
  • 网络shielding effectiveness;screening effectiveness
  1. 基于Ulrich半实验方法、LZ等效电抗模型和Kohin等效膜方法,建立了一种新型的高通光率金属网栅屏蔽效率分析的等效折射率模型。

    A novel equivalent refractive index model of high transparency metallic mesh was proposed to calculate its shielding effectiveness accurately .

  2. 高通光率金属网栅屏蔽效率分析的等效折射率模型

    Equivalent refractive index model on shielding effectiveness analysis of high transparency metallic mesh

  3. 结果经铅玻璃防护屏和铅防护服进行双重防护后,其屏蔽效率达到95%,可显著减少X射线的辐射量;

    Results The shielding efficacy was 95 % by the lead glass and plumbic suit double protection , the X ray radiation was reduced markedly .

  4. 金银丝嵌织方法与屏蔽效率的研究

    Study on the wedge method and shielding efficiency of bullion thread

  5. GB/T12270-1990射频同轴连接器电气试验和测试程序屏蔽效率

    Electrical tests and measuring procedures for radio-frequency coaxial connectors-Screening effectiveness

  6. 悬吊式铅玻璃防护屏的屏蔽效率96.26%-98.99%。

    The shielding efficiency of Suspension-Lead-Glass defend screen was 96.26 % - 98.99 % .

  7. 电磁屏蔽效率的测量

    Measure ment for efficiency of electromagnetic shield

  8. 测定了碳纤维/清漆混合涂料及碳纤维预浸带对电磁辐射干扰的屏蔽效率。

    The electromagnetic interference shielding effectiveness of CF / varnish and CF / epoxy prepreg are determinated .

  9. 屏蔽效率变化最大值随入射角变化;优化衬底厚度可在不影响网栅透光能力的同时获得最佳屏蔽效果。

    Optimal shielding effectiveness can be obtained by optimizing substrate thickness without affect on the transparent property .

  10. GB/T9023-1988射频同轴电缆屏蔽效率测量方法(转移阻抗法)

    Methods of measurement of screening efficiency for radio-frequency coaxial cables ( Test method for transfer impedance )

  11. 第三为悬铃木,为72.45%;而国槐、圆柏、毛白杨的屏蔽效率则分别为62.85%,58.00%和57.37%。

    The screening effects of Sophora japonica , Sabina chinensis and Populus tomentosa Carr are 62.85 % , 58.00 % and 57.37 % , respectively .

  12. 研究表明:利用碳毡的孔洞结构和尺寸,辅之以金属镀层,能在较宽的频率范围内对电磁波有良好的屏蔽效率,且不需要很大的填充量。

    The results show that with low loading level the metal coated CFF provides excellent EMS property in a wide frequency range due to its cavity structure and metallic coating .

  13. 为同时提高金属网栅屏蔽效率及红外透过率,要求激光直写线条细且均匀。

    In order to improve the shielding effectiveness and infrared transmittance of metallic mesh , it is required to narrow the width of laser direct writing line and to improve its uniformity .

  14. 该模型结合薄膜理论可精确计算电磁波任意角度入射时高透光率金属网栅的屏蔽效率,分析衬底对屏蔽效率的影响。

    Combining with the classical film theory , the model can be used easily to calculate the mesh shielding effectiveness at various incident angles and further analyze the influence of substrate on the shielding effectiveness .

  15. 屏蔽服屏蔽效率测试方法的研究

    Research of Test Methods for Screening Efficiency of Conductive Clothing

  16. 得出结论,会计业务的流程再造势在必行,他将建立以屏蔽风险、提高效率、增加效益为目标,以更好地满足为客户服务为根本。

    To conclude , accounting business process reform is imperative , he will be established to shield the risk , improve efficiency , efficiency as the goal , to better meet customer service as the fundamental .

  17. 随着科技的发展,新型电磁屏蔽材料的研究向着高屏蔽效率、低密度的方向发展。

    With the development of technology , the research of electromagnetic shielding materials focus on the high shielding efficiency and low density direction .

  18. 随着雷达探测技术和精密光电仪器探测水平的不断进步,光学窗电磁屏蔽的要求越来越严格,既要实现强电磁屏蔽效率,又要保持高透光率并尽可能不影响成像质量。

    With the fast development of radar searching techniques and precise optoelectronic detection techniques , the electromagnetic shielding requirement for optical windows is getting more and more stringent , especially when strong electromagnetic shielding effectiveness , high transmissivity and low effect on imaging quality are required at the same time .

  19. 然而单层方格金属网栅的透光能力和屏蔽能力互相制约,无法同时具备高透光率和强电磁屏蔽效率,且其高级次衍射能量分布集中,降低了成像质量。

    However , a traditional single-layer square mesh exhibits an inherent conflict between good transmissivity and strong electromagnetic shielding . It degrades imaging quality for the concentration of high order diffraction energy .