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xiǎo zú
  • private;pawn;minion
小卒 [xiǎo zú]
  • [pawn] 国际象棋16个棋子中价值最小的棋子

小卒[xiǎo zú]
  1. 短暂性脑缺血发作(TIA)是一种由于血栓阻塞脑动脉导致大脑短暂性供血中断所引起的疾病,有时也被称为“小卒中”。

    TIA , sometimes known as a " mini stroke ," occurs when a blood clot temporarily clogs an artery and blocks blood flow to the brain .

  2. 还记得小卒是怎么变成皇后的吗

    Remember how a pawn can be converted to a queen ?

  3. 在权力斗争中我们只是一批小卒。

    We are mere pawns in the struggle for power .

  4. 你为什么对我们这些小卒这么好?

    What good is it for you to worry about us pawns ?

  5. 广告小卒的非典型性症状

    Non-Typical Symptom of a Small Potato in AD Field

  6. 珀西说他提拔了你这个默默无闻的小卒

    Percy says he plucked you from obscurity ,

  7. 短暂性脑缺血发作或小卒中患者应当收住院吗?

    Should the patients with transient ischemic attack or minor stroke be admitted to hospital ?

  8. 你是她的一枚小卒

    You 're one of her pawns .

  9. 珀西说他提拔了你这个默默无闻的小卒,他认为你是一块璞玉。

    Percy says he plucked you from obscurity and he thinks you 're a diamond in the rough .

  10. 尽管约翰认为他身负重任,但他实在只是一名小卒。

    Although John thinks he has an important job , he is really only a cog in the wheel .

  11. 次级抵押贷款市场上越来越多抵押品赎回权的丧失,让这些小卒纷纷丧生,留下质量更好的信贷。

    The pawns are getting killed by rising foreclosures in the subprime mortgage market , leaving the better credits exposed .

  12. 他认为,这部分要归因于“年轻人并不都想成为大公司里一名小卒”的创业教育。

    Partly thanks to entrepreneurship education " young people do not all want to be soldiers for big companies " , he says .

  13. 高血压是血管性痴呆的危险因素,原因是一系列的小卒中引起脑功能损伤。

    High blood pressure is a known risk factor for vascular dementia , where brain function is damaged by a series of small strokes .

  14. 如果英国政府固守其依附美国、冷落欧盟的过时方针,就很有可能使英国连同欧洲一道,沦为在地缘政治上无足轻重的小卒。

    If the British government stands by its anachronistic plan to cleave to the US while shunning the EU , it may well consign Britain , along with Europe , to geopolitical irrelevance .

  15. 结果23个狭窄支架植入均成功,狭窄率降低到(9.3±5.2)%,无夹层动脉瘤、血管破裂、支架内急性闭塞并发症,手术造成缺血性小卒中1例(4.5%),无死亡。

    Results The technique was successful for all 23 stenoses without mortality or major stroke . One minor stroke ( 4.5 % ) occurred in a patient of combined vertebral and basilar stenoses during the procedure . The average residual stenosis after stenting was ( 9.3 ± 5.2 ) % .