
dǎo cí cái liào
  • permeability magnetic material
  1. 其中,芯棒由M段导磁材料与M1段非导磁材料间隔分布构成。

    The core bar is composed of M sections of magnetic cores and M 1 non magnetic portions arranged alternately .

  2. 包括加强转子永磁块强度的固定方式,减少转子损耗的HALBACH充磁方式和定子高导磁材料的选择等,并且以50000r/min转速为例,进行了小功率飞轮电机参数的计算。

    Including the fixing patterns of rotor permanent magnet , HALBACH rotor to reduce losses and high magnetic material being chosen .

  3. 变压器从S7到S11的过程中主要依靠提高变压器导电材料铜导线和导磁材料硅钢片的用量来实现的,具有一定的社会效益,同时也有一定的局限性。

    Those mainly revolves to reduce the loss of transformer of which dependence on improving transformers ' conducting material ( copper wire and leads magnetism material and silicon steel ) to realize . It not only has social efficiency , but also has certain limitation .

  4. 介绍了一种中高频暂态电流传感器,这种电流传感器采用非晶态合金作为导磁材料,能测量20kHz的暂态电流,线性度达0.6%,无频率失真。

    This paper introduces a middle and high frequency current sensor . The sensor uses Fe-based super microcrystalline soft magnetic alloy as core and can measure 20 kHz transient current , Its linearity reaches up to 0 6 % , without frequency distortion .

  5. 漏磁法测量导磁材料的厚度及缺陷

    Thickness Measurement and Detection for Magnetic Materials Using Magnetic Leakage Flux Method

  6. 阐述了电磁式漏磁通法检测导磁材料厚度及缺陷的原理,推导了厚度测量的理论依据。

    Measuring principle of the thickness and defect of magnetic materials was given .

  7. 电力系统中一般所用的电抗器,其实际为一个零导磁材料的空心线圈。

    Power grid used in the reactor is essentially a non-magnetic materials , the hollow coil .

  8. 目的:根据靶向治疗的原理,利用外加磁场引导磁性药物至肿瘤部位并滞留,分析在靶部位处外加导磁材料后磁场的分布。

    Objective : Using the thesis of magnetic drug targeting system , drug attracted to the tumor site for a period by external magnetic field .

  9. 永磁齿轮作为一种新型的磁力传动机构,具有能够向非导磁材料组成的封闭空间传递动力的特种功能。

    As a new type magnetic transmission mechanism , Non-contact Permanent Magnetic Gear has special function that can transmit torque and power to closed area by magnetic field coupling .

  10. 根据真空灭弧室及其机械传动系统负载反力的非对称性,该文提出在分闸工作气隙区域内设置由导磁材料构成的磁分路。

    According to the asymmetry of the reacting force from vacuum interrupter and its mechanical transmission system , this paper presents a method setting magnetism divider around the operating air gap of the opening coil .

  11. 为了增加开关变压器的电磁兼容性,主要应采用磁屏蔽,也可采用高导磁材料的磁芯来减小磁能量的泄漏。

    In order to increase the EMC of the switching transformer , the measures of the magnetic shielding or using high guiding magnetic material to reduce the leaking of the magnetic energy should be taken .

  12. 简述了高频感应加热及变频器的原理及应用,介绍了智能功率模块的使用方法,分析了不同频率下导磁材料和非导磁材料的热加工效率。

    The article narrates the principle of the high frequency induction heating and inverter together with its application . It also introduces how to use the intelligent power module , analyses the heating efficiency of magnetic material and magnetless material in different frequency .

  13. 本文研究了Ni粉/Ni-Zn铁氧体的导电导磁复合材料在1~1000MHz频率范围内的磁导率复合特性。

    The composite permeability in the range 1 ~ 1000MHz of the conductive and magnetic composite consisting of nickel powder and Ni Zn ferrite was studied .

  14. 电机槽楔用各向异性导磁复合材料进展

    Progress on anisotropic composite magnetic materials used for motor slot wedges

  15. 用各向异性导磁复合材料制备磁性槽楔是槽楔用导磁复合材料的发展趋势。

    Anisotropic composite magnetic materials were the trend of the composite magnetic materials used for motor slot wedges .

  16. 水箱盖、壳体及内部承管板等构件全部采用非导磁不锈钢材料。

    All cover of water tank , casing and internal tube-bearing board shall use non-magnetic conductive stainless steel .

  17. 分选空间必须选用不导磁的耐磨损材料;

    In order to realize the theory , the separation space must be un-conducted magnetic materials .

  18. 该测厚仪适用于导磁工件上镀(涂)有非导磁材料的镀(涂)层厚度的测量。

    The gauge is suitable for the thickness measurement of non magnetic conducting plating ( coating ) on magnetic conducting workpieces .