
  • 网络sturgeon;Nicola Sturgeon;W.sturgeon
  1. 在此前的BBC《安德鲁·马尔秀》中,就欧盟问题谈到苏格兰的立场时,斯特金就曾暗示苏格兰可既留欧又留英。

    Speaking earlier on the BBC 's Andrew Marr show about Scotland 's position regarding the EU , Ms. Sturgeon suggested that Scotland could stay in the UK and the EU .

  2. 在与斯特金会晤之后,梅表现出不愿考虑苏格兰第二次独立公投,她表示,苏格兰人民已于2014年传达出了一个“相当明确的消息”了。

    Following a meeting with Ms. Sturgeon , Mrs. May appeared unwilling to consider a second referendum on Scottish independence , saying people in Scotland sent a " very clear message " in 2014 .

  3. 在英国广播公司苏格兰政论节目中,当被问及若《里斯本条约》第50条于12月启动而苏格兰政府不予采纳,她会持何种立场时,斯特金表示,这就是她着手第二次独立公投的原因。

    On the BBC 's Sunday Politics Scotland programme , when asked about her position if Article 50 was triggered in December and the Scottish government was not " on board , " Ms. Sturgeon said that was why she was making preparations for a second independence referendum .