
jiù yè qí shì
  • employment discrimination;discrimination in employment
  1. 就业歧视是对和谐社会的无情嘲讽。

    Discrimination in employment is the relentless irony of harmonious society .

  2. 我国制度性就业歧视的法理学分析

    Jurisprudence Analysis of Institutional Discrimination in Employment in Our Country

  3. 这篇文章发表后,美国参议院很快投票通过了《反就业歧视法》(EmploymentNon-DiscriminationAct)。这样,在工作中歧视LGBT群体也有可能成为违法行为。

    Shortly after Cook 's op-ed , the Senate voted to approve the Employment Non-Discrimination Act , which would make it illegal to discriminate against LGBT employees in the workplace .

  4. 鼓励企业加入社会责任标准(SA8000)以及加大宣传教育、促进整个社会文明程度的提高等七条举措来应对就业歧视问题。

    Encourage enterprises to join in the system of social duty standard ( SA8000 ), improve civilization of the public , etc. to eliminate employment discrimination .

  5. 据NPR新闻的戴维·威尔纳报道,预计《反就业歧视法案》将在参议院获得通过,但是众议院领导人仍然反对该法案。

    NPR 's David Welna explains passage of employment 's non-discrimination act is now expected in the Senate but the House leaders remain opposed to the bill .

  6. 就业歧视使历史形成的职业分隔现象得以维持和泛化。

    Employment discrimination would perpetuate and generalize the historical occupational segregation .

  7. 论消除农民工就业歧视的国家担当

    On Government 's Responsibility of Eliminating Employment Discrimination against Migrant Workers

  8. 农民工就业歧视的制度排斥及非制度排斥

    Regulation and non-regulation rejections in the employment discriminations against peasant workers

  9. 完善我国反就业歧视法律救济制度的思考

    Study on Improving the Legal System of China 's Anti-employment Discrimination

  10. 政策性就业歧视与农民工权益保护

    Policy of Employment Discrimination and Protection of Farmer Workers ' Rights

  11. 我国高校毕业生市场就业歧视问题的研究

    The Research of Employment Discrimination of Our College Graduate Market

  12. 就业歧视是对就业平等权的侵害。

    Employment discrimination violates the equal employment opportunity of people .

  13. 本文主要对我国的女大学生就业歧视现象进行研究。

    This dissertation focuses on the discrimination to the female university students .

  14. 论根本性违约就业歧视初探

    On Fundamental Breach of Contract Preliminary Discussion on Employment Discrimination

  15. 第一部分:就业歧视的相关基础理论。

    The first part : The basic theory about labor market discrimination .

  16. 香港特别行政区反就业歧视法律制度研究

    Study on Hongkong 's Law System of Anti-discrimination in Employment

  17. 我国的就业歧视现象日益严重。

    The employment discrimination phenomenon in China is becoming serious .

  18. 浅析招聘中的就业歧视与侵犯隐私

    Analysis on the Employment Discrimination against Interviewees in the Recruitment

  19. 湖北省女性就业歧视问题及对策研究

    Research and Countermeasures on Female Employment Discrimination of Hubei Province

  20. 试析现阶段就业歧视问题及解决对策

    Discussion on the Discrimination against the Current Employment and Countermeasures

  21. 第二章、我国女性就业歧视中的问题分析。

    Chapter II of the problems of women in employment discrimination analysis .

  22. 当前大学生就业歧视的经济分析

    Economic Analysis on the Employment Discrimination against College Graduates

  23. 就业歧视是一个全球性的社会现象,我国也不例外。

    Employment discrimination is a global social problem and China is no exception .

  24. 第六部分:中国反就业歧视建议。

    The sixth part : Suggestions about combating labor market discrimination of China .

  25. 浅析就业歧视问题及其解决之道

    A Brief Discussion of Discrimination Employment and Its Resolution

  26. 第四章、健全我国反性别就业歧视的法律法规。

    Chapter IV , improve our anti-sex discrimination in employment laws and regulations .

  27. 浅论我国反就业歧视的法律保障

    On a Brief Discussion of Legislation Protection of Anti-Discrimination Against Employment in China

  28. 我国农民工就业歧视主要是制度型歧视。

    Employment discrimination of Chinese farmer-turned workers is the institutional discrimination . 3 .

  29. 农民工就业歧视问题的法律思考

    Juristic Think Of Discrimination On Employment In Migrant Laborer

  30. 距离上次参议院就《反就业歧视法案》进行投票已经过去了17年。

    It has been 17 years since the Senate last vote on ENDA .