
  1. 条形码原本是一种印在产品外包装上,可以通过电脑识别的黑白相间的平行线。

    The phrase'barcode'comes from the computer-readable black-and-white parallel lines that are printed on product packaging .

  2. 我喜欢拍照片,最初这种被广泛用在产品外包装上的塑料类制品是我拍照片的素材。

    I like photography , and at first , plastic wrap was the subject of my photos .

  3. 就形式而言,它包括化妆品产品外包装、小册子、宣传书、使用指南等等。

    On the form , it is includes cosmetic product packaging , brochures , books , instructions and so on .

  4. 我清除了所有给我带来骄傲和信心的标记,所有的窗户装饰物,产品外包装。

    I took every moniker that gave me pride and confidence , all the window dressings , the packaging around the product .

  5. 随着信息技术的发展,高精度彩色喷墨激光打印机和高精度扫描仪得到广泛的应用,票据、证件、货币以及产品外包装等印刷品的篡改和伪造变得非常容易。

    With the development of information technology , the high accuracy color ink-jet laser printer and high precision scanners are widely used , the manipulation and falsification of presswork such as bill , certificates , currency and product outer package is easier than before .

  6. 同时也可用于圆筒类产品的外包装。

    It is also applied in the outer package of cylinder product and something like .

  7. 三层瓦楞纸板,主要用作内包装材料,也可以用于小而轻的产品的外包装。

    This finished product , single wall corrugated board , is mainly introduced as inner packing material .

  8. 因而可以被使用在产品的外包装上,用于鉴别产品真伪和携带产品序列号。

    Therefore , this method can be used in product casing , in order to distinguish fake and carry the serial number of product .

  9. 编织袋广泛应用于大米、面粉、水泥、化肥、淀粉、饲料、棉纱、建材、化工原料、金属制品及其它产品的外包装,且这些物料的产量非常大。

    Woven bags are widely used for the packaging products such as rice , flour , cement , fertilizer , starch , feedstuff , cotton yarn , architecture materials , chemical materials , metal products and so on , and the production of these materials is very great .

  10. 基于CAE的冰箱产品结构与外包装方案优化

    Optimization of Refrigerator 's Structure and Packaging Project based on CAE

  11. 据世界卫生组织公约的规定,烟草产品必须在外包装上印有明显的“吸烟有害健康”的提示。

    According to the WHO convention , tobacco products must carry prominent health warnings on the packaging .

  12. LELO产品采用防伪码验证技术,即在产品外包装盒上粘贴LELO官方防伪标签,每件产品均有唯一的防伪码。

    Every LELO Product includes an official LELO anti-fake label and has a unique anti-fake code .