
zhú tiáo
  • bamboo strip;bamboo stem
  1. 这类家具采用木质材料作为32mm系统竹木复合板式家具板件的结构材料和封边材料,采用竹条作为家具板件的填充围合材料。

    This kind of furniture takes wood for the board structural material and the edge sealing material .

  2. 首先用竹条做一个框。

    A. First , use thin bamboo sticks to make a frame .

  3. 染色竹条分级流水线的自动控制系统

    Automatic control system for grading pipeline of dyeing bamboo sticks

  4. 四处是凹槽纵横的高地和犬牙交错的棱堡;那位老人用竹条编成犬牙交错的图案,制作席子。

    The old man made mats by weaving bamboo slats together into a jigsaw-like pattern .

  5. 软岩巷道锚喷竹条网联合支护技术研究

    Research into the technology of combined supporting of bolting and shotcrete lining with bamboo net in soft rock roadway

  6. 当你在孩童时代,手里玩着一根竹条,在空中嗖嗖地挥舞着它的时候,感觉它就是能量的化身。

    When you played with a bamboo cane as a child , and swished it through the air , it felt like energy incarnate .

  7. 内容如下:(1)竹条表面碱处理后,再分别经过乙酰化处理和硅烷偶联剂处理。

    Following investigations are included in the present study : ( 1 ) The bamboo strips were treated by acetylates and silane coupling after alkali treatment .

  8. 以竹条或木杖打人都叫笞,它是一种惩戒性的轻刑。

    Flogging with a bamboo stick or wooden cane is called " caning ", which is a sort of light crime in the nature of a punishment .

  9. 她心里也许是为我好,但那时依我看来,她那毫不温柔的为母之道就如同用竹条鞭笞一般严厉。

    She may have had my interests at heart , but from my standpoint at the time , her less than tender approach to parenting was the equivalent of bamboo torture treatment .

  10. 放在一个简易的竹条编成的笼子里,笼内还有一卷干草,那是小鸟舒适又温暖的巢。

    I kept them in a simple cage woven with bamboo strips . Inside the cage I put some dry grass to serve as their nest and keep them warm and comfortable .

  11. 竹编文化在中国源远流长,在日常生活中,人们把竹条编成竹席来防暑降温,把竹条编成竹笼用来装鱼。

    The culture of Bamboo Weaving in China has a long history . In daily life , people weave bamboo into mats to prevent heatstroke , and into baskets to hold fish .

  12. 她说,在弟弟遭受竹条殴打时,她跑到附近一名高级警官的住处前用力敲门,门外的警卫告诉她他们无能为力。

    As her brother was being beaten with bamboo canes , Ms. Das says , she pounded on a nearby senior police officer 's bungalow . The guards outside told her they couldn 't help . '

  13. 保康磷矿白竹矿区条带状磷块岩矿石,利用TRI&FLO重介质分选机二次分选,可以分选出高质量的磷精矿和废弃的脉石尾矿,节省了磨矿费用。

    A quality phosphate concentrate and discarded tailings can be obtained for processed banded phosphate ores from Baizhu Deposit Zone of Baokang Mine by two-stage separation of Tri-Flo dense medium separators with less grinding cost .

  14. 竹集成材家具接合方式也可以采用胶接合、榫接合、结构连接件接合、竹销(条)竹钉接合。

    The furniture joints have glue joint , tenon joint , hardware , bamboo pin .