
chǐ mǎ
  • size;measures;footage;yardage
尺码 [chǐ mǎ]
  • [size] 尺寸的长短大小

  • 尺码为7号的帽子

尺码[chǐ mǎ]
  1. 她买了一件尺码稍大的以备缩水。

    She bought a slightly larger size to allow for shrinkage .

  2. 那款夹克没有我穿的尺码。

    They didn 't have the jacket in my size .

  3. 我们有各种款式各种尺码的货品。

    We stock a wide variety of styles and sizes .

  4. 这些帽子分小、中、大三个尺码。

    The hats are made in three sizes : small , medium and large .

  5. 腰围可松可紧适合任何尺码。

    The waist expands to fit all sizes .

  6. 这件夹克正合我的尺码。

    This jacket is just my size .

  7. 这件夹克尺码不对。

    The jacket was the wrong size .

  8. 试试这件,看尺码合适不合适。

    Try this one for size .

  9. 这些螺丝钉是用公制尺码制造的。

    These screws are metric .

  10. 你量一下自己的尺寸,把尺码输进去,电脑就会把式样打印出来。

    You measure yourself , enter measurements and the computer will print out the pattern

  11. 查查你的尺码是否有货。

    Check that your size is in stock

  12. 这尺码差不多。

    This is about the right size .

  13. 先生,我这就给您量量衣服尺码行吗?

    I 'll just measure you up , sir , if I may ?

  14. 在百货公司,女性鞋子专区通常紧挨着女性化妆品专区:当店员寻找合适尺码的鞋子时,无聊的顾客可能会看看有没有她们稍后想试试的化妆品。

    In department stores , the women ’ s shoe section is generally next to the women 's cosmetics section : while the shop assistant is going back to find the right size shoe , bored customers are likely to wander over cosmetics they might want to try later .

  15. 其次,我要了M码,因为它是我通常穿的尺码。

    Second , I asked for Size M because it is the size I usually wear .

  16. 我想我能给你找到合适的尺码。

    I think I can find the right size for you .

  17. 他离家前先用一根稻草量了自己的脚,把它当作尺码。

    Before leaving home , he measured his foot with a piece of straw1 for size .

  18. 可是等他拿着尺码赶回鞋店的时候,店己经关门了。

    But when he rushed back to the shoeshop with the measurement , the shop had closed .

  19. 那个郑国人坚持说:“我宁愿相信尺码,也不相信自己的脚。”

    The man of Zheng insisted : " I would rather trust the measurement than my own feet . "

  20. 他到了城里,走进鞋店,伸手摸口袋,才发现因为急着赶路,把尺码忘在家里了。

    After he arrived at the town and entered a shoeshop , he put his hand into his pocket only to find that in his haste2 he had left the measurement3 at home .

  21. A:昨天逛街看上了一件衣服,店员看了我几眼然后说,对不起,本店没有你可以穿的尺码。

    I went shopping yesterday . When I wanted to buy a dress , the shop assistant looked me up and down , then said : " Sorry , we don 't have your size in the shop . "

  22. 别人又问他:“脚不是长在你自己身上吗?只要用你的脚去试试鞋的大小,不就可以了吗?为什么还要回家去拿尺码呢?”

    Someone else asked him : " Don 't you have your feet on yourself ? You need only to try on shoes with your feet to get the right size . Why did you go back home to fetch the measurement ? "

  23. 没有。我想要尺码是40号的v字领的灰色套衫。

    No. I 'm after a size 40 V-neck pullover in grey .

  24. 模特支持公司ModelAlliance发布声明,表示对Razek关于跨性别和大尺码内衣模特的言论非常失望。

    The Model Alliance , a model 's advocacy group , put out a statement saying it was disappointed by Razek 's comments about trans and plus-size models .

  25. 也许你Maud姑婆不太确定你的尺码。

    Maybe your Aunt Maud wasn 't too sure of the size .

  26. 迪奥(Dior)本来可以仿制,但埃米利奥每种设计都有10个尺码和10种颜色。

    Dior could have repetitions made , but Emilio had 10 sizes and 10 colors of one design .

  27. 二月份,Forever21应众多该品牌粉丝长期以来的心愿,开通了新的Instagram账号来展示大尺码系列服装。

    Back in February , Forever 21 launched a new Instagram account for its plus-size collection , something fans of the brand have wanted for a long time .

  28. 比如,我在听到亨利问Siri的一个问题后才知道有个网站叫名人胸罩尺码(CelebrityBraSizes)。

    For example , thanks to Henry and the question he just asked Siri , I now know that there is a website called Celebrity Bra Sizes .

  29. 有些走廊专门展示金属箔,除此之外什么都没有,还有些走廊里就像有比赛一样的LED灯光展,还有各种尺码的袜子、蓝的黄的荧光粉的塑料圣诞树、金色银色的塑料松果。

    There are corridors lined with nothing but tinsel , streets throbbing with competing LED light shows , stockings of every size , plastic Christmas trees in blue and yellow and fluorescent pink , plastic pine cones in gold and silver .

  30. Gayla·Bentley谈到所有这一切都是关于风格,跟尺码,年龄或者经济地位完全没有关系。

    It 's all about style , not size , age or economic status , said Gayla Bentley .