclear missile sites and deactivated the weapons , according to US military pilots .

  20. 自土耳其同意北约在其领土内部署部分导弹基地后,伊朗和土耳其之间的友谊就不复存在了。

    Friendship with Iran has soured after Turkey agreed to let NATO deploy parts of its missile shield on Turkish soil .

  21. 令人不安的迹象包括一个远程导弹基地相关活动的报道和核试验场所的活动迹象。

    Tell-tale signs include reports of activity at a long-range missile site and hints of activity at a nuclear test site .

  22. 为防敌国入侵,朝鲜还在国内山区新修了数个地下导弹基地。

    To prevent an enemy invasion , North Korea has also newly built mountain home for a few underground missile bases .

  23. 媒体援引韩国国防部长官李相熹的话说,他知道这个导弹基地的存在,也相信这个基地已经建成百分之八十。

    South Korean Defense Minister Lee Sang-hee was quoted in local media as saying he is aware of the missile base , and believes it is80 percent complete .

  24. 普京表示道:这至少使我们有充分理由宣称,我们的合作伙伴们行为不当,利用这种形势在我国边境附近建立导弹基地。

    This gives us full grounds to declare that our partners are , to say the least , behaving incorrectly , using this situation to build up military bases near our borders , Mr Putin said .

  25. 第二炮兵下辖导弹基地、训练基地、专业保障部队、院校和科研机构等,目前装备东风系列弹道导弹和长剑巡航导弹。

    The PLASAF has under its command missile bases , training bases , specialized support units , academies and research institutions . It has a series of " Dong Feng " ballistic missiles and " Chang Jian " cruise missiles .

  26. 遥感图像变化检测方法(简称变化检测)根据处理目标要求可以分为三类:特定类目标的变化检测,如机场、桥梁、港口、导弹基地等目标的变化检测;

    The remote sensing imagery change detection can be categorized into three classes according to the aims of the processing : the change detection of the specific targets , such as changes of the airports , the bridges , the harbors , the missile bases etc. ;

  27. 简直是个导弹发射基地。

    It 's the silo 's foundation .

  28. 总统艾哈迈迪-内贾德在其出生地和导弹发射基地塞姆南省的一个群众集会上宣布导弹发射。

    President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced the launch to a crowd in Semnan province , his and a base for missile launches .

  29. 总统艾哈迈迪-内贾德在其出生地和导弹发射基地塞姆南省的一个群众集会上宣布导弹发射。

    President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced the launch to a crowd in Semnan province , his birthplace and a base for missile launches .

  30. 美国曾提议在波兰和捷克建立导弹防御基地,这也加剧了紧张关系。

    Tensions have also risen in the wake of the US 's proposal to install missile defence bases in Poland and the Czech Republic .