
  • 网络Employment program;SYEP
  1. 柬埔寨创造就业方案

    Employment Generation Programme for Cambodia

  2. 星期二,美国总统奥巴马为了说服各界支持他提出的价值4470亿美元的就业方案,连续第二天在美国南部的北卡罗来纳和维吉尼亚州巡回讲话。

    President Barack Obama is spending a second day Tuesday campaigning for his $ 447-billion jobs bill in the Southern states of North Carolina and Virginia .

  3. 星期二早些时候,白宫方面宣布说,奥巴马总统将在本星期五签署和韩国、巴拿马、以及哥伦比亚之间的自由贸易协定。上述自由贸易协定是奥巴马总统提出的就业方案内容的一部分。

    Earlier in the day , the White House announced Obama will sign on Friday free-trade agreements with South Korea , Panama and Colombia , which were part of his jobs plan .

  4. 奥巴马是在克林顿全球倡议座谈会上,为他的就业方案辩护。克林顿全球倡议是一项每年一度,为解决世界上许多严重问题的领导人座谈。

    He made the statement arguing on behalf of his jobs bill at the Clinton Global Initiative , or CGI , a yearly leadership forum that tackles many of the world 's most serious problems .

  5. 共和党方面提出了他们自己的一套增加就业的方案。

    Republicans are proposing their own jobs plan .

  6. 比亚吉曾协助草拟一份遭工会和左翼分子强烈反对的就业改革方案。

    Biagi had helped in drafting a labor reform proposal that provoked strong protests from labor unions and the leftists .

  7. 目前,世行还开始了与耐克基金会和利比里亚的合作,以通过岗位培训和就业过渡方案提高女青少年的能力。

    The Bank is also working with Nike Foundation and Liberia to empower adolescent girls through a job training and transition-to-work program .

  8. 我国政府部门一方面积极采取失业救济措施,另一方面积极推行扩大就业的方案,在一定程度上缓解了金融危机给就业带来的压力。

    Government of China on the one hand take measures to unemployment benefits actively , on the other hand promote the expansion of employment programs .

  9. 银行可以在小额贷款、创业(再就业)方案设计、信息咨询服务和监督保证社会保障资金的使用等方面有所作为。

    Bank can play a big role in providing petty loan , designing proposal of employment , and offering consulting service and ensuring social security .

  10. 奥巴马在本月早些时候还提出增税4500亿美元来实行就业刺激方案,并敦促国会尽快通过。

    He has separately urged it to consider $ 450 billion in tax increases on top of this goal to pay for a jobs bill that he unveiled earlier this month .

  11. 高等学校就业工作评估方案的实践研究

    Practice of Project of University Students ' Career Assessment

  12. 东帝汶前战斗员和社区恢复、就业和稳定方案;

    Recovery , employment and Stability Programme for ex combatants and communities in timor-leste ;

  13. 农村就业政策研究方案

    Rural Employment Policy Research Programme

  14. 大幅增加对富人和公司税,不过是第一次,必要的步骤,增加就业机会的方案真正的公共资金。

    Drastically increasing taxes on the wealthy and corporations is but the first , necessary step to increase public funding for a real jobs program .

  15. 这项战略将覆盖十年的时间2012至2022年并将建立在成功模式的基础上,其中包括安全网方案、有条件现金转移方案、以及通过公共工程创造就业岗位的方案。

    Strategy will cover ten years 2012 to2022 and will build on successful models , including safety net programs , conditional cash transfers , and public works job creation .

  16. 世行说,只有四分之一的脆弱国家能够获得财政资源,以通过社会安全网或创造就业岗位的方案减轻金融低迷造成的影响。

    Only a quarter of vulnerable countries will have the financial resources to lessen the impact of the financial downturn with social safety net or job-creation programs , says the Bank .

  17. 刺激私人部门就业的临时性方案通常是一种更好的选择。

    Temporary incentive schemes for private-sector employment are generally a better option .

  18. 妥当设计“就业抵税”方案,基本上可以平息上述两种批评意见。

    Both critiques can be largely satisfied by proper design of a tax credit for new jobs .

  19. 创造就业机会公共工程方案

    Employment-Generating Public Works Programme

  20. 今年早些时候,国会共和党提交了促进就业机会增长的方案,呼吁削减税率,减少政府对商业的限制。

    Republicans in Congress offered their own plans to improve job growth earlier this year . They have called for cutting tax rates and limiting government rules on businesses .

  21. 最后,根据就业现状提出促进就业的方案和对策,实现充分就业,促进和谐社会的构建。

    Finally , according to the situation of employment put forward solutions and countermeasures of promoting employment to realize full employment and promote the building of a harmonious society .

  22. 抽取并合理地保存这些信息,对于进一步分析就业信息,了解就业状况和特点,制定就业方案具有十分重要的意义。

    Extracting and reasonable storing the information is very important for further analyzing employment information , understanding employment situation and making employment plan .