
  • 网络EMPLOYMENT SECURITY;Job Security;security of employment
  1. 目前,这种更强的就业保障的目标更难实现。

    This goal of greater job security is harder to reach these days .

  2. 就业保障几乎已不存在。

    Job security is all but gone .

  3. 教育非常重要,它应该像其他职业一样,有高薪酬和良好的工作条件,但是对于表现不佳的人来说没有就业保障。

    Teaching is so important that it should be like other professions , with high pay and good working conditions but few job protections for bottom performers .

  4. 一个补救措施就是结束事实上的终身就业保障机制,比如意大利总理马里奥蒙蒂(MarioMonti)正在努力改革的那种。

    A remedy is to end the virtual lifetime job guarantees such as those that Italian prime minister Mario Monti is working to change .

  5. 重庆农民工就业保障制度研究

    Study on the Employment Security of the Peasant Labors in Chongqing

  6. 作为一个新老师,她没有就业保障。

    Being a new teacher , she has no job protection .

  7. 构建大学生就业保障体系。

    Analysis on the development of college student employment policy .

  8. 中国残疾人就业保障研究

    The Employment Security Research of the Handicapped in China

  9. 在日本,许多大公司的职工都有终身就业保障。

    In Japan many workers for large corporations have a guarantee of lifetime employment .

  10. 中国农民就业保障体系研究

    Study on Chinese Peasant 's Employment Guarantee System

  11. 而社会在给予女大学生就业保障这块的政策并不完善。

    The policy of female students employment security which given by society is not perfect .

  12. 第二章为新疆大学生就业保障制度的现状。

    The chapter two is the actuality of college students ' employment security in Xinjiang .

  13. 中国城镇就业保障问题研究

    Employment Assurance System in China 's Town

  14. 一是提高就业保障。政府应该恢复充分的就业保障。

    One is to improve job security . Government should restore the full employment guarantee .

  15. 从失业保险到就业保障

    From Unemployment Insurance to Employment Security

  16. 目前,救济工作正按照《国家农村就业保障条例》的规定在印度全国开展。

    Relief work is now on offer throughout India through the National Rural Employment Guarantee Act .

  17. 政府在农民工的就业保障方面没有充分发挥主导作用;

    The government has not played a leading role in the peasant labors ' employment security ;

  18. 工会与就业保障

    Trade Union and Employment Guarantee

  19. 第一章为大学生就业保障制度一般理论概况。

    The chapter one is the overview of the general theory of college students ' employment security .

  20. 我国台湾就业保障体系与失业保险制度的演进

    The Gradual Progress of the Employment Security System and the Unemployment Insurance System in Taiwan , China

  21. 第三章为新疆大学生就业保障制度存在问题的成因分析。

    The chapter three is the cause of legal system of college students ' employment security in Xinjiang .

  22. 建立和完善重庆市农民工的就业保障具有重大意义。

    Setting up and improving the employment security of the peasant labors in Chongqing city has great meanings .

  23. 第四章介绍的是对大学生就业保障制度的必要性与可行性分析。

    The fourth chapter is the necessity and feasibility analysis of the college students ' employment security system .

  24. 第三,对从立法、监管、保障等几方面完善女性就业保障的相关建议。

    In third , from the legislative , regulatory , security and other aspects to improve female employment suggestions .

  25. 第五章为完善新疆大学生就业保障制度的建议及思考。

    The chapter five is the improving recommendations and thinking about legal system of college students ' employment security .

  26. 可能的调整包括了放宽就业保障条款,推迟新的医疗信托生效的日期。

    Changes may include relaxing job-security provisions and push back the date on when a new health-care trust becomes active .

  27. 它可以归结为品牌问题、控制或就业保障;问题出在哪里我真的不知道。

    It may come down to branding issues , control , or job security ; we just don 't know .

  28. 他表示,如果愿意的话,我们的国家可以选择减少工作时间,提供更多就业保障。

    He says our countries can choose to work less , or have more job security , if we want .

  29. 要是在高工资与就业保障中选择,我宁可保留工作。

    If it 's a choice between higher pay and job security , I 'd prefer to keep my job .

  30. 各派政治人士一致认为,就业保障很重要——随着时间的推移,就业保障也变得日益稳固,直到20世纪70年代中期。

    Politicians of all stripes agreed that job security was important -- and job security increased over time until the mid-1970s .