
  • 网络Small black hole;mini-black holes
  1. 这颗最新发现的小黑洞IGR仅是太阳质量的三倍。

    The new kid , IGR , is only about three times as massive as the Sun .

  2. 这些小黑洞因为仅仅拥有几个太阳的质量而被称为“恒星质量黑洞”。

    Containing several times the mass of our sun , these are called stellar-mass black holes .

  3. 该杂志称:“他平时在受损的鼻子上所移植的假鼻子丢失了,在一个小黑洞周围露出一些软骨组织。”报道中没有说明消息来源。

    " The prosthesis that he normally attached to his damaged nose was missing , revealing bits of cartilage surrounding a small dark hole ," the magazine said in an unsourced report .

  4. 在剑桥当研究员时,他再接再励,并推测出:可能是产生宇宙的大爆炸同时也产生了那些小黑洞,其大小同质子差不多,但质量却重如一座大山。

    Gathering momentum as a fellow at Cambridge , Hawking calculated that the Big Bang , which gave birth to the universe , must have created tiny black holes , each about the size of a proton but with the mass of a mountain .

  5. 为了能消除二值图像背景上出现的白色小点,叶片上有小黑洞等情况,本文综合使用形态学处理、孔洞填充和小面积消去处理二值图像。

    This paper proposes an integrated use of morphological processing , hole filling algorithm and the small area of elimination algorithm to solve the problem that some binary images have little small white areas in black background or have small black holes in plant region .

  6. 这个小质量黑洞座落在我们银河系的一个双星系统中,位于南天星座&天坛座,这个系统被称为XTEJ1650-500。

    The low-mass black hole sits in a binary system in our galaxy known as XTE J1650-500 in the southern hemisphere constellation Ara .

  7. 夸克简并压可以阻止小质量黑洞无限坍缩

    Quark Degeneracy Pressure Can Prevent Light Quality Black Hole from Indefinite Collapse

  8. 小质量黑洞也被称为恒星质量的黑洞,是巨型恒星爆炸后的残骸。

    Small black holes also known as stellar-mass black holes form as the relics of giant exploding stars .

  9. 虽然这些作用对天文上的黑洞是可以忽略不计,它们对假设受量子力学支配的很小的黑洞意义很大。

    Although these effects are negligible for astronomical black holes , they are significant for hypothetical very small black holes where quantum-mechanical effects dominate .

  10. 就一个很小的黑洞来说,比如仅仅比太阳重两倍,落向黑洞中心的时间极其短,大约是百万分之二十秒。

    For a small black hole , say just a little heavier than twice the sun 's mass ,( 2 ) the time to fall to the center is exceedingly short , being about twenty millionths of a second .

  11. 但吸收不同方向小物质的黑洞或许会受到微小的推力从而互相抵消二者间的吸引力,致使黑洞转速下降。

    But a black hole that ate small meals from different directions would receive tiny pushes that cancel each other , and leave the black hole spinning slowly .