
xiǎo qián tí
  • minor premise
小前提 [xiǎo qián tí]
  • (1) [minor]∶逻辑中包含小项的前提

  • (2) [minor premise]∶三段论中包含小项的前提

小前提[xiǎo qián tí]
  1. 三段论中的小前提。

    The minor premise in a syllogism .

  2. 其自身的缺陷,如大前提存在漏洞、小前提的事实不清等等,会导致法官无法做出审判。

    But its shortcomings such as vulnerability in premise and unclear facts in minor premise may cause the judge cannot make a judgment .

  3. 民事诉讼法院判决的基础在于小前提事实的认定,而事实又靠证据来证明。

    The basis of civil court ruling is predicated on establishing facts , which rely on evidence to prove .

  4. 本论文采用大前提-小前提-结论以及从宏观到微观、从抽象到具体的逻辑思路。第一章系统梳理女性主义媒介研究发展历程、研究领域、理论依据和研究现状。

    Chapter One presents the history of feminist media studies , its research fields , theory foundation and status .

  5. 基于粗集理论,从变论域的角度出发,提出一种近似规则推理方法,根据给定的小前提,分析规则库中的规则,调整规则库,从而实现规则推理。

    From the viewpoint of variable universal an approximate rule mining inference approach based on rough set theory is proposed .

  6. 但用中项来联系两极端(所谓大前提和小前提),在推论里毋宁是一种直接的联系。

    But the relations of the extremes to the middle term ( the so-called premises , major and minor ) are immediate relations instead .

  7. 演绎法律推理是指把法律规范作为大前提,把案件事实作为小前提,从而推演出判决结论的推理。

    Deductive legal reasoning is a reasoning method which regards law as major premise , case as minor premise , and deduces conclusion from the major and minor premise .

  8. 法律推理前提可辩驳性包括两个方面:法律推理大前提法律规则的可辩驳性;法律推理小前提法律事实的可辩驳性。

    The defeasibility of Legal reasoning premise includes two aspects : legal reasoning premise & the rule of law can be contested ; Legal reasoning minor premise-legal facts can be contested .

  9. 设若大前提为‘男孩儿爱吃水果’,小前提为‘你是男孩儿’,则结论为‘所以你爱吃水果’。

    If the major premise is ` Boys like fruit ' and the minor premise is ` You are a boy ' , then the conclusion is ` Therefore you like fruit ' .

  10. 三段论的大、小前提只具有“真值”一个维度,司法三段论的大、小前提则具有“真值”和“价值”两个维度。

    The major and minor premises of syllogism have only one dimension named " true value ", but those of the judicial syllogism have two dimensions called " true value " and " value " .

  11. 该部分先探讨了法律不确定性在司法过程中的表现,法律的不确定性表现为大前提的不确定性、小前提的不确定性、结论的不确定性。

    Firstly the section discusses the performance of legal uncertainty in the judicial process , and the specific performances are the uncertainty of the major premise , the uncertainty of the minor premise and the uncertainty of the conclusions .

  12. 文章阐述婴幼儿奶粉侵权行为的构成要件为奶粉存在缺陷、人身或财产受有损害、并通过大前提-小前提-结论来论证奶粉缺陷与损害事实之间的因果关系。

    Infant milk powder infringement for the components of the defect of milk powder , personal or property damage , and through by major premise-minor premise-conclusion to demonstrate the defect and damage to the fact that milk powder the causal relationships .

  13. 作为法律推理的小前提的真的事实命题必须(一)是有用的,即符合实体法律规范,对得出当事人是否应当承担刑事责任、民事责任或行政责任具有实质意义的事实命题;

    The true factual proposition rendered as the minor of legal reasoning must first be " useful ": It is conforming to substantial legal norms and is substantially meaningful on judging whether the parties should take criminal , civil or administrative responsibility ;

  14. 从普通三段论的目的来看,它并没有要求大前提的完备性,只是强调如果大前提与小前提存在涵摄关系,那么绪论是必须推出的。

    Judging from the purpose of the common syllogism , it does not call for completeness of the major premise . It just emphasizes that an introduction must be given if there is a containing and absorbing relation between the major premise and the minor premise .

  15. 作为推理小前提的案件主要事实,又称为直接事实、重要事实、必要事实和民事实体法事实,是与法律规范的构成要件相对应的、实际发生的生活事实。

    And as the minor premise , the primary facts of the case , also called the direct facts , the key facts , the necessary facts or civil substantive law facts , are facts corresponding to the component elements of legal norms that really happen .

  16. 在发动机各工况点下选择最佳的EGR率,可在对发动机其它性能影响很小的前提下,显著地降低发动机的NOx排放。

    Selecting optimal rate of EGR under different engine working conditions can remarkably reduce emission of Nox without evident effects on other engine performances .

  17. 根据Radon变换的性质,将投影理论引入运动参数估计中;通过试验证明,Radon变换能够在精度损失很小的前提下极大地提高运动参数估计的效率。

    The projection theory is introduced into motion estimation based on the properties of Radon transform , which is implemented to improve the efficiency of motion estimation greatly with little accuracy loss .

  18. 由于弹道导弹飞行试验成本昂贵,试验次数比较少,经典统计理论在小样本前提下有效性大为降低。

    Due to the high cost of flight testing of ballistic missiles , the number of testing relatively is small .

  19. 可以在蓄洪池损失很小的前提下,使分洪模式由不忍使用的集中分洪转变为灵活有效的分布式控制分洪。

    The concentrated flood diversion which we cannot bear to use is transformed to the distributed one which is more controllable and effective with little loss in the floodwater storage zone .

  20. 固态物理的基础大多建立在「面积积比」无限小的前提上,意即元件的物理特性是由其体积所控制。

    Much of the foundation of solid-state physics rests on the premise that the surface-to-volume ratio of objects is infinitesimal , meaning that physical properties are always dominated by the physics of the bulk .

  21. 威廉姆斯发现,他们在心脏病发后跑得越多或走得越多,其死于心脏病的风险就越小,前提是他们的运动里程不能超过临界点&一天跑步超过7.1公里或走路超过10.7公里。

    What Williams found is that the more they ran or walked after a heart attack , the less likely they were to die of heart disease ─ until they exceeded 7.1 kilometers of running or 10.7 kilometers of walking daily .

  22. 第二章在小偏差假设前提下得出导弹姿态运动动力学模型;

    Chapter 2 bring forward the dynamics model of the missile attitude control system ;

  23. 美国爆发疫情的可能性非常小,但是前提是医护人员要按照控制疫情的治疗方案去做。

    The chances of outbreak is extremely low , but only if health workers follow the protocols for containment .

  24. 在小扰动假设前提下,采用迭加和差分概念相结合的算法,首次求得可变节流动静压混合轴承的八个动特性系数;

    Eight dynamic coefficients of hybrid journal bearing compensated by a variable restrictor are given at the first time , using a technique combining the finite difference concept method with the superposition method on disturbance condition .

  25. 解决小产权房的前提条件就是建立集体土地使用权流转机制。

    Prerequisite of solving the estates is that it should establish transfer mechanism of collective land tenure .

  26. 小而言之,是三段论逻辑涵摄的小前提,当事人能够平等理性对话的基础。

    On the other hand , it is the minor premise of syllogism , the basis on which the parties can carry out their communication equally and rationally .