
  • 网络Employment Access;employment permission
  1. 完善职业资格证书制度和就业准入制度。

    Perfecting the system of technical credential and the system of employment .

  2. 国家规定实行就业准入的职业有哪些?

    What does the country stipulate the profession that executes obtain employment admittance has ?

  3. 实施就业准入制度;

    Implementing the admittance of employment ;

  4. 推行职业资格证书制度,完善就业准入制度;

    Pursue the professional qualification certification system , improve and obtain employment the system of entry ;

  5. 构建终身职业能力开发体系,完善法律法规建设,规范就业准入。

    Construct life-long system for professional ability development , optimize legislation construction , and regulate employment admittance .

  6. 高职院校面对就业准入制的思考

    Thoughts on The System of Allowing Labour to Enter the Job in Frant of Higher Vocational Colleges

  7. 职业训练应当与推行就业准入制度和职业资格证书制度相结合。

    Vocational training shall be combined with implement of the system of employment access and system of certification for vocational qualification .

  8. 改革和完善相关制度,包括就业准入制度、户籍制度、市场经济制度和社会保障制度等。

    Reform relevant systems , including the employment enters system , the household register system , the market economy system and the social security system , etc.

  9. 铁路行业就业准入制度目前面临着诸多问题,校企合作是完善铁路行业就业准入制度的有效途径。

    Railway industry employment access system is faced with many problems , and cooperation between university and enterprise is the effective means for improving the system .

  10. 首先,对就业准入制度、职业资格证书制度、职业标准、职业分类、职业资格鉴定等主要概念进行了界定。

    First of all , the system of obtain employment admittance , occupation qualification certificate system , occupation standard , occupation classification occupation qualification , main concept .

  11. 职业教育要走出困境,应着眼于创新管理体制,以市场为中心,严格执行就业准入控制等。

    To solve them , vocational education should have a view to creative administration system , focus on the market and transact strictly the control over employment obtainment , etc.

  12. 实施职业资格证书制度和劳动预备制度,实行就业准入控制并积极推进劳动预备教育,代表了先进生产力的要求和广大人民群众的根本利益。

    It represents the requirement of advanced productive force and the interests of the people to implement occupation credentials regulation and labour preparation system and promote the labour preparation education .

  13. 就业准入制度的即将推行给高职院校带来了机遇与挑战,它对高职院校的建设、对教师提出了新的要求。

    It is chance and challenge for higher vocational college to carry out the system of allowing labour to enter the job which advance a new demand on teachers and higher vocational college .

  14. 应强化对发展职业教育的再认识,完善现代职业教育体系,将中等职业教育的重心放在农村,加大职业培训力度,加快推进就业准入和职业资格证书制度,使其更好地发展。

    We should reinforce our cognition , perfect the modern system of the vocational education , focus the vocational secondary education on rural areas , strengthen vocational training , and introduce work admittance and vocational qualification systems .

  15. 制度性障碍包括就业准入不严、劳动部门和教育部门配合不够、职业资格证书制度不完善。

    Policy obstacles include several aspects , for example , Employment Admittance System is not put into practice , Labor Department and Education Department do not cooperate well , and Vocational Qualification Certification System is not complete .

  16. 同时,在政策和资金扶持、学校及专业结构布局、公共实训基地建设、就业准入制度建立等方面,建议政府要统筹规划,从而为企业、行业的振兴提供合理的人才储备。

    Meanwhile we suggest government to plan as a whole from policy and capital , colleges and specialty structure distribution , public practice base construction and employment entrance system etc to provide reasonable talents for enterprise and industry .

  17. 以期通过教学过程,提高和培养学生在本专业与相关领域中的计算机应用、开发能力,提高其升学或就业的准入与竞争能力。

    The students'ability to utilize and exploit computer is expected to heighten through teaching procedure to help their access to and competence for entering a higher school and obtaining employment .

  18. 第四,制度创新,就是要为就业教育创新提供保障,建立健全就业教育教师准入制度、就业教育工作考核制度和就业教育工作奖惩制度。

    The fourth aspect is the institutional innovation which means providing guarantee for innovation of employment education and establishing and improving teachers ' access system , performance assessment system and the system of reward and punishment in employment education .

  19. 论体育专业大学生就业能力的培养与准备以校企合作推进铁路行业就业准入制度

    On the Physical Education Majors ' Employment Capability Cultivation Promotion of Railway Industry Employment Access System with the Cooperation between University & Enterprise

  20. 非正规就业具有就业领域宽泛、就业方式灵活、就业成本低、就业准入条件低等特点,能有效缓解城镇弱势群体的就业困境。

    Informal employment has many traits : wide field , flexible pattern , low cost and low entering condition , which can relax the employment predicament of vulnerable groups in city .