
  • 网络employment;Employment Structure;Employment patterns
  1. 试论加入WTO对中国就业结构的影响

    Tentatively on the Impact of WTO Entry on China 's Employment Structure

  2. 就业结构方面主要分析的是服务业FDI对辽宁省产业结构的影响。

    Employment structure mainly analyze that the effect of service FDI on the industrial structure of Liaoning .

  3. FDI与中国就业结构的演进

    FDI and the evolution of Chinese employment structures

  4. 这种差异均在人均GDP、工业结构、产业结构、就业结构等方面得到了验证。

    Suchfacts could all be learnt from Per Capita GDP , the structure of industry and employment .

  5. 在此基础之上,结合人均GDP和就业结构的数值关系,将我国31个省区划分为4大地域类型。

    Combining with the numeral relation between personal GDP and the employment structure , our 31 provincial areas are divided into four types of region .

  6. 继而结合中国改革开放和加入WTO组织之后的实际经验解释对外贸易对我国的出口产品结构和就业结构的转变。

    This paper considering the practical experience to explain the trade effects on the structure change of product and employment after Reform and Opening up and entering the WTO .

  7. 本文以长江三角洲地区为案例实证检验了FDI促进我国二元就业结构转型的力度。

    This paper takes the Yangzi River delta as a case to verify the strength of FDI 's acceleration for the transformation of Chinese two-oriental employment .

  8. 农业劳动力跨区域转移是我国二元就业结构转型的特有轨迹,本文揭示了FDI区域集中与这一特有轨迹的关系。

    The trans-regional transformation of the agriculture labour force is the peculiar orbit of Chinese two-oriental employment structure . And this paper discloses the relationship between FDI regional centralization and the peculiar orbit .

  9. 研究中国加入WTO以后,经济结构调整所造成的就业结构问题,分析了加入WTO对中国劳动力就业的短期、长期影响。

    This essay focuses on the employment structural problems caused by the adjustment of economical structures with China 's accession to WTO and analyzes both the short-term and long-term impacts on the employment of China 's labor forces .

  10. 环境污染、就业结构、产业结构的指标值与农业TFP增长存在反向变动关系。

    There exists reverse changes in the relationship between the index value of environmental pollution , employment structure , industrial structure and agricultural TFP growth .

  11. 利用统计学、数学方法为分析工具,对建国以来(1952~2004)GDP增长率与就业结构的变迁作了实证考察,找出了经济变量之间的内在联系及其原因,并提出了未来的发展建议。

    Statistics and mathematical methods are used as analysis tools to make empirical survey on China 's GDP growth rate and the change of employment structure during 1952-2004 . The intrinsic relation and its reason between the variables of economy are found and the countermeasures are provided .

  12. 根据人均GDP、产业结构和就业结构与城乡结构来分析,银川市在21世纪初已经处于工业化的中期初始阶段,距实现工业化目标还存在一定的距离。

    Access from the average GDP 、 industrial structure 、 employment structure and city and town structure , YinChuan is on the middle age 's initial of Industrialization in the 21 century 's beginning , but there is a long distance to reach the aim of Industrialization .

  13. 就业结构调整与中国农村劳动力的充分就业

    Employment Structural Adjustment & The Chinese Rural Laborer 's Full Employment

  14. 河南就业结构的现状、问题与演进趋势

    Henan employment structure 's present situation , problem and evolution trend

  15. 国际直接投资的就业结构效应研究&基于东道国视角

    Employment Structure Effect of Foreign Direct Investment : Based on Host-country

  16. 从三次产业就业结构来看,第三产业已成为扩大就业的主要渠道。

    Tertiary industry has become the main channel to enlarge employment .

  17. 北京市产业结构与就业结构变动分析

    The Analysis of the Industrial and Employment Structure Changes in Beijing

  18. 烟台地区在业人口就业结构分析

    Analysis of the Structure of Employment Population in Yantai Region

  19. 就业结构偏差与我国城镇化战略选择

    Deviation of Employment Structure & Strategic Selection of the Development of Town

  20. 中国劳动力就业结构变动评析

    Analyse the Improvement of the Employment Structure of Labor force in China

  21. 产业结构的调整,引发就业结构的重大变化。

    The adjustment of industrial structure spawns great changes in employment structure .

  22. 中国旅游就业结构正在转型。

    The tourism employment structure of China is just transition .

  23. 论外商直接投资对中国就业结构的影响

    On the Influence of FDI on Employment Structure in China

  24. 90年代印度就业结构的变化趋势

    Evolution trend of employment structure of India before the 1990s

  25. 湖南三次产业就业结构分析

    Analysis of Employment Structure of the Tertiary Industry of Hunan

  26. 中国城市就业结构的特征及其演变

    The Characteristics and Transformation of Urban Employment Structure in China

  27. 就业结构发生很大变化。

    The employment structure , too , has changed dramatically .

  28. 第三,就业结构的变化。

    Third , changes have taken place in employment structure .

  29. 贵州省就业结构现状及对策性建议

    Present Structure of Employment in Guizhou Province and Suggested Measures

  30. 安徽省产业结构与就业结构的灰色关联分析

    The Grey Relational Analysis on Industrial Structure and Employment in Anhui Province