
In fact , the experiment could have revealed a residual charge as small as ?? e per atom , and none was observed .
The arc is still keeping stable state and easy striking , until current downs to 5 ampere .
Mr. Au carries smaller sock sizes , shoes down to a men 's size five and styles that run the gamut from jeans to tuxedos .
The diameters of the small nodules ranged from 2 to 5 mm , and the large nodules from 5 to 10 mm .
Various multi - port aluminum tubes with the diameter small to 0.5 mm are widely used in air conditioning systems .
Injection of a very small dose of IL-1 β ( 0 . 06 fmol ) was effective on the generation of the supressive protein led us to suggest that IL-1 in brain might act as an important mediator between CNS and the immune system .
IDFA 's nearly 200 dairy processing members run nearly 600 plant operations , and range from large multi-national organizations to single-plant companies .
The simulating results prove that this scheme can design this system with the narrowest channel-width 1 u s and the highest frequency 100 MHz .
Experimental results show that surface roughness of Ra < 10 nm may be obtained by use of dressed and trued wheel with wheel moving speed in less than 15 mm / min , and no brittle cracks on microscopic ground surface .
In the experiments , rather long and unbroken submicro-diameter optical fibers with low optical loss about 0.1dB/cm were fabricated with a new drawing process by heating the standard single mode fiber with a designed electric strip heater .
In this city , I have completed the country slightly to faculty 's education .
The universe contains everything that exists , from the tiniest subatomic particles to galactic superclusters .
Moreover , such treatments can also be effective in treating children as young as eight .
Everything from poor diet and stress to serious kidney problems can be revealed by a glance at your fingernails .
And saturated calomel electrode as reference electrode . Results The outer diameter of the biosensor is 0 35 mm .
Compared with the universe , even the whole human history seems to be meaningless , let alone an individual man .
The curve span can be reduced to be very close to the ideal condition with the end-effector kinematics error still acceptable .
In 1990s , pressure swing adsorption was widely used from small scale oxygen production in medical use to large scale in industry .
As to university development of itself , economic development , progress , prosperity of culture of politics , there is great influence .
For an example , we can make a 300-tree forest in an area as small as the parking spaces of six cars .
Children as young as two can now sing , rattle off nursery rhymes and are growing up faster than anyone could ever imagine .
The app can detect quakes as small as magnitude 2.5 , with the best sensitivity in areas with a greater density of phones .
And finally , there may be compounding of structures of all sizes ranging from microscopic ones up to tectonic belts or even tectonic domains .
The most common migrants are the waders of the sandpiper family , but they also include other birds ranging in size from herons to shrikes .
Themes have ranged from outer space to colors yellow , pink , turquoise , and this year , it pays homage to the World Cup .
Because of its unique properties , electrophoretic finishing was applied widely , such as large project of car body , little of badge or glasses frame .
Treated with general liver protective drug in combination with low to moderate dose of anti-Thyroid agent , 33 cases ( 82 . 5 % ) recovered .
From the pressure of living space in a country to the narrowness of private space , even the difficult question of survival or destroy in philosophical choice .
All the systems in nature including physical system , chemical system , biological system , microscopic particle , and celestial body in astrospace exhibit nonlinear dynamic behaviors .
Three-dimensional storage , there is in the mail sorting mouth and between the three-dimensional library installed mail containers ( small letter box , large container ) needs to circulation .