
xiǎo gōu
  • minor groove;fassula;sulcule
小沟[xiǎo gōu]
  1. 抗肿瘤药物DNA小沟区结合剂的研究进展

    Review on DNA minor groove binders as antitumor drugs

  2. 模拟结果表明DNA与可逆脒小分子的结合会产生一个又窄又深的小沟。

    Our simulation results indicated that a DNA molecule bound by a reversible amidine produced a narrow and deep minor groove .

  3. p#分页标题#e#九点到十一点,他打算挖一个洞,或者一条小沟也行,没准儿还能从脏土里翻出什么好吃的呢。

    From nine to eleven he planned to dig a hole , or trench10 , and possibly find something good to eat buried in the dirt .

  4. 小沟结合方式中的DNA媒介电荷转移

    DNA-Mediated Charge Transport by Minor-Groove Binding Polyamide

  5. 由溴化乙锭从小沟方向插入不同碱基对的结合能考察发现,溴化乙锭对DNA碱基对有特异性识别,并且与CA碱基对结合能最强。

    Comparing the binding energy of EB with different base pairs , it was found that EB had special recognition among base pairs with the maximum binding energy with CA.

  6. CIP与端粒DNA的作用方式是以插入方式与DNA小沟区结合并伴随氢键和范德华力共同作用模式。

    The way of CIP binding with telomere DNA was interaction at the small groove of DNA , gone with hydrogen bonds and van der Waals interaction in the model .

  7. 模拟的结果与实验一致,且显示出EGCG以小沟槽模式结合在DNA的G-C富裕区。

    Simulation results were consistent with experimental results , showing that EGCG is connected in DNA G-C rich area with minor groove mode . 4 .

  8. 提出了A-DNA和B-DNA局部螺旋扭角的经验预测规则,考虑了非紧邻相互作用.对此结果从大沟和小沟中的大尺度环外基团的空间障碍作了阐述。

    The empirical predicting rules of A DNA and B DNA local helical twist have been presented . The non neighbor interactions are considered . The results are elucidated based on the steric clashes of large exocyclic groups in the major and minor grooves .

  9. gis支持下的县级耕地分等&以福建省福清市为例渠分干渠、支渠、小沟不同等级,以引渠水灌溉耕地。

    Grading of Arable Land at County Level with the Support of GIS & A Case of Fuqing City , Fujian Province A complete irrigation system was made up of the main ditch , the branch ditches and many water channels through which water was diverted into the cultivated fields .

  10. 研究表明PIP能在双螺旋DNA小沟处与特异性核酸序列紧密结合,影响基因表达;同时,PIP可抵抗核酸酶的降解,不需要特殊的转运系统。

    Synthetic polyamides can bind to specific nucleotide sequences in the minor groove of double-helical DNA with high affinity and specificity and influence gene expression . PIP are chemical compounds that are completely resistant to nucleases and do not require particular delivery systems .

  11. 小沟聚合物探针实时检测变形链球菌和远缘链球菌

    MGB Probes Detect Streptococcus Mutans and Streptococcus Sobrinus in Real Time

  12. 这位老太太困难地跨过小沟。

    The old lady strode across / over a ditch with difficulty .

  13. 一个朋友拿起桨把船拨进一条小沟。

    A friend pulled the boat into a ditch with an oar .

  14. 他掉进一条小沟,但是并没有受伤。

    He fell into a little ditch , but he isn 't hurt .

  15. 你看,小沟流水,岸柳成荫。

    You see , there are willows and trenches .

  16. 我中学的时候,常常和同学在学校周围小沟里抓鱼。

    I am often around the small ditch for catch fish with other students .

  17. 称为灌水垄沟的小沟用于不中耕的粮食作物和饲料作物。

    Small furrows known as corrugations are used for uncultivated grain and forage crops .

  18. 为了杜绝这类事情,便在高额面值的硬币边缘处,设置小沟槽。

    To prevent this , little grooves were placed on the edges of high-value coins .

  19. 有的大鼠牙齿表面出现小沟、裂纹、或部分脱落,牙齿呈锯齿状严重缺损。

    Some rat tooth surface was groove , crack , or partially detached , teeth serrated serious defect .

  20. 后来,我几乎掉进一条很深的小窄沟里,这小沟不过是山坡上的一道裂痕。

    Then I nearly fell into a very narrow ravine , almost no more than a scar in the hillside .

  21. 她出发了,毫不费劲地穿过矮矮的草丛和茂盛的庄稼,跳过小沟和荆棘。

    Away she went , running through the short grass and the growing corn , leaping ditches and brambles with ease .

  22. 胃小区、胃小沟形态改变的病理学基础及临床意义&X线、解剖镜及病理组织学对照研究

    The Pathologic Bases and Clinical Significances of the Areae and Sulci Gastricae & Studied by comparing with X-ray , optical dissecting microscope and histopathology

  23. 早晨下了一场透雨,直到现在水还在顺着那些小沟,哗哗地朝着下头深不可测的无定河谷流着。

    This morning there had been a heavy rain , and the water was still rushing noisily down this little ditch towards the fathomless depths of the Wuding River canyon below .

  24. 在路旁的小沟里,右边向上,躺着一辆新的小轿车,可是一只轮子撞掉了。

    In the ditch beside the road , right side up , but violently shorn of one wheel , rested a new coupe which had left Gatsby 's drive not two minutes before .

  25. 在一个行政团体中处于不同等级的人的组织。渠分干渠、支渠、小沟不同等级,以引渠水灌溉耕地。

    The organization of people at different ranks in an administrative body . A complete irrigation system was made up of the main ditch , the branch ditches and many water channels through which water was diverted into the cultivated fields .

  26. 认为应用精细法双对比造影,显示胃粘膜面的细微结构&胃小沟和胃小区,对早期胃癌的诊断与鉴别有重要意义。

    The barium examination technique of each type of EGC are also explored , The authors believe that applying refined double-contrast method to demonstrate the microstructure of gastric mucosa & areae gastrica , is of importance in diagnosis and differentiation of EGC .

  27. 结果检出糜烂性胃炎7例,憩室炎15例,消化道肿瘤43例,消化道术后吻合口狭窄5例。数字化激光照片图像清晰度高,胃小区、小沟及结肠无名沟显示率高。

    Results : Seven cases of gastritis verrucosa , 15 cases of diverticula , 43 cases of tumor and five cases of the narrowing of anastomosis were detected , the clarity of picture in digital radiography was higher and the display of detailed structure of mucosa surface was finer .