- target nucleus

The zeroth-order nuclear potential is taken tobe Woods-Saxon potential . The non-spherical symmetric part V_1 of the nuclear potential induced by the vibration of the target nucleus is considered as a perturbation .
Inelasticity of p-A Interaction and Its Dependence on the Mass of Target
Fission excitation function in interactions of ~ ( 12 ) c ions with various targets
The Intranuclear Cascade and the Target Fragmentation in High Energy hA Collisions
Dependence of interaction cross sections of high energy cosmic ray iron nuclei ( e ≥ 3.6 agev ) on atomic weight of targets
The transverse energy distribution in central rapidity region at both CERN and BNL energy domains are calculated .
The X-ray radiography technique was used to measure ICF targets and record film images of microspheres using contact microradiography . Then the film images were set under the microscope and converted to digital images by a CCD camera .
The analytical formula for deuteron-nucleus microscopic optical potentials is derived using the mass operator method of Green function , and the nucleon density distributions of target nuclei are determined with the semiclassical variation ( SCV ) approach .
The ( dp ) stripping reactions with the target core excitation
On the Target Fragments in High Energy Nucleus - Nucleus Collisions
On the Emission of Target Black Fragments in High Energy Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions
Overweight Effects of Target Deformation on Synthesis of Superheavy Nuclei
The discrimination of target fragments from heavy ions interacting with nuclear emulsion
There is the saturation effect in the process of target thermalization .
The targets are irradiated for about one year .
Independence of multiplicity moments on energy , target mass and rapidity window in nucleus-nucleus collisions
Calculation of Neutron Reactions of Isomer Target
These newly identified neurons are characterized by their divergent projections to two target nuclei via their branched axons .
Such a collective mode is not excited by a projectile with the same mass to change ratio as the target .
A model for describing the target fragmentation in high energy hadron-nucleus collisions on the bases of intranuclear cascade is suggested .
Their influence on the distributions of final state particles , especially on the target mass dependence of these distributions is analysed .
Effects of target deformation on the capture and fusion processes of the 48 Ca + 238 U system are investigated in the framework of extra push model .
The National Ignition Facility in the US , for example , has attempted to achieve hydrogen-deuterium fusion ignition using 192 laser beams focused on a small target .
Some of these neurons receive afferent inputs including somatic and visceral sensory inputs , in turn , from their central targets and from the periphery via dichotomized primary afferents .
The non-statistic fluctuation of target evaporated fragments produced in 12C interactions at 290 A MeV in two-dimensional phase space is investigated by using the T & moment methods in this paper .
The relationship between the height ( or width ) of the distribution and the mass of the incident projectile , as well as the dependence of projectile fragments on target groups , are investigated too .
The in-going of a single nucleon to excite the target nucleons during the mid-state between the non-equilibrium state and equilibrium state is studied in the exciton model to calculate the angular distribution of particles emitted .
On the other and , several neutrons of 11 Be transfer into 208 Pb and interact with 208 Pb to cause the local radius of 208 Pb increase and result in an enhancement of fusion cross section .
In the framework of the participant-spectator model , the interacting system of nucleus-nucleus collisions at relativistic energies is divided into four parts ( sources ): the target spectator , target participant , projectile participant , and projectile spectator .
Equilibrium statistical emissions of complex fragments from quasi - target residues accompanied by non - equilibrium mid - rapidity components were found to dominate in central collisions , while projectile fragmentations were found to dominate in peripheral collision .