
  • 网络Small logic;Hegel;The Logic of Hegel
  1. 黑格尔在《逻辑学》和《小逻辑》中并没有全盘否定形式逻辑同一律,而是对形式逻辑及同一律的作用给予了充分的肯定。

    Rather , he fully affirms the functions of formal logic and the law of identity .

  2. 《小逻辑》与文学研究

    Encyclopedia Logic and Literature Research

  3. 黑格尔的名著《小逻辑》,是恩格斯推荐的学习马克思主义哲学的必读文本之一。

    Hegel 's masterpiece Small Logic is one of the books recommended by Engles for people to read to study Marxist philosophy .

  4. 图5显示了将小部件逻辑委派到浏览器端的好处。

    Figure 5 shows the advantage of delegating the widget logic to the browser side .

  5. 英语小句逻辑主谓结构和大句独立结构之比较

    Logical S-P Construction of Minor Sentences and Nominative Absolute Construction of Major Sentences : A Comparative Study

  6. 以这三个问题为出发点,设计策略采用的是由主到次,由大到小的逻辑方法。

    With these three questions as the starting point , the design method follows the logic that from big to small .

  7. 我们发现大部分脆弱点通常由小的逻辑错误或软件开发人员没发现或解决的情况所引起。

    We found that the majority of vulnerabilities are usually caused by a small logic error or a case that the software developer hadn 't uncovered or accounted for .

  8. 在大多数Web应用程序中,特定小部件的逻辑都分在同一个组中并同时加载它们。

    In most Web applications , the logic for a particular widget is grouped together and loaded at once .

  9. onKeyUp()和validate()是两个函数,定义了小部件的逻辑

    OnKeyUp () and validate () are the functions that define the logic of the widget

  10. 在seem-结构中,动词后面的DP、AP、或PP可以分析为一个小句的逻辑谓词,其逻辑主语为已经移到了seem-分句主语位置的DP,该位置可以指派主语格。

    In seem-structures , the DP , AP , or PP can be analyzed as the predicate of a small clause , with its logical subject moved into the surface subject position of the seem-clause , where nominative Case is assigned .

  11. sJSBase包含一些常见的框架例程,比如数据操作例程和日期选择小部件的逻辑。

    S_JSBase includes some common framework routines , such as date manipulation routines and the date-picker widget logic .

  12. 重点讨论了该核心单元面积小、与逻辑工艺完全兼容等优点,并提出其设计中的四个难点&数据保持时间短、操作需要负电压、数据保持时间的温度敏感性及易受干扰特性。

    In this paper , the advantages of gain cell such as small cell size , logic process compatibility and etc are discussed . Furthermore , four design difficulties , small data retention time , negative voltage requirement , temperature and disturbance sensibility of data retention time are performed detailedly .

  13. 具有小延时反馈的逻辑生长过程中的稳态概率与极值分布

    Stationary Probability and Extremum Distribution in Logistic Growth Process with Small Time Delay

  14. 现有文献一般认为,连接性词语在语法上起连接作用,在语义上体现小句之间的逻辑-语义关系。

    In the existing literature , it is generally assumed that connectives indicate the grammatical connections and logico-semantic relations between clauses .

  15. 经验功能是指人们如何认知和体验事物的发生体现;逻辑功能是关于小句复合体的逻辑意义。

    Experiential function refers to how we perceive and experience what is going on ; logical function refers to logical meaning between clauses in clause complex .