
  • 网络guide;Guide star;LGS
  1. 当望远镜的导星系统或机械系统工作存在问题即有跟踪误差时,星象的强度分布就不再是高斯函数分布,而且往往是不对称的。

    When the guiding device or the mechanical system of telescope does not work perfectly ( i.e. , when tracking error occurs ), the intensity distribution of astrometric images will be not Gaussian but rather asymmetry .

  2. 在等高仪的转轴上安装角检测元件&圆感应同步器和数显表,用微机控制等高仪自动导星定位、自动方位跟踪。

    A circle inductosyn and a digital indicator , the elements of the angle tester , are installed on the rotation axis of the astrolabe . The location of the automatic guiding and the position tracking of the astrolabe are controlled by a microcomputer .

  3. 单频光纤拉曼放大器(SF-FRA)可应用于激光导星和大气遥感领域,还可用于获取医学和激光显示用高功率密度可见光源。

    Single frequency fiber Raman amplifier ( SF-FRA ) shows great prospect in many applications , such as laser guide star , remote sensing , and high power density visible laser sources obtaining for medicine and laser display .

  4. 自适应光学人造钠导星对激光能量的要求

    Laser Energy of Sodium Guide Stars Required for Adaptive Telescope

  5. 部分校正自适应光学系统的激光导星阵

    Laser guide stars for adaptive optical system with partial correction

  6. 激光导星自适应光学系统一阶理论模型

    First-order theoretical model for laser guide star adaptive optics system

  7. 人卫激光测距系统的微光电视导星

    The guiding system with a SIT-TV camera in satellite laser ranging system

  8. 基于激光钠导星的星载自适应光学系统

    The Space-borne Adaptive Optical System Based on Laser Guide Star

  9. 利用变形反射镜和激光导星扩大校正视场

    Extending corrected view of field using deformable mirrors and laser guide stars

  10. 施密特望远镜的主光路导星系统

    A Main Optics Star Guiding System for Schmidt Telescopes

  11. 该系统可以实现自动导星、定位、跟踪与换星。

    Changing , guiding and tracking for stars are all opera-ted by it .

  12. 人造导星技术及导星用激光系统

    Artificial guide star and related laser system

  13. 激光导星共孔径发射接收的偏振分光效率研究

    Efficiency of Polarizing Beam Splitting Scheme for Rayleigh Laser Guide Star Transmitted and Received in Common Aperture

  14. 重点研究了用于激光导星的偏振耦合分光技术。

    The polarizing beam coupling and splitting technology for LGS is the main part of this study .

  15. 这种导星系统的另一个显著优点是不需要任何运动机件来搜索所需的引导星,从而使导星系统结构简化。

    Another important advantage of this system is that it excludes any moving mechanism for searching the guided star .

  16. 通过对施密特望远镜导星系统的研究,本文提出了一种新的主光路导星系统的设想。

    After a brief discussion of star-guiding problem , a new Main Optics Star Guiding ( MOSG ) system is proposed for Schmidt Telescops .

  17. 对自适应光学中激光导星的基本原理及系统中所需的超窄带滤光技术作了简单的介绍。

    A short introduction was given about the principles of laser guide star ( LGS ) in adaptive optics , and the ultra-narrow band filter techniques used in the application .

  18. 为了要呈现黯淡遥远的背景星系和彗尾,影像组合了分别以背景恒星和快速移动彗星为导星所拍摄的影像。

    To reveal the faint and trace the comet 's fading tail , the remarkable picture is a blended composite of telescopic exposures aligned with the both the stars and the speedy comet .

  19. 在激光照明和激光导星的探测系统中,运用滤光器(片)是抑制背景噪声、提高信噪比的重要途径之一。

    In the detecting system of laser illumination and laser guide star ( LGS ), the application of optical filter is an important approach to reduce background noise and improve signal-to-noise ratio ( SNR ) .

  20. 在地平式折轴望远镜上开展自适应光学瑞利激光导星实验,研究了信标光束同孔径发射和接收偏振分光技术。

    In the experiments of Rayleigh laser guide star ( LGS ) for adaptive optics on altazimuth Coud é telescope , the technology of LGS launched and received in the common aperture using polarizing beam splitting scheme is researched .

  21. 在激光分离同位素、激光化学、激光导星(人造星)技术等领域,为了提高脉冲激光的利用效率,需将激光脉冲展宽。

    In those fields of Laser Isotope Separation ( LIS ), laser chemistry , laser guide star ( man made star ) technology , etc , in order to increase the utility efficiency of the pulse laser , to stretch the pulse duration is needed .

  22. ET1对肝硬化门脉高压的作用及CNP、丹参对ET1介导肝星状细胞收缩的调控机制

    Effects of ET-1 on Portal Hypertension in Hepatic Cirrhosis and the Mechanism of CNP 、 Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae on ET-1-Mediated Contraction of HSCs

  23. 捷联惯导与星敏感器组合导航算法研究

    Study of the Strap-down Inertial Navigation System / Star Sensor Integrated Navigation System Algorithms

  24. 本实验从多方面探讨了熊果酸对HSC凋亡和凋亡的途径,结果证明熊果酸可通过Fas/FasL系统介导的肝星状细胞凋亡发挥从而最终得到治疗肝纤维化的作用。

    We have examined the ursolic acid on HSC apoptosis pathway in many ways , the results show that ursolic acid play a role in the treatment of liver fibrosis through the Fas / FasL-mediated apoptosis of hepatic stellate cells .

  25. 重组副腺病毒介导的大鼠星状细胞激活相关蛋白基因转染对大鼠肝星状细胞表达间质胶原酶mRNA的影响

    Effects of rAAV / rSTAP on mRNA level of interstitial collagenase in rat stellate cells

  26. 针对利用捷联惯导系统导航的不足,提出了一种基于捷联惯导系统/星敏感器的新组合导航模式,来提高飞行器导航的精度和速度。

    Since the shortcomings of navigation based on strap-down inertial navigation system ( SINS ), a new integrated mode of navigation is presented . The new mode is based on the SINS / Star sensor to improve the precision and speed of navigation system on the aircraft .

  27. 针对在捷联惯导系统中陀螺的误差存在随着时间积累而逐渐增大的缺点,提出了捷联惯导系统+星敏感器的组合导航方案,并进行了仿真及结果分析。

    To correct the gyros drift errors that increase with time in the strapdown inertial navigation system , a scheme of integrated strapdown inertial navigation system / star sensor is proposed and the simulation results are given .