
zhú fá
  • bamboo raft
竹筏 [zhú fá]
  • [bamboo raft] 用粗竹子结扎成的筏子。也叫竹筏子

竹筏[zhú fá]
  1. 阳朔河流竹筏!

    Yangshuo river bamboo raft !

  2. 乘竹筏漂在九曲湾上,是深受游客欢迎的项目。

    Bamboo raft drifting in the Nine Bend River ( lower gorge ) is a popular activity among visitors .

  3. 鸬鹚又下去捉住鱼,再返回竹筏。

    The cormorants swim down and catch the fish , and bring them back the raft .

  4. 就和现在的竹筏一样。

    It 's like what 's happening now with the raft .

  5. 这次我们要做竹筏漂流,而不去远足。

    This time we 'll go rafting instead of hiking .

  6. 他乘着自制的竹筏跨越了大西洋。

    He sailed across the Atlantic in his self - made raft .

  7. 看那边的那些竹筏,上面有人有鸟。

    Look at those bamboo rafts over there with men and big birds .

  8. 高贵的黑天鹅:飘在竹筏上的爱情小屋

    Nobler Black Swan , A " Love Cabin " Floating on Bamboo Balsa

  9. 竹筏浮式消浪结构的试验研究

    The Imitate Experiment and Research of Raft Floating Breakwater

  10. 自己裁的,竹筏,湖水,不喜欢。

    His cutting , bamboo rafting , the lake , don 't like .

  11. 在竹筏上我把我的眼镜弄掉了。

    I lost my damn glasses on the raft .

  12. 我只想要那艘竹筏。

    All I care about is that raft .

  13. 你们要去哪里度假?我们要去竹筏漂流。我们将玩得开心。

    We will go on a raft trip . We 'll have a good time .

  14. 每当有竹筏从这里经过的时候,附近热情的缅甸村民都会递上新鲜的水果。

    Whenever there are bamboo rafts passing by , the nearby Myanmar villagers would offer them fresh fruit .

  15. 朋友,愿你做逆流的小舟,不做顺水的竹筏;

    My dear friend , may you become a boat sailing against the current rather than a craft sailing with current ;

  16. 竹筏在温柔的海浪上起起浮浮,我就躺在里面睡着了。直到今天,我寻找平静时,脑海中仍然会浮现出这个地方。

    Even to this day , this is the place I go to in my mind when I need to find peace .

  17. 登临觉寂塔、太平塔,心旷神怡;乘竹筏皖河漂流,则情趣无穷。

    Board feel lonely tower , tower peaceful , relaxed and happy ; drift river by bamboo raft Anhui , the infinite delight .

  18. 这种动物睡觉时有时手拉手,有时爪牵爪,通常成群结对像竹筏一样漂在水上吃、睡和休息。

    The creatures sometimes hold hands , or paws , when they sleep and typically eat , sleep and rest while floating in groups called rafts .

  19. 一天上午,邓宏友(音)双手紧握着船篙,划着竹筏,载着一对夫妇和他们两岁的女儿沿平静的遇龙河而下。

    With both hands gripping a pole , Deng Hongyou rowed a bamboo raft carrying a couple and their 2-year-old daughter down the quiet Yulong River one morning .

  20. 渔民逮鱼不是用钓竿,而是用训练有素的鸬鹚。鸬鹚潜入水中捉鱼,然后回到竹筏上把鱼交给渔民。

    Instead of rods , they fish with trained cormorants , which dive into the water for fish and return to deliver them to the fisherman on the boat .

  21. 本文的创新点:在武夷山九曲溪竹筏计算机调度系统设计方案中提出了解决当时网络环境下的数据库复制方案。

    The innovation : In the Wuyi Mountain Jiuqu Brook Raft Attemper System 's design , present the database replication to resolve the data synchronization at the environment of the time .

  22. 弯弯河水新奇有趣,别有风情,水牛拉车悠闲漫步或在河中乘凉,渔夫在窄窄竹筏上滑行。

    Each bend of the river reveals something new and interesting to see , from lumbering water buffalo pulling carts or cooling off in the river to fishermen gliding on narrow bamboo rafts .

  23. 在大峡谷北边的科罗拉多河的马蹄湾里划独木舟或竹筏,听起来像是平淡无奇的旅游活动,但这种激流伐舟的体验丝毫不普通。

    Kayaking or rafting the Horseshoe Bend of the Colorado River just north of the Grand Canyon may sound like your run-of-the-mill travel activity , but there is nothing ordinary about this white-water rafting experience .

  24. 在清迈,你会有很多机会徒步走进小山,探索丛林、瀑布,造访当地山地部落,或体验一生一次乘竹筏和骑大象的乐趣。

    There you can find many opportunities to trek into the hills , explore jungles and waterfalls , visit the hill tribes of the area , or experience the once-in-a-lifetime pleasures of bamboo-rafting or elephant-riding .

  25. 1997年的竹筏漂流获得成功,从中国浙江舟山胜利到达韩国仁川,从而证明中国江南与韩国的海上交往应该始于四千年前。

    In 1997 , it was successful to reach Inchon , Korea , from Zhoushan , Zhejiang Province , China . Thus , it Proves definitely that the association between two countries by sea began 4 000 years ago .

  26. 那个沿着密西西比河乘竹筏一路漂流的故事主人公哈克贝利和他的小伙伴吉姆,一个偷跑出来的小黑奴或许是美国文学史上影响最为深远的象征逃亡和自由的形象之一了。

    The drifting journey of Huck and his friend Jim , a runaway slave , down the Mississippi River on their raft may be one of the most enduring images of escape and freedom in all of American literature .

  27. 城区中心很适合游客游玩,游客可以租一辆自行车,向乡下出发,寻一片更静谧的地方:竹筏沿着河流嘎吱作响,渔民带着鸬鹚动身,农民则在田野间辛勤劳作,郁郁葱葱的山峰耸立着。

    Downtown is touristy . Visitors can rent bikes and head to the countryside to find a more calming scene : bamboo boats chugging along the river , fishermen setting out with cormorants , farmers toiling in fields with lush peaks soaring high above .