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chǐ zi
  • ruler;rule
尺子 [chǐ zi]
  • [ruler] 导引钢笔或铅笔画线条或量尺寸的木尺或金属尺

尺子[chǐ zi]
  1. 用尺子量一下那块布的宽度。

    Use a rule to measure the width of that cloth .

  2. 把尺子弄弯使其能够量箱子。

    Torture a rule to make it fit a case .

  3. 他用尺子猛击我的头部。

    He cracked me on the head with a ruler .

  4. 尺子裂开了,碎成了小片。

    The ruler cracked and splintered into pieces

  5. 这是一把刻有英寸和公分的尺子。

    This is a ruler graduated in both inches and centimetres .

  6. 这把尺子有厘米和英寸两种刻度。

    This ruler has one scale in centimetres and another in inches .

  7. 这把尺子只有厘米刻度。

    This ruler has only one scale in centimetres .

  8. 这把尺子的刻度是用厘米表示的。

    This ruler has a scale in centimetres .

  9. 盒子里有一支钢笔,一把小刀和一把尺子。

    There is a pen , a knife and a ruler in the box .

  10. “比起脚来,我更相信尺子。”他回答道。

    " I trust the ruler more than my feet . " he answered .

  11. 他用尺子量了一下自己的脚,然后把尺寸写在了一张纸上。

    He measured his feet with a ruler and then wrote down his size on a piece of paper .

  12. 使尺子与纸张的中部成一条直线。

    Align the ruler and the middle of the paper .

  13. 尺子是塑料做的。

    This ruler is made of plastic .

  14. 这里给大家推荐两个我最喜欢的小把戏,都是从TimFerriss那里学来的:笔和尺子。

    Here are two of my favorites both by Tim Ferriss * pen trick and fork .

  15. 论文最后指出,纵然有高素质的考评人员和刻度精良的尺子&主要由KPI和岗位绩效指标构成的绩效标准,取得公正客观的考评结果还不是最终目的。

    The author thinks that impartial and objective appraisal results are not the final goal with impartial appraisal persons and advanced performance standards .

  16. 考虑以第三基本形式为尺子,来研究曲面的Gauss象的内蕴性质,正是这篇文章所要解决的问题。

    We want to research the intrinsic properties of Gauss mapping on the surface by means of the third fundamental form . It is the problem that we want to solve in this paper .

  17. 这起轰动事件源起于2013年,当时澳大利亚人马特·科比(MattCorby)在Facebook上传了一张赛百味三明治的照片,图中三明治上方有把尺子,显示三明治长度是11英寸。

    The furore started in 2013 when Australian Matt Corby , uploaded a picture of a Subway sandwich to Facebook with a ruler on top showing the sandwich at 11 inches .

  18. 瞧,露茜的新尺子也是蓝色的。

    Look ! Lucy 's new ruler is blue , too .

  19. 尺子、竹签和一些切割电线的工具

    A ruler , A skewer , And some wire cutters .

  20. 这那把尺子,您可以用它划一条直线。

    This is the ruler you can draw a straight line .

  21. 你在哪儿找到的尺子?&在椅子底下。

    Where did you find the ruler ?─ Under the chair .

  22. 当我做算术时,我会利用敬爱的尺子。

    When I do maths , I use my lovely ruler .

  23. 我的尺子比你的长一点新一些。

    My ruler is a bit longer and newer than yours .

  24. 盒子里有一枝钢笔,两把尺子。

    There is a pen , two rulers in the box .

  25. 在文具盒里有一支钢笔和两把尺子。

    There is a pen and two rulers in the pencil-box .

  26. 书包里有一支钢笔和一把尺子。

    There is a pencil and a rubber in the bag .

  27. 如果是女孩,就加上剪刀和尺子。

    Scissors , and a ruler are added for a girl .

  28. 她走进来,用尺子重重地敲击墙壁。

    She walked in and whacked the walls with a ruler .

  29. 这把尺子旧了。我想要一把新了。

    The ruler is old . I want a new one .

  30. 老师用尺子重打在他的脸部。

    The teacher cracked him across the face with a ruler .