
  1. 大学生就业困难群体援助:现状、困境与出路高校特困生的精神解困工作探析

    The Assistance of College Students ' Employment Disadvantaged Groups : Present Situation , Difficulties and Outlets

  2. 创建充分就业社区,就是要围绕构建和谐社会这个目标,通过开发社区就业岗位,帮助解决下岗失业人员,特别是4050等就业困难群体再就业问题,达到扩大就业、稳定就业目的。

    Build up full employment community should surround the object of establishing harmonious society , through measures of developing society employment position , help the unemployed people , especially 4050 the inadequate employment people , reach the aim of expanding employment and stabilizing employment .

  3. 就业援助的弱者对象大体包括:城镇下岗失业人员、农村进城务工人员、残疾人中具有一定劳动能力,而有就业愿望的群体;大学生中的就业困难群体。

    In general the targets of employment assistance system are as these : urban laid-off workers ; rural workers migrated to cities ; disabled persons with some ability and desire to work ; university students who are in difficult of employment .

  4. 就业援助制度是国家建立的促进就业困难人员就业的援助制度,是适用于其中处于劳动年龄阶段,具有劳动能力,又有就业愿望,而失去就业资源禀赋的就业困难群体。

    National employment assistance system is set up to promote employment of the difficult groups , and is applicable to these employment groups : Being in working-age phase , with the ability to work , and employment aspirations , but loss of employment resource endowment .