
  • 网络Radiated Interference;Radiated Emission;Radiation emission;rfi
  1. 液晶显示器辐射干扰对策

    LCD Display Radiated Emission Solution

  2. 802.11b无线局域网抵御辐射干扰能力的分析

    Analysis on capability of 802.11b WLAN in resisting radiated interference

  3. 2021年9月中旬至10月下旬,由于受太阳电磁辐射干扰的影响,器地通信将中断,火星车将停止探测工作,之后任务继续进行。

    The rover will suspend its operations from mid-September to late-October due to the anticipated disruption of its communications with Earth caused by solar electromagnetic radiation , and will then resume its mission .

  4. 实践表明,WLAN在抗辐射干扰方面效果比较好。实践表明,该算法是非常有效的。

    The implemented WLAN has proved to be effective in resisting radiated interferences . In practice , it is effective .

  5. 实验结果验证了LC去耦网络能显著减轻辐射干扰(RFI)。

    The effect of the damped LC decoupling network on reducing the RFI noises is verified by the experiment results .

  6. 本文侧重研究了典型开关电源中的几种EMI形式,即传导干扰(包括差模和共模噪声)和辐射干扰。

    This dissertation examines the different kinds of EMI in typical SMPS , namely conducted ( differential and common mode ) and radiated interferences .

  7. 将测量数据与当前国际电工委员会的IEC61000-4系列电磁兼容标准进行了相关比较,针对基于SVC的电磁辐射干扰提出两项抗扰性试验的具体改进建议。

    The results were correlated to the present EMC standards IEC 61000-4 series , with two recommendations for changes in the immunity tests specifically for SVC-based emissions .

  8. 简要介绍了气体绝缘变电站(GIS)内的电磁兼容问题和一次设备干扰二次设备的两种方式,在此基础上分析讨论了GIS电站内辐射干扰计算模型的组成和建立方法。

    The electromagnetic compatibility issue and the two ways in which primary circuits interfere with secondary circuits in Gas Insulated Substation ( GIS ) are briefly introduced . The modeling and calculation methods of radiant interference in GIS are discussed .

  9. 介绍了英国、德国、美国等国家PLC技术的概况及相关法规,分析了PLC的辐射干扰问题,并提出了实用的PLC传导骚扰测量方法。

    This paper represents the EMC status and its regulations in England , Germany , United States , etc. After a detailed analysis of the EMI problem of the PLC , a practical conducted measurement method of PLC is presented .

  10. 基于多层PCB模型,研究了强信号线对仅存在桩栅栏的邻层的电磁辐射干扰场,分析了多种结构参数对电磁辐射干扰场的影响规律。

    Based on the multilayer PCB , the radiated interference field from a signal line to adjacent layer together with Faraday fence is calculated , and the relationship between the electromagnetic interference field and multiple parameters is researched .

  11. 第三,提出了一种从场的角度预测微机开关电源PCB板电磁辐射干扰的方法,对实际的开关电源进行了辐射EMI测试,其结果与预测结果进行比较。

    Thirdly , a reasonable and effective research method to predict the PC SMPS radiated EMI by using the field analyzing is presented , and the EMC test of the PC SMPS was done for comparing with the result of prediction .

  12. 如果IRCM(红外热辐射干扰系统)不是按照进袭同样的波长,它会有相反的效果:增加飞机的热信号,而不是掩蔽它。

    If the IRCM ( infrared radiation countermeasure ) isn 't on the same wavelength as the incoming , it will have the opposite effect , increasing the aircraft 's heat signature , rather than masking it .

  13. 电磁屏蔽是抑制辐射干扰的一种有效隔离方法。

    Fielding is the most efficient method for restraining conduct disturbance .

  14. 工业电视视频基带传输的辐射干扰与抑制措施

    Radiated Interference to Baseband Video Transmission in Industrial Environment and Countermeasures

  15. 印制线路板上共模电流的辐射干扰预测

    Prediction on Radiation Emission Caused by Common Mode Current in PCBs

  16. 发射机系统内的辐射干扰与抑制措施

    The Radio Frequency Interference and Suppression Measures in the Transmitter System

  17. 信息设备的宽频带辐射干扰;

    The interference of wide frequency Radiate on information equipment ;

  18. 气体绝缘变电站内辐射干扰的建模与计算

    Modeling and calculation of radiant interference in gas insulated substation

  19. 声级计抗电磁场辐射干扰试验研究

    Experimental Research on Anti-Electromagnetic Radiation Interference of Sound Level Meter

  20. 开关电源差模电流辐射干扰的模拟与分析

    Simulation and Analysis on Radiated Emission Interference of Differential Mode Current in SMPS

  21. 应用系统的电磁兼容设计技术来减少电源的传导和辐射干扰;

    Using systematic technology of EMC design to decrease conductive and radiate interference ;

  22. 电磁辐射干扰分为被动模式和主动模式。

    The electromagnetic radiated interference is classified into passive mode and active mode .

  23. 微波炉的辐射干扰特性及采取的抗干扰措施

    Interference Characteristics of Microwave Oven and the Anti-Jamming Measures

  24. 辐射干扰的产生及其抑制技术

    The Generation of Radiation Interference and Its Restraining Technique

  25. 电磁辐射干扰试验的测量不确定度评定

    Evaluation of Uncertainty of Measurement of Electromagnetic Radiation Interference

  26. 着重介绍了环境温度监测系统的组成、辐射干扰问题以及数据分析方法。

    The structure of the system and the problem of radiation interference are described .

  27. GB/T15709-1995交流电气化铁道接触网无线电辐射干扰测量方法

    The measurement method of radiated radio interference from contact system of AC electrified railways

  28. 该开关设备没有干扰开关电弧,因此只产生很低的辐射干扰。

    They switch without interfering switching arc thus they produce only low emitted interference .

  29. 消除强背景辐射干扰的光电探测新方法

    A new method to eliminate the influence of intense background radiation on photoelectric detection

  30. 具有良好的防电磁辐射干扰功能;

    Have good anti-interference function of electromagnetic radiation .