
  • 网络barrier function;screen effect;gating-barrier effect
  1. 木浆水刺布与市售白棉布屏障作用对比观察

    Comparison of barrier function to bacteria between wood pulp spunlace and white cotton cloths from market

  2. 内皮细胞除了具有天然屏障作用外,还具有十分活跃的代谢与内分泌功能。

    In addition to its barrier function , endothelial cell importantly contribute to the metabolism and endocrine .

  3. 结论:生物降解材料(PCL/PLA)在引导骨性组织再生中有良好的屏障作用,促进骨缺损的愈合。

    Conclusion : The biodegradable membrane as a barrier can enhance bone regeneration .

  4. 在肿瘤的侵袭和转移过程中,细胞外基质(Extracellularmatrix,ECM)和基底膜(Basementmembrane,BM)起着重要的屏障作用。

    In the precessing of tumor invasion and metastasis , extracellular matrix ( ECM ) and basement membrane ( BM ) are playing an important role of barrier .

  5. 结论胎盘对镉具有明显的屏障作用,环境镉暴露能诱导胎盘组织MT的表达。

    Conclusion Results show that evident barrier is in the placenta to cadmium , and environmental cadmium exposure induces MT expression in placental tissue .

  6. 结论:磷脂在胃粘液层中与粘蛋白等其他成分一起或单独形成结构,阻碍胃腔内H+逆弥散,构成胃粘液屏障作用。

    Conclusion : The phospholipids form the constructure with or without binding the other component such as mucin , and resist the back diffusion of H + from gastric lumina , ie the gastric mucous barrier .

  7. 对荧光涂料激发能源~(147)Pm的生殖毒性进行了研究,观察到胎盘对~(147)Pm进入子体有明显的屏障作用。

    The germ toxicity of exciting energy resource 147Pm of fluorescent paint was studied . It was shown that the placenta was a barrier for 147Pm entering into the fetus .

  8. 多弧离子镀Ti-N镀膜的扩散屏障作用

    Role of multi-arc plated Ti-N film as a diffusion barrier

  9. 结论本研究证实了CGMP可以显著促进小鼠结肠MUC2的表达,通过维系肠粘膜的屏障作用来减缓炎症。

    Conclusion : CGMP could ease colon inflammation by promoting the secretion of MUC2 in colon of mice to enhance the barrier protection of intestine .

  10. RMP-7及其衍生物对脂质体跨血脑屏障作用的影响

    Effect of RMP - 7 and its derivatives on the transportation of liposome into the brain

  11. 结论:孕期咖啡因暴露能通过母体应激和/或增加胎盘11β-HSD-1/11β-HSD-2的表达比,削弱胎盘对母源性GC的屏障作用,引起胎儿母源性GC过暴露。

    Conclusions : Prenatal caffeine exposure could cause maternal stress and / or increase the placental 11 β - HSD-1 / 11 β - HSD-2 expression ratio , impair the placental barrier to maternal GC and finally cause the over exposure of maternal GC to fetus .

  12. 结果表明,层状凹陷地形对平面SH波的散射和单一凹陷地形差别很大,凹陷地形表面松软沉积的存在,即使厚度很薄,也会大大降低凹陷地形本身对入射波的屏障作用;

    It is shown that the wave scattering by a layered canyon is essentially different with that by a simple canyon , and that the existence of the alluvia , even if very thin , can greatly reduce the barrier effect of the canyon .

  13. 就其物理特性、机械性能、体外抑菌实验、细菌屏障作用、透湿性(WVTR)等各项性能进行了研究与评估,认为Schaw敷料柔软,顺应性好,适合于任何部位的创面;

    The physical and mechanical properties , bacteriostatic tests and bacteria barrier and water vapor transmission rate ( WVTR ) of SCHAW were studied .

  14. 结论缺氧时,虽然PAEC在生长数量和生长周期上无明显变化,但生长质量出现了明显的下降,这将影响其功能状态,降低血管屏障作用的发挥。

    Conclusion Growth of the PAEC changed significantly during hypoxia . Although the quantity and the growth cycle of PAEC showed little change , the quality was degraded seriously that its function as a permeability barrier would be affected .

  15. 胰磷脂酶A2对血脑屏障作用的实验研究

    Effect of Phospholipase A_2 on the Blood Brain Barrier of Rats

  16. 脉络丛对铅的屏障作用及其病理形态学观察

    The effect of choroid plexus on sequestering cadmium and its patho-morphological chage

  17. 从喉癌传播的病理学研究探讨喉内屏障作用

    Investigation on Barriers Function in Larynx by Pathological study from Spread of Carcinoma

  18. 不对称双层聚乙醚硫胺膜透析器对透析液中细胞因子诱导物质的屏障作用

    Cytokine - inducing substance retension by a new polyethersulfone membrane dual layer dialyzer

  19. 中央带具有屏障作用,阻止牵张过程中骨缝发生骨性融合。

    Intermediate zone in suture can prevent fusion of bone as a barrier .

  20. 然而皮肤角质层的屏障作用限制了大多数药物在透皮给药中的应用。

    However , the skin barrier limits the development of many drugs in TDDS .

  21. 隔振体系的数值模拟及连续屏障作用下控制点的振动响应

    Numerical simulation of vibration isolation and response of reference point under continuous isolation gouge

  22. 高速路林带对车辆尾气重金属污染的屏障作用

    Effects of Highway Forest Belts on Heavy Metals Pollution from Tail Gas of Vehicles

  23. 营养屏障作用;

    Playing the role of nutritive barrier ;

  24. 砷的地球化学屏障作用初探

    Approach on Effect of Arsenic Geochemical Block

  25. 汽车颗粒物污染的生态影响与公路绿带的屏障作用

    The ecological influence of pollution of automobile particle matter and the screen effect of highway greenbelt

  26. 但是,皮肤角质层的屏障作用阻碍了这一给药方式的有效实施。

    However , the stratum corneum of the skin barrier hinders the effective implementation of this method .

  27. 生态环境综合治理是通过防止土地沙漠化,因地制宜集中连片发挥林、草永久性屏障作用。

    Ecological environment should be harnessed through controlling land desertification and utilizating woodland as permanent nature defence .

  28. 结论DL-PLA/CHI薄膜具有可靠的物理屏障作用,防止硬膜外瘢痕粘连效果良好。

    Conclusion The DL-PLA / CHI membrane is the reliable and effective material to reduce the peridural adhesion .

  29. 免疫系统对于人体的作用就是屏障作用,抵御疾病的屏障作用。

    For the body 's immune system is the role of the barrier , the barrier effect against the disease .

  30. 传统观念认为,硅的抗病机制是其机械或物理屏障作用。

    Traditionally , it is thought that silicon acts as a mechanical or physical barrier in response to fungal attack .