
  • 网络Minority shareholder;Minority stockholders
  1. 少数股东强制家乐福放弃六月出售资产的计划,但是Dia仍在该月售出。

    Minority shareholders forced Carrefour to abandon the property sale in June , but Dia was sold this month .

  2. Petrobras公司是巴西国有控股的石油巨头,自2010年以来,它就不再受投资者青眯,那时,政府通过石油换股权交易减少了少数股东。

    Petrobras has been out of favour with investors since 2010 , when the government diluted minority shareholders in an oil-for-shares deal .

  3. 今年6月,凯斯又将其在Flexcar的股权比例提高至85%,日本汽车制造商本田汽车(Honda)是该公司的少数股东。

    Mr Case raised his stake in June to 85 per cent . Honda , the Japanese carmaker , is a minority shareholder .

  4. 研究发现股权集中度、少数股东联盟、CEO任期、总经理董事长独立性和法制环境等因素在不同程度上对财务舞弊行为产生影响。

    We conclude a result that factors of the ownership concentration , league of minor shareholders , CEO tenure , CEO duality and the law have effects on financial fraud .

  5. 2012年6月,腾讯出资近3.3亿美元,买入了美国纽约的独立游戏开发商EpicGames48.4%的少数股东股份。

    In June 2012 , Tencent purchased a 48.4 % minority stake in Cary , N.C. - based independent developer Epic Games for approximately $ 330 million .

  6. 去年9月,阿里巴巴创建阿里体育,少数股东包括新浪(Sina)和由马云控股的私人投资公司云峰基金(YunfengCapital)。

    Alisports was established by Alibaba in September with minority investors including Sina and Yunfeng Capital , a private investment vehicle controlled by Mr Ma .

  7. 电讯盈科(pccw)主席李泽楷(richardli)及其中国国有合作伙伴提高了将这家香港电信公司私有化的出价,希望在最后一刻赢得不满的少数股东的支持。

    Richard Li , chairman of PCCW , and his Chinese state-controlled partner have raised their offer to take the Hong Kong telecoms company private in an 11th-hour bid to win over disgruntled minority shareholders .

  8. 香港电信公司电讯盈科(pccw)昨日受挫,该公司一项将旗下上市地产业务私有化的提议,遭到了少数股东的投票反对。

    PCCW , the Hong Kong telecommunications company , suffered a setback yesterday when minority shareholders voted against a proposal to take its listed property arm private .

  9. 如今,李泽楷旗下控股公司的少数股东又投票否决相关计划,拒绝将电讯盈科23%控股权出售给李泽楷之父、亿万富翁李嘉诚(LiKa-shing)参与的一个财团。

    Now minority shareholders at Mr Li 's holding company have voted down a proposal to sell the controlling 23 per cent stake in PCCW to a consortium that included his father , billionaire Li Ka-shing .

  10. 美国股权收购公司tpg-新桥(tpg/newbridge)此前曾提出,向少数股东每股支付0.30新元收购盈科拓展股票,使该公司退市。

    TPG / Newbridge , a US buy-out firm , has offered to take the company private by offering minority shareholders S $ 0.30 a share .

  11. 当然,拥有少数股东权益,我们无权指导或者影响SAFECO的管理策略。

    Of course , with a minor interest we do not have the right to direct or even influence management policies of SAFECO .

  12. Macarthur的少数股东们如今正在权衡,是折价发售新股,提高股东名册上业内公司的集中度,还是接受目前很小、但有增大潜力的溢价,全部脱手。

    Minorities are now weighing the issuance of shares at a discount , increasing the concentration of industry players on the register , against a currently small , but potentially bigger premium to remove them altogether .

  13. 2011年,阿里巴巴将在线支付业务支付宝(Alipay)的所有权转移到马云控股的一家公司名下,引发了争议,少数股东雅虎(Yahoo)和软银(SoftBank)担心它们所持阿里巴巴股份的价值会受到侵蚀。

    In 2011 an argument erupted over the transfer of the Alipay online payments business to a company controlled by Ma , which raised fears among minority shareholders Yahoo and SoftBank that the value of their stakes in Alibaba would be eroded .

  14. Maso等基金声称,这些公司私有化的目的是要在中国国内以更高价格重新上市,这些基金正试图利用开曼群岛法庭迫使这些公司向以前的少数股东支付更多。

    Funds such as Maso claim that these companies have been bought with the intention to relist them in China at a much higher price and are seeking to use the Cayman Island courts to compel the companies to pay more to former minority shareholders .

  15. 加强对少数股东权益的保护;

    Strengthen the safeguard for the rights of the small shareholders ;

  16. 少数股东保护的新进路:少数股东股份的优先股化

    The New Way in Minority Shareholder Protection : Changing the Shares Preferred

  17. 壳牌公司在三家已获得生产许可证的公司里只是少数股东。

    Shell is a minority shareholder in three production licences .

  18. 我正以少数股东的名义写一分材料。

    I am write on behalf of the minority share-holder .

  19. 略论近代公司少数股东的自我保护机制

    The Monitoring Mechanism of Minority Shareholder in Contemporary Company

  20. 一些少数股东认为,出价应该高得多。

    Some minority investors have argued that the price should be much higher .

  21. 关联企业从属公司少数股东与债权人保护

    The Protection of Minority Shareholders and Creditors in the Subsidiaries of Associated Enterprises

  22. 论公司合并项下少数股东权利的保护

    On Protection of the Rights of Minority Shareholders in the Amalgamation of Corporations

  23. 第一章深入探讨了造成少数股东权益受到损害的原因。

    Chapter One discusses the reason for the prejudices the minority shareholders suffers .

  24. 股份公司少数股东权的保护

    Protection of Minority Stockholders ' Equity in Stock Company

  25. 我正代表少数股东写信

    I am writing on behalf of the minority shareholder

  26. 作为少数股东,港铁公司几乎没有反对之力。

    MTR , as the minority shareholder , had little room to object .

  27. 试论公开要约收购对少数股东利益的保护

    Protection of Minor Shareholders ' Rights in the Open Taking Over the Listing Company

  28. 论对公司少数股东的法律救济

    On Legal Relief of Minor Stock-holders in Companies

  29. 在最好的情况下,由少数股东进行积极治理能够取得成果。

    At its best , active governance by a few shareholders can achieve results .

  30. 对少数股东的公平价值补偿评估探析

    Appraisal for Fair Value Compensation for Minority Shareholders