
  • 网络Employment Concept;values of employment;employment outlook
  1. 试论当前大学生的就业观及其转变

    A Brief Discussion on College Students ' Values of Employment and its Change

  2. 面对严峻的就业形势,在沉重的经济负担和学习压力之下,大学生在就业观上发生了很大变化,在思想上产生不少的困惑和问题。

    Confronted with severe job situation , suffering both from economic burdens and academic pressures , college students tend to change greatly on their values of employment and feel puzzled on their mind .

  3. 互联网时代改变了年轻人的就业观。

    The Internet era has changed young people 's view on employment .

  4. 大学生就业观及就业态度的调查分析

    A survey of viewpoints and altitudes on obtaining employment of university students

  5. 青年大学生就业观探析

    Analysis of Views of Young College Students on Employment

  6. 浅谈大学生就业观与就业指导

    On Employment Viewpoint of University Students and Employment Guidance

  7. 破除封建的陈旧腐败观念与传统就业观;

    Eradicate old feudal ideas and traditional employment view ;

  8. 以解放思想,实事求是的思想原则为指导浅谈当代大学生就业观

    Elementary Talk about the Contemporary Students ' Employment Concept

  9. 再议大学生就业观做好求职准备

    Discussion on the College Student 's Job Viewpoint and Preparation for the Job-hunting

  10. 这就需要树立正确的人生观念,包括价值观,就业观。

    This requires a correct outlook on life , including values , employment outlook .

  11. 岭南文化范式视域下对大学生就业观的分析

    An Analysis of College Students'Outlook on Employment in the Perspective of Lingnan Culture Paradigm

  12. 大学毕业生如何树立正确的就业观

    Proper Attitude of University Graduates to Employment

  13. 具体来看,本文从话语、内容和方式三个方面来分析电视媒介对就业观的建构。

    Specifically , this paper analyze it from three aspects , discourse , content and mode .

  14. 金融危机背景下高职生就业观的调查与分析

    Investigation and Analysis of Vocational College Students ' Employment Notions Against the Background of Financial Crisis

  15. 农林专业大学生应树立大众化就业观

    How to build up the Concept of Popular Occupation for the College Students in Agriculture and Forestry

  16. 高校毕业生就业观分析&基于西安市某高校的调查

    Study on Employment of College Students & Based on a survey in a college of Xian city

  17. 以自主创业为典范,加强大学生就业观教育;

    Take the independent undertaking as the model , strengthens the university student to get employed the view education ;

  18. 本文旨在引导大学生树立科学就业观,正确认识自己。

    This article is for guiding the university student to set up the science employment view , understands itself correctly .

  19. 大众化高等教育推动下的传统就业观和知识产业问题受到冲击,值得重新审视。

    Thirdly , the traditional view of employment and intellective production should be reconsidered in the circumstance of mass higher education .

  20. 第四部分,针对现状深入分析影响大学生就业观成型的原因。

    The forth part , deeply analysis the effect of the collegegraduates ' view of employment according to the current situation .

  21. 建议强化择业的自主意识,树立正确的就业观,调整择就业的价值取向。

    It is suggested that college students should be more independent , have correct ideas of job seeking and adjust their values .

  22. 在一定程度上,就业观的发展状态决定着一个就业者的行为,并且对就业形势有着非常重要的影响。

    To a certain extent , employment concept determines the Employment Act , and has an important influence on the employment situation .

  23. 大学生就业观的改变对解决大学生就业难题目具有非常主要的作用。

    Changes in employment value of college students will play an important role to solve the difficulties of employment of college students .

  24. 面对新的形势,作为培育大学生成才的高等院校,在育人过程中,如何引导大学生树立正确的就业观,显得十分重要。

    Faced with the new situation , colleges and universities should pay more attention to guiding their students to set up a correct attitude towards employment .

  25. 通过这样的建构过程,电视媒介通过一个全民教育的方式试图在全社会范围树立正确的就业观,构建一个和谐健康的就业环境。

    Through the construction , television media try to establish a correct concept of employment and build a harmonious and healthy employment environment in the whole society .

  26. 提出了改善这种局面主要从学校加强实践教学、提高专业师资力量以及学生自身正确定位就业观来着手。

    Proposed to improve this situation mainly from schools to strengthen teaching practice and enhance their professional teaching staff and students view their job properly positioned to proceed .

  27. 同样地,最近斯德哥尔摩的联合国在欧洲范围内的调查发现,工作与生活平衡是唯一在大学毕业生中最流行的就业观,超过了高薪。

    Likewise , a recent Europe-wide survey from Stockholm-based Universum found that work-life balance is now the single most popular career goal among university graduates , ahead of high pay .

  28. 笔者认为大学生就业观的形成和转变主要受社会、高校、家庭及大学生自身四个方面因素的影响。

    The author think that the formation and the transformation of employment value of college students are mainly influenced by four aspect factor : social , college , family and college students themselves .

  29. 目的了解护理本科生就业观,发现就业方面存在的问题,以便采取相应的应对措施提高本科护生的就业率。

    Objective To investigate the viewpoint on employment in nursing college undergraduates and analyze the present problems in employment , so as to take corresponding countermeasures to improve the success rate of employment .

  30. 新生代农民工已经成为地方建设的主力军,他们的就业观会直接影响当地经济的发展。

    The new generation of migrant workers has become the major force in the local construction , their employment view has direct influence on the development of the local enterprises and economy as well .