- bamboo forest;bamboo grove;groves of bamboo

[bamboo forest] 竹子林
避哨竹林中。--宋. 文天祥《指南录后序》
The result indicated that , the panda summer stresses the choice coniferous forest , the bamboo grove , the winter likes in the brush , the foliage forest moving .
Laying stress on harnessing soil erosion , to find several best stereoscopic models of the ecological green cover slope farmland by research : economic bamboo grove belt in shore of the reservoir area ;
The panda 's natural habitat is the bamboo forest .
With his hard work and great effort , day by day the young bamboo trees grew into a forest .
Frank : This is one of the reasons . Another main reason is that humans cut down lots of bamboo forests , and pandas don 't have enough food to eat .
In the evening I will peep into the whispering silence of the bamboo forest , where fireflies squander10 their light , and will ask every creature I meet , " Can anybody tell me where the Sleep-stealer lives ? "
Application of GIS Technology for the Rationality of Building Bamboo Forest Roads
Soil available N content showed largest effect on the yields of bamboo shoots and stuff .
Then Visual Basic programming of the proceedings and GS + software were used for analyzing spatial pattern , competition index and age mingling .
The Research of Bamboo Information Extraction Based on SVM Classification and Multi-Source Remote Sensing Data
Studying Diameter Structure Regularity of Phyllostachys pubescens Stand by Way of WeiBull Distribution
Weibull distribution models for the structure of bamboo forests
The spatial variation showed : shrub land dry land afforestation land bamboo groves grass land , which reflects the control effect of soil on soil water .
Study on Estimation of Aboveground Carbon Storage of Moso Bamboo Forest Based on LANDSAT TM Image
Studies on Water Effects of Biological System of Big cluster Bamboo Forest I.Exploitation of rules of earth surface stream in man made forest
Fertilization increased the bamboo production and improved quality significantly . It also reduced the exhaustion of bamboo forest soil fertility . The soil total N and total P content is : fertilization treatment assart treatment contrast treatment .
By surveyed the nutrition of the bamboo shoot , found the content of protein , N , P was fallen with descent of bamboo shoot yield . In addition , applying nitrogen fertilizer properly was good at raising the yield .
Five suggestions for the future development of bamboo industry in Yunnan were proposed . ( 1 ) develop 40 000 hm2 of high yielding bamboo grove ;
Tongzi with an area of 130 000 hm 2 is one of the distribution centers , It has a long history of the bamboo cultivation and utilization .
The optimum soil pH for bamboo ranged from 5.0 to 6.0 . Total N and available N , P , K contents in the soil of bamboo with different yields reach significant level and the growth of bamboo is affected by above nutrient factors significantly .
The distribution of index ( DG ) in four types of communities was as follows : ( from the largest to the smallest ) bamboo , tea forest , mixed needle and broad leaf forests .
The stands with density of 2100 culms / hm2 and proportion of 8 ∶ 2 between bamboo culm and broad-leave trees have the highest capacity of productivity maintenance .
Combined with Walter ecological climatic diagram , the climatic feature , outline of the bamboo resources and growth habit , principal phenology as well as the climatic obstacles to bamboo growth in each of the zones are discussed respectively .
After cultivation for 4 years , the mean diameter at breast height of triennial seedling bamboo forest can reach 2 . 7 cm , and that of mother bamboo cultivated in the same period is 5 . 1 cm .
The characteristics of root system distributing and its intensified values of soil anti-scourability were studied . The results showed that 63 % of root systems existed in the 0 ~ 30 cm soil layer on bamboo plot ;
Except for Moso bamboo stand , soil anti-scourability of soil surface in all forest lands was the highest . And the soil anti-scourability of deep soil was less .
Result shows : organic manure is 60-75 t / hm2 , guest soil is 3 cm annually , deep turning over once a year , and two times weeding can have better economic benefit , and cost is opposite lower .
The main conclusions were as the following : ( 1 ) The non-capillary holding capacity from high to low is shrub forest ( 66.2mm ) > mixed wood > ( 57.52mm ) > broadleaf fores ( t47.99mm ) > bamboo fores ( t46.98mm ) .
Approaching Capital Evaluation Method of Bamboo Forest without Idea Age Structure
There is semi - variance structure in soil nutrient status .