
  • 网络employability
  1. 关于提升计算机专业毕业生就业竞争力的思考

    Thought on Improving the Employability of Computer Major Graduates

  2. 提升高校贫困生就业竞争力的SWOT分析

    A SWOT Analysis on how to Improving Employability of the Poverty-Stricken College Students

  3. 关于高职高专学生就业竞争力的SWOT分析

    On College Students ' Ability of Applying for a Job by SWOT Methodology

  4. 提升福建XX学院就业竞争力的研究

    Research on Improving the Competitiveness of Employment of Fujian XX Institute

  5. 《泰晤士高等教育》和法国顾问公司Emerging于11月19日发布的“2020年全球就业竞争力排名”研究了过去十年全球范围内为毕业生提供最多机会的国家和地区。

    The Times Higher Education magazine and French consultancy Emerging on Thursday released Employability Rankings 2020 , a 10-year survey into the places that provide the best opportunities for graduating students around the world .

  6. 提高医学本科毕业生就业竞争力的策略研究

    Strategy Research on Improving the Competitiveness of Medical Graduates in Employment

  7. 优化专业结构,提高毕业生就业竞争力

    Optimization of specialty structure and raising competitive force of college students

  8. 培养人际沟通能力增强护生就业竞争力

    Cultivating Nursing Students ' Interpersonal Skills and Increasing Their Employment Competitiveness

  9. 散杂居城市少数民族就业竞争力与对策研究

    The Employment Competitiveness and Strategy of Ethnic Minority in Scattered Mixed Cities

  10. 提高独立学院毕业生的综合素质和就业竞争力;

    To improve their all-round quality and their competitive power ;

  11. 试论大学生的就业竞争力及其培养途径

    On the Employment Competition of University Students and the Route of Cultivate Competitive

  12. 坚持教学改革提高学生就业竞争力

    Adhering to Teaching Reform and Heightening Employment Competition Power

  13. 浙江省高校就业竞争力及其提升模式的研究

    Study on Employment Competence and its Upgrade Model of Universities in Zhejiang Province

  14. 大学英语教学改革与提高大学生就业竞争力

    The Reform of College English Teaching and the Improvement of Graduates Job-hunting Competence

  15. 大学生就业竞争力由基础竞争力、核心竞争力、环境竞争力构成。

    Employment competence consists of basis competition , core competition , and environmental competition .

  16. 关于增强大学生就业竞争力的思考

    On Strengthening Employment Competitive Capacity of College Students

  17. 我报名学习计算机(IT)和文化教育课程,让自己更具就业竞争力。

    I took courses in IT and cultural management to make myself more employable .

  18. 加强实践教学提高旅游专业学生就业竞争力

    Strengthen the Students ' Practice to Enhance Tourism Major Students ' Competitiveness of Employment

  19. 提高医学生信息能力,增强就业竞争力

    Increase the Information Capacity of Medical Students in Order to Enhance the Competitive Employment

  20. 提高水电职业院校毕业生就业竞争力初探

    How to improve employment competitive ability of graduates from water and power vocational school

  21. 高等师范院校大学生就业竞争力现状及提升途径

    On the Employment Competence and the Way to Promotion of Graduates from Normal Universities

  22. 高校毕业生在如何提高自身的就业竞争力方面,有许许多多的想法。

    How to raise the employment competition ability by graduates , there is much viewpoint .

  23. 基于提升就业竞争力的医学生面试现状调查

    A Survey on Status Quo of Medical Student Interview Based on Increasing the Employment Competitiveness

  24. 基于二进制关联规则提取算法的大学生就业竞争力分析

    College Students ' Employment Competition Power Analysis Based on Mining Algorithm of Binary Association Rules

  25. 对影响高校毕业生就业竞争力因子的认识分析与教育方略

    The University Graduates Understanding And Analysis The Affective Factor Of Employment Competition Ability And Education Strategy

  26. 从工科毕业生就业竞争力看我国的高等工程教育改革

    Revolution of Higher Engineering Education from the View of Improving the Employment Competitiveness of Engineering Graduates

  27. 基于模糊理论学生综合素质教育与就业竞争力关系的研究

    Research on Relationship of Students Integrated Quality Education and Employment Competitive Power Based on Fuzzy Theory

  28. 大学生提高自身就业竞争力,确定具体、现实的就业目标。

    College students should enhance their competitiveness in job seeking and set concrete and practical employment objectives .

  29. 政治学与行政学专业提高学生就业竞争力的素质教育对策

    The Education for all-around Development Countermeasure for Improving Student 's Competitive Power in Political Science and Administration

  30. 推行双证书制度提升高职学生就业竞争力双证融通:职教与就业对接的重要举措&以广州民航职业技术学院为例

    Carrying out " double certificates " system to improve the employment competence of students at higher vocational colleges