
  • 网络small claims;Small Claim Procedure
  1. 第二章阐述了小额诉讼程序的基本原理。

    The second chapter makes clear small claims procedure basic principles .

  2. 奥运旅游与小额诉讼程序的设立

    Olympics Tourism Requires the Establishment of Small Claims Procedure

  3. 论小额诉讼程序星状神经节阻滞

    On the Legal Procedure of Minor Law Suit Stellate ganglion block

  4. 两大法系小额诉讼程序的比较分析

    A Comparative Analyse of the Small Claim Proceeding between Two Law Families

  5. 论我国小额诉讼程序的建构

    On Construction of the Petty Lawsuit Procedure in China

  6. 第四章:构建我国小额诉讼程序的具体设想。

    The third chapter : the establishment of small claims procedure in China .

  7. 比较了一些国家的小额诉讼程序的立法及实践;

    This essay compares the legislations and practices of lawsuit procedure with other countries ;

  8. 小额诉讼程序研究

    Studies on the Legal Procedure of Small Claims

  9. 小额诉讼程序的比较与构建

    Comparation and Contribution of the Lawsuit Procedure

  10. 前言介绍了我国研究小额诉讼程序的社会背景及意义。

    The foreword introduces the social background and the significance to study small claims procedure in our country .

  11. 即将修订的我国民事诉讼法也应当增设独立的小额诉讼程序。

    The prospective amendment of the civil procedure law in China should also include the special petty lawsuit procedure .

  12. 小额诉讼程序是独立于普通程序和简易程序,以简便、快捷、经济的方式解决小额、轻微民事纠纷的一种新型诉讼程序。

    Small claims procedure is a new litigation procedure which is independent of the general procedure and the summary procedure .

  13. 文章最后对我国小额诉讼程序的构建及程序保障作出了制度上的安排。

    In the article , the author makes system arrangements on the establishment and procedural safeguard of Chinese small claim proceedings .

  14. 小额诉讼程序的构建重点在于分流案件,在保证准确性的前提下,减少诉讼成本。

    Small claims procedure focuses on diversion cases , to ensure the accuracy of the premise , to reduce litigation costs .

  15. 从域外司法情况来看,小额诉讼程序确实能够缓解案件积压,司法资源分配不合理导致效率低下的现象。

    In the view of extraterritorial justice , small claims procedure can relieve cases backlog and unreasonable collocation of judicial resources .

  16. 也谈我国民事诉讼程序之修改两大法系小额诉讼程序的比较分析

    Discussion of the Revision of China 's Civil Proceeding A Comparative Analyse of the Small Claim Proceeding between Two Law Families

  17. 小额诉讼程序在解决小额纠纷上的优势源于其深厚的法理基础及其特殊的价值取向。

    The superiority of small claims procedure in settling the small claims disputes stems from its profound jurisprudential basis and value .

  18. 首先谈到了小额诉讼程序的概念表述以及特点和功能的定位等基本理论问题。

    First , the concept of small claims procedure mainly is about the definition positioning features and functions of the basic theoretical issues .

  19. 对两大法系的小额诉讼程序进行比较研究之后,提出我国应当如何借鉴。

    After a comparative study of the small claim proceeding between two law families , the author put forward some opinions about reference .

  20. 提出在小额诉讼程序中加入调解前置环节的建议等等,为今后小额诉讼制度构建提供理论分析和实践统计,进而更有力的推动司法为民和法治进程。

    Thus , will provide theoretical analysis and practical statistics for small claims system construction and further effectively put forward the process of justice .

  21. 而小额诉讼程序就是在这场改革出现,并成为世界各国采取的使法院便于接近的主要途径之一。

    Then the Small Claims Procedure was appeared , and became one of the main approaches taken in this reform to make the court easy access .

  22. 在奥运旅游期间设立小额诉讼程序需要在适用范围、审理程序等方面作出新的规定。

    The establishment of such a small claims procedure exclusively for Olympic tourism requires new provisions in terms of the scope of application and the hearing .

  23. 小额诉讼程序作为当事人接近司法的一种重要的诉讼制度,已越来越受到世界各国的广泛关注,许多国家设立了小额诉讼制度。

    As an important legal system , small claims procedure has got more and more attention around the world . Many countries have set up small claims systems .

  24. 再次,对小额诉讼程序与其他诉讼内外纠纷解决机制进行了对比分析以明确小额诉讼程序的优势所在。

    Once again , the mechanism of the small claims procedure and other litigations and alternative dispute resolutions are analyzed to determine the advantages of small claims procedure .

  25. 中国目前也面临着诉讼的爆炸,司法资源的短缺,法院审判压力巨大及民众接近司法的困难等问题,鉴于此,中国需要构建自己的小额诉讼程序来有效缓解上述问题。

    China is also facing a lawsuit explosion , shortage of judicial resources , the court trial pressure and the difficulties people access to justice and so on .

  26. 小额诉讼程序有着独特的品性、魅力和深厚的法理基础,有着简易程序、普通程序无法比拟的优势。

    Small claims procedure has a unique character , charm and solid legal basis ; it possesses the incomparable advantages contrasted with a simple procedure and the general procedures .

  27. 为降低诉讼成本、提高诉讼效率和实现司法大众化,近年来,许多国家和地区修改或设立了小额诉讼程序。

    To cut the cost of claims , enhance the efficiency and realize the jurisdiction popularization , many countries and regions have modified or constructed small claim proceeding in recent years .

  28. 简化民事纠纷诉讼程序,建立和完善专门的小额诉讼程序解决大量的小额纠纷,实现小额纠纷诉讼程序的简易、快捷和高效,已成为世界各国诉讼程序改革的必然趋势。

    It is a trend in the world to simplify civil lawsuit procedures , establish and perfect special petty lawsuit procedures and make the petty law procedures brief , fast and effective .

  29. 第二部分是分别介绍美国、英国、日本和我国台湾地区的小额诉讼程序产生的背景和法律规定,总结它们的相同点和不同点。

    The second part is to introduce the background and legal requirements of the Small Claims Procedure of the United States , Britain , Japan and Taiwan region , summarizes their similarities and differences .

  30. 面对日益增多的案件和司法资源紧缺的现状,尽快设置小额诉讼程序是民事诉讼制度改革的必要。

    Faced with an increasing number of cases and the status of scarce judicial resources , as soon as possible , set up procedures for small claims civil litigation system is in need of reform .