
xiǎo zhǐ
  • little toe;minimus
小趾[xiǎo zhǐ]
  1. 瓣状甲是存在于我国北方许多汉族人群中的一种性状,其表现为小趾趾甲分瓣。

    Petaloid toenails , a human trait where the nail of little toe appears petaloidly exists in many populations of the Han Nationality in North China .

  2. 奥兹的左脚小趾有冻疮。他的牙齿磨耗得很厉害,反映了他的年纪与饮食。

    The little toe of his left foot reveals evidence of frostbite . ö tzi 's teeth are very worn , a reflection of his age and diet .

  3. 结论拇展肌、小趾展肌有知名血管为蒂、血运丰富、抗感染力强,是治疗跟骨骨髓炎理想的充填材料。

    Conclusion Calcaneus osteomylitis can be cured by the abductor hallucis and abductor digiti minimi transfer , which can provide adequate blood supply and shows strong antiinfective capacity .

  4. 在40侧成尸标本上观测了小趾展肌神经的来源、走行及其感觉支的数目和分布。

    The origin and course of the nervus abductor digiti minimi pedis and the numbers and distribution of its sensory branches were observed on 40 sides of adult cadavers .

  5. 骨折线基本走向是从前、外、上方到后、内、下方,骨折线走行之处损伤展肌、趾浅屈肌、跖方肌以及小趾展肌或它们的起点。

    It damaged all the soft tissue arosed from fractures medially and laterally , included adductor hallucis , quadratus plantae , flexor digitorum brevis and abductor digiti minimi as well .