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  • radiation shield
  1. 星载SAR天线有源馈电网络空间辐射屏蔽技术

    Shielding-radiation Technology in Space of Space-borne SAR Active Feed Network

  2. 采用一定组分的材料对X射线进行辐射屏蔽,可以吸收大部分的低能光子,减少X射线对电子系统的辐射损伤。

    Shield material with some certain composition can absorb a large part of low energy photon of X-ray and reduce the radiation effect on electronic component .

  3. 通过比较有、无屏蔽材料封装CMOS器件在电子辐照下电参数的变化,分析了采用抗辐射屏蔽材料封装的CMOS器件受电子辐照的损伤机理。

    This paper compares the change of CMOS parameter whether shielded packages or not , and discuss the damage mechanism of CMOS shielded packages .

  4. MCNP是辐射屏蔽设计优化的基本工具。

    The MCNP procedure is the basic tool to optimize design of radiation barrier .

  5. 这些数据对于研究半导体器件材料Si在宇宙线质子照射下所发生的性能变化以及研究中能加速器的辐射屏蔽等是很有价值的。

    These nuclear data are very valuable for studying the changing of performance on the material Si of semiconductor devices under irradiation of the cosmic ray protons and the reaction cross sections of the material Si for radiation shielding of intermediate energy accelerators .

  6. 20Mev子直线加速器实验室辐射屏蔽防护设计

    A design of radiation shielding and protection for 20me (?) electron Linear Accelerator Laboratory

  7. D-T聚变堆包层的主要功能包括氚增殖、能量转换和辐射屏蔽等,包层中子学设计的主要原则是满足聚变堆的氚自持,一般要求包层氚增殖比TBR>1.1。

    In view of the blanket of deuterium-tritium fusion reactor , the main function includes tritium breeding , energy transfer , and radiation shielding .

  8. 然而,如果辐射屏蔽用不锈钢采用浓缩10B,加之材料中还含有大量Cr、Ni等贵重金属元素,价格高昂的高硼不锈钢将无法得到广泛应用。

    Nevertheless , the high-cost high boron stainless steel is too costly to be applied widely , if concentrated 10B is used in the stainless steel for radiation shielding interiorly , additionally , the materials containing with massive noble metal , such as Cr , Ni and so on .

  9. 地球静止卫星粒子辐射屏蔽和充电设计原则

    Electrostatic charging and radiation shielding design philosophy for geostationary satellite

  10. 回路系统辐射屏蔽的点核积分程序

    A Point Kernel Code for Loop System Radiation Shielding Calculation

  11. 大亚湾地区建筑物辐射屏蔽因子的计算

    Calculation of Shielding Factor of Building to Radiation for Daya Bay Area

  12. 空间电子辐照下半导体器件的抗辐射屏蔽优化

    Optimization of Anti-Radiation Shield on Semiconductor Device under Electron Radiation in Space

  13. 反应堆主回路设备间辐射屏蔽设计方法述评

    Assessment of Reactor Primary Loop Compartments Radiation Shielding Design Method

  14. 辐射屏蔽材料的研究进展

    The Advance in Study on Radiation - proof Shielding Material

  15. 中子是重离子反应辐射屏蔽的主要对象。

    Neutrons are the main shielding object for the heavy ion interaction .

  16. 辐射屏蔽罩一般用于降低辐射误差。

    Radiation shields are commonly used to reduce radiation errors .

  17. 某些外部源致电离辐射屏蔽防护的α值分析

    Analysis of α value for radiation shielding against external sources

  18. 伽玛治疗刀的辐射屏蔽设计计算

    Radiation shielding design calculation of gamma knife for therapy

  19. 医用电子直线加速器室辐射屏蔽防护设计

    Design for the Shielding Protection of Medical Linear Accelerator

  20. 计算了复合材料的辐射屏蔽性能。

    The radiation shielding property of composites for X (γ) radials was calculated .

  21. 核电站反应堆辐射屏蔽程序系统

    The Computer Code System for Reactor Radiation Shielding in Design of Nuclear Power Plant

  22. 电子加速器房扩容技改的辐射屏蔽设计

    Radiation Shielding Re design of An Electron Accelerator Building for Capacity Expansion and Technology Upgrading

  23. 高能射线的屏蔽问题&一种中子辐射屏蔽计算的新方法

    New method on Calculation of neutron shielding

  24. 新型防微波辐射屏蔽材料

    New-type shielding material for microwave radiation protection

  25. 辐射屏蔽衰减量的一种数值解析法

    A Numerical Analysis of Radioactive Shield Attenuation

  26. 空间辐射屏蔽分析的三维模式

    3-D model for space radiation shielding analysis

  27. 一种辐射屏蔽模拟计算的方法

    A Simulant Calculation Method of Radiation Shielding

  28. 仔细考虑了探测装置的辐射屏蔽和探测系统的电磁屏蔽。

    The radiation shielding and the electromagnetic shielding of the detecting device are considered in details .

  29. 辐射屏蔽组合体的可视化研究

    Visual Research for Radioactive Shield Assembly

  30. 介绍激光防护滤光片、激光辐射屏蔽和抗激光损伤的光学薄膜的发展情况。

    The laser protective filters , laser radiation shielding and anti-laser damage optical films are introduced .